Ill add that once you have got a good foundation in your education of the markets, the next step will be to backtest and live test with fake money extensively. Once this is done, only risk very small amounts of money to get a feel for the market.
In my experience, I didnt try be a hero and trade 10 lots of option contracts, I traded 1 and 2 lots and lost about $3k during my first year. The loss was small because I traded so litte and the fact I traded spreads which had a lot of margin for error. While trading with real money, I still had paper trades running as I am consistently testing strtaegies and portfolio management of options.
HOWEVER, I will add, the $3k loss as a percentage of the
margin required was very LARGE..
Slowly I became more comfortable and consistent with the strategies where it became second nature before I upped my capital.
Patience is the key. I always thought about how much I WOULD have made if I put more money in during my practicing stage, but hindsight shows I would have lost alot more.