Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

101 Ways to save money

5 August 2004
Here are a few examples of how I save money, call me cheap, call me a tight ****, but I have lived the poverty student life for many years so I have a few tricks up my sleeve to saving money...

Buy full-cream milk and water it down, that way you get twice the amount and its just like skim milk.

Fill in on-line surveys and get paid...I get $10 Coles shopping vouchers almost monthly for answering questions. Another survey site gives me free SMS, in return.

Buy lots of bread, pasta and rice. These foods are cheap, verastile and always fill you up.

When ya catch a flick at the local mega-plex cinema, always jump into the next cinema upon leaving, that way you get to see two films for the price of one.

BUY HOMEBRAND FOOD!!!! (An essential to saving money)

...I will keep adding to this list as there are plenty more examples of how I save money.
Stop_the_clock said:
Here are a few examples of how I save money, call me cheap, call me a tight ****, but I have lived the poverty student life for many years so I have a few tricks up my sleeve to saving money...

Buy full-cream milk and water it down, that way you get twice the amount and its just like skim milk.

Fill in on-line surveys and get paid...I get $10 Coles shopping vouchers almost monthly for answering questions. Another survey site gives me free SMS, in return.

Buy lots of bread, pasta and rice. These foods are cheap, verastile and always fill you up.

When ya catch a flick at the local mega-plex cinema, always jump into the next cinema upon leaving, that way you get to see two films for the price of one.

BUY HOMEBRAND FOOD!!!! (An essential to saving money)

...I will keep adding to this list as there are plenty more examples of how I save money.

So what you espouse is breaking the law and eating food that may constipate you.

I don`t save money. I earn it then use it or invest it. Your thinking is wrong. Saving is the way to the poorhouse. Using your money to make money is the way man!

If you are interested I could steer you in the right direction, but you would have to renounce your communist desires and negative attitudes.
Buy close to used by date foods, such as meat, dairy, breads etc

Only have the basics in life, the more you have, the more you want and the more you need to fill it.
Snake Pliskin said:
So what you espouse is breaking the law and eating food that may constipate you.

I don`t save money. I earn it then use it or invest it. Your thinking is wrong. Saving is the way to the poorhouse. Using your money to make money is the way man!

If you are interested I could steer you in the right direction, but you would have to renounce your communist desires and negative attitudes.

What I save, I invest, sounds logical to me. It takes many years to build wealth and for every dollar I save that dollar will eventually make me a dollar and then some.
Stop_the_clock said:
What I save, I invest, sounds logical to me. It takes many years to build wealth and for every dollar I save that dollar will eventually make me a dollar and then some.

Then why the negativity?
Stop_the_clock said:
Buy close to used by date foods, such as meat, dairy, breads etc

Only have the basics in life, the more you have, the more you want and the more you need to fill it.

I'm sympathetic to anyone trying to live on a small budget. There's simply nothing noble about it. It's miserable.

I really disagree with your comment above, stc "the more you have the more you want and the more you need to fill it". I believe that a certain level of income is necessary to feel relaxed about living the life you want. Then beyond that, more is not necessarily better. i.e. If I were a billionaire (extremely unlikely) I can't see that I would be any happier than I am at present. However, if I were to have to live on, say, a government benefit I think I would be very unhappy indeed.

I've yet to meet the person who found being poor was character building or anything else positive.

Suspect that anyone who suggests otherwise is (quite reasonably) finding justification for their present circumstances. Still, good for you in buying what appears to be value for money. I'd do the same.

The negativity comes from being stuck in this cog called life and finding out that no matter how hard I/we work/save its just not enough.

Its called STATUS ANXIETY! Its a growing worldwide trend.

Why is half the world so damn depressed and negative and on anti-depressants?
Stop_the_clock said:
The negativity comes from being stuck in this cog called life and finding out that no matter how hard I/we work/save its just not enough.

Its called STATUS ANXIETY! Its a growing worldwide trend.

Why is half the world so damn depressed and negative and on anti-depressants?

So it sounds like you need therapy then?

I see it as a younger generation wanting too much too soon without hard work.
I am taking a different route in life and am saving for my future (65+). I live a very simple life, with very little in the way of mod cons.
Hi Stop the Clock,

Which online surveys do you do? I do emailcash daily and have got about $70 with it in just over a year

There's also

As a person on a disability pension I've learnt that every cent counts. Other things that I have found helpful are ...

Make a budget and stick to it.
Learn the difference between "wants" and "needs".
Save at the grocery store by learning how to make your own pasta, sauces, soups etc. Buy fruit and veges when they are cheap and in season.
Only keep the minimum amount in a daily savings account and keep any extra money in a high interest account.

I have a prudent money saving tip we can all learn from..

Instead of wasting money on expensive personalised number plates, why not instead change your name by deed poll to AMC28P.

Why is half the world so damn depressed and negative and on anti-depressants?

First of all, most of the world is happy and not on anti-depressants.

If you believe half the world will be on anti-depressants why not buy shares in the companies that make Zoloft and Prozac?

Maybe you can profit from others misery come happiness ;)
Stop_the_clock said:
BUY HOMEBRAND FOOD!!!! (An essential to saving money)

I'd rather die. :bad:

Besides, Homebrand do not resell the food essentials like Foie Gras, Caviar, Truffles, Lobster or Wagyu.
Julia said:
I really disagree with your comment above, stc "the more you have the more you want and the more you need to fill it". I believe that a certain level of income is necessary to feel relaxed about living the life you want. Then beyond that, more is not necessarily better.

Yes - this thread can be linked to the happiness thread of a week or two ago. Does money make you happy? Does having lots of money make you happy? What you want and what you need are two different things. Once you have enough money to cover your needs - then it comes down to personality.

Once you hit the income necessary to Julia puts it...."feel relaxed about the living the life you want" the rest is just personal preference. For some people this will mean driving a European car, drinking Grange Hermitage and holidaying the Whitsundays - for others it might mean a Commodore, XXXX Gold and holidaying at Redcliffe.

Instead of feeling unfilled with our current lives maybe we need to concentrate more on enriching ourselves without money. Instead of trying madly to get to the top floor penthouse maybe we should stop and have a good look around the floor we are currently on - maybe we will find that Level 18 is pretty damn good. Nice view, lovely neighbours (and a life).

Everyone should have something to aspire to. And I'm not suggesting we just "make do" with what we've got - certainly everyone should be looking for self improvement. But will your life be so much better with a BMW?

In my opinion we often try to fill up the "'empty void" in our lives using money - because it is an easy out. We don't have to confront anything. This is where the "more you have the more you want"' syndrome kicks in. You are trying to find fulfillment in something that won't fill you. Money and the lifestyle it buys will not fix your underlying human emotional needs/issues.


Great post. Thank you. Completely agree.
I'd just add that sometimes it's possible to fill that void Kris is describing by turning our thoughts away from what is missing from our own lives, looking around us, and perhaps contributing something towards what might be missing a lot more from someone else's life. There is immense reward in feeling that you have helped someone else. This has nothing whatever to do with money or status. It just has to do with kindness and the willingness to look outside your own needs.

Stop_the_clock said:
I am taking a different route in life and am saving for my future (65+). I live a very simple life, with very little in the way of mod cons.

Stop,by the time you get to 65 and thats about 33 years away,by your last calculation,you could be dead or even suffer alzhemiar(?) what good is your money then? you wont`t even remember that you have money.I suppose whoever knows your bank details will be very grateful.