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International News - Audio and Video

"The hardest thing for me in Vietnam wasn't seeing the wounded and dead. It was watching the big transport jets come in, bringing loads of fresh new boys for the war." – Johnny Cash. US House votes to reject Bush's Iraq strategy.
The US House of Representatives has denounced President George W Bush's Iraq troop build-up in a symbolic but politically potent challenge to his unpopular war strategy.

The Democrat-controlled House voted in favour of a resolution opposing Mr Bush's decision to send an additional 21,500 troops to Iraq to bolster security in Baghdad and Anbar province. The final vote was 246 to 182 and more than a dozen Republicans joined the majority Democrats in the House to approve the resolution.

The measure would not force Mr Bush to act, but supporters hope to pressure him to reverse course and start bringing US forces home from the conflict, which has killed more than 3,100 American troops. ....
There's a show on SBS 8.30pm Sunday about “Saving the Twin Towers.”
They were the biggest fires in American history, in the tallest buildings in the world. The fire-fighters who entered the Twin Towers on 11 September 2001 could only guess at what was happening almost 1000 feet above them. On that day, 343 New York firemen entered the buildings without knowing what awaited them, never to come back out alive. This documentary examines a new computer system devised by Jose Torero to monitor temperatures within burning buildings so that fire-fighters can be given warnings at critical points throughout which could alert them to evacuate and save their own lives.

This documentary also examines how fire was responsible for the collapse of the Twin Towers through overheating and melting of insufficient structural pylons, and proposes ways in which skyscrapers could be designed and reinforced in the future to prevent similar collapses happening again. Torero argues that if the lessons of 9/11 aren't learnt from and pre-emptive measures implemented, then the safety of skyscrapers around the world could still be at risk.
:2twocents I have read reports that the fire proofing of the steel skeleton of the structure was substandard, and I recall theories of corrupt building inspectors who accepted seriously substandard mafia controlled contractors. (you will be aware that steel columns and beams are spray protected with thick fibrous material (eg vermiculite) to delay the effects of heat, (and/or boxed in), eg 2 hour rating means must withstand >1000 degC for eg 2 hours etc). And it was well known that this was the case (substandard) well before 9/11. :(

Getting off the topic , but there have been similar exposures of inadequate structural strength and financially rewarding shortcuts (to someone) - in eg , missing reinforcement in some of the concrete domes over nuclear plants to prevent damage from airplanes crashing into them (accidental or otherwise). - and also missing reinforcement in the columns of highway structures in California discovered after EQ collapse
PS I haven't seen the Twin Towers show obviously, - it may or may not investigate this line of enquiry. You never know with docos, - like the one the other day that said it would disclose "all" about JFK's assassination - only to put forward the case that LH Oswald acted alone, - sheesh. insult to the intelligence.
noirua said:
"Leaping stingray stabs Florida man near heart", NBC video and report:
cripes !! - I completely missed this bit of news noirua, wow!! thanks.
“Something like this is really, really extraordinarily rare,” she said. “Even when they are under duress, they don’t usually attack.” Reminds me of poor old Steve. Gee his kid is a bright little number isn't she. ;) good luck to them.
2020hindsight said:
PS I haven't seen the Twin Towers show obviously, - it may or may not investigate this line of enquiry. You never know with docos, - like the one the other day that said it would disclose "all" about JFK's assassination - only to put forward the case that LH Oswald acted alone, - sheesh. insult to the intelligence.

Hi 20/20 et al, this is a link to part of the story:

Video clips:

Filmed on top of the rubble:

Video to remember:
Without being too alarmist I found it interesting the Russians have resumed missions into international air space. Some excerpts and the link.

President Vladimir Putin placed strategic bombers back on long-range patrol for the first time since the Soviet breakup, sending a tough message to the United States on Friday hours after a major Russian military exercise with China.

'I have made a decision to resume regular flights of Russian strategic aviation,' Putin said in nationally televised remarks. 'We proceed from the assumption that our partners will view the resumption of flights of Russia's strategic aviation with understanding.'

Eleven Russian military planes _ including strategic bombers and fighter jets _ carried out maneuvers west of NATO member Norway on Friday, a military official said.

Norway sent F-16 fighter jets to observe and photograph the Russian planes, which rounded the northern tip of Norway and flew south over the Norwegian Sea toward the Faeroe Islands before turning back, said Brig. Gen. Ole Asak, chief of the Norwegian Joint Air Operations Center.

A pair of Russian Tu-95 strategic bombers approached the Pacific Island of Guam _ home to a major U.S. military base _ this month for the first time since the Cold War.

Friday's war games with China near the Urals Mountain city of Chelyabinsk involved some 6,000 troops from both countries, along with soldiers from four ex-Soviet Central Asian nations that are part of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a regional group dominated by Moscow and Beijing.

The former Cold War rivals share a heightening distrust of what they see as the United States' outsized role in global politics, and they have forged a 'strategic partnership' aimed at counterbalancing Washington's policies.

The bold print may be the reason and is understandable.


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Yes ive been keeping an eye on those interesting events lately.

To put it lightly, tensions between Countries that own strategic Nuclear weapons makes me extremely uneasy.


Its all a complex issue but funnily enough its easy to understand Russias and Chinas concerns.

I hope we can all learn to be friends or atleast constructively coexist!