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Your Political Compass

Check your screen it might be spot of Vegemite GG
I redid the test and I have about the same as Ghandi.

I would love to see what some of the hardliners get.
I redid the test and I have about the same as Ghandi.

I would love to see what some of the hardliners get.
Where does Ghandi come? I can't see his name on the diagram above.

I've redone it also. I'd question some of the questions. Several of them I was equivocal about and only a few (eg should abortion always be illegal if not to save life of mother) did I have an emphatic view about.

Here's where I came out, rather to my surprise, which underscores the comment above about the questions.

The Political Compass
Economic Left/Right: -1.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

i.e. toward the centre in the lower left quadrant.
I redid the test and I have about the same as Ghandi.

I would love to see what some of the hardliners get.

With the NZ election, I recently redid the test as well. I came out about the same on the libertarian scale, but shifted to the center on the left/right scale.
Check your screen it might be spot of Vegemite GG

lol The spot of vegemite is halfway between ole Nelson Mandela who tolerates the murderous ANC's destruction of his country and the ole Dalai Lama who watches impassively the destruction of his country by the Chinese, so I knew it was vegemite.

At least you are in the bottom half Julia, the people I worry about whether left or right are in the top, e.g. Al Gore and Pinochet.

I wonder where Bob and Julia fit in, they always payed out on the U.S, god what about Garret.
When Obama is here I have never seen a more sickly display of sucking up by all of them.
Doesn't So Cynical and Basilio disprove that hypothesis?

They aren't far left, soft left at best, anyway aren't you left as well in the reality of this chart?

Where are the hard righters? I want to see how you go? I won't name names but you know who you are.

And you don't count Garpel, you came out more left than me! I have always known you are a closet lefty.
Near Angela Merkel,
not sure what it means. To the right of Kevin Rudd anyway.
O.K in line Ghandi but on the centre line. Thought I was more right than that.
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