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Your ideal society

Yes. But perhaps this would change with a change to a liberal government?

I don't believe there are any viable liberal (as distinct from the Australian Liberal Party and distinct from the American interpretation of 'liberal') parties in either Oz or NZ.

NZ ACT was the closest, but they self destructed... unfortunately.

However, I find NZ generally more liberal than Oz... and hence happy to be here for the moment.

So what do you call Canada Wayne? Honestly i wouldn't have a clue now..other than the fact that its quite socialist.

So what do you call Canada Wayne? Honestly i wouldn't have a clue now..other than the fact that its quite socialist.


I can't comment definitively as (apart fro having been born there) have only visited briefly.

But my impression is that it is socially liberal and economically statist (IOW socialist).

I have further thoughts, but probably not well informed enough to be comfortable espousing them.
A society can only be as ideal as the people who inhabit it,
... and their willingness to contribute to it.

So, based on the Laws of Averages, we can never attain an ideal state.
Not that anybody should be surprised by that...

However, those of us capable of making small changes can have an enormous impact;
maybe even start a new trend.
Here is someone that has found the ideal society. Copy of a email received today:

"The new breadwinner in Australia :

Here’s how a doctor explains it:
A woman in her late 20's came to the hospital today with her 8th pregnancy.
She said to me me "My mum told me that I am the breadwinner for the family."
I asked her to explain.
She said that she can make babies and babies get money from the Government for the family.
It goes like this:
The Grandma calls the Department of child services and Centrelink, and states that the unemployed daughter is not capable of caring
for all of her kids. And they agree, then tells her the children will need to go into foster care.
The Grandma then volunteers to be the foster parent, and receives a cheque for $400 per child each month.

Total yearly income:
$72,000 pa and soon to be more when the 8th one is born, tax-free and nobody has to go to work!

In fact, they get more if there is no husband/father/man in the home! The brother does not count.

Not to mention free dental treatment, free housing, free school dinners, free tuition fees at college or Uni, free eye care and glasses,
free prescriptions and various other benefits...

Total value of all benefits combined probably approaching $120,000 per annum.

That's about my salary as a senior consultant with years of experience and surgical skills in a Melbourne teaching hospital.

Indeed, Grandma was correct that her fertile daughter is the "breadwinner" for the family.

This is how the politicians spend our taxes.
When this generous programme was invented in the '60s, the Great Society architects forgot to craft an end date... and now we are
hopelessly overrun with people who vote only for those who will continue to keep them on the dole.....

No wonder our country is broke!

Worse, our Muslim brothers have been paying attention, and by mandating that each Muslim family have eleven children, they will soon
replace the voting bloc above and can be running this country in around 12 years.

Are we alarmed yet, is anybody listening?

Please know I am not racist nor am I against Immigration, I just worry where this uncontrolled sort of immigration is going take this wonderful
country. There must be limits and controls in place or in around 12 years or less we will be going to midday prayers at the local mosque.
That's a simple fact of life my friends. They clearly intend to force that upon us.

Sebastian J. Ciancino - Obstetrician,
Melbourne Vic
Don't forget to pay your taxes!!
There are a lot of “breadwinners” depending on you!

Well? Is anybody listening??
Do we all have to wait for someone to translate this into Australian?
ety ( For them at least.):
Is that true or just another beatup to get everyone angry ?
The latter.
Here is the UK version. Various versions have been circulating on the net for several years.
Fair enough to object to some forms of welfare, but surely it can be done factually and honestly instead of perpetuating rubbish like this.
It's of the same ilk as that silly email that did the rounds for years alleging that asylum seekers received in welfare several times the payment given to age pensioners. All rubbish.

Yeah thanks Julia I thought as much.

I think the truth is probably damning enough without concocted tales.
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