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Windows 7 on its way

Read somewhere that Win7 will not make the jump backwards to XP ? Apparently Vista to WIN7 is the only way forward. Need advice on this one Stan101.

Trainspotter I missed this one. Apparently you can not upgrade from XP to Vista as you mentioned.

You can dual boot if you like. Dual booting leaves your XP version in place and also creates an install of Win7 on the same computer. When you start up the PC, you will get a splash screen asking what version of Windows you want to run.

Personally I'd just do a clean install.

I run XP on 2 machines, no problems

On 2 newer machines, Vista is causing terminal slowness

They came pre-installed with Vista Home basic and 1 gig of RAM

After consultations with my computer tech, we are uninstalling Vista and putting XP on them, as opposed to upgrading RAM.

I also use Open Office, although I have found it is not totally compatible with Excel, beats paying thru the nose for Windows products that have problems anyway.

You need a computer nerd in the family these days.

I'm sure things run great with 4G of RAM and a super duper processor, but not everyone wants to replace the entire network every 18 months
After consultations with my computer tech, we are uninstalling Vista and putting XP on them, as opposed to upgrading RAM.
I suggest a new computer tech. What will the tech charge you to reinstall XP and copy over files? 2GB of ram is less than $36. If your tech doesn't kow how to roll back memory intensive features in Vista to make it run visually similar to XP, they are fooling you.

Before the first service pack, there was the odd slow down transfering large file types. Usually though, incorrect, out of date or simply uninstalled motherboard drivers cause the issues. Something your tech should also look at.

I also use Open Office, although I have found it is not totally compatible with Excel, beats paying thru the nose for Windows products that have problems anyway.

What problems are you having with MS Office? OPen Office is a good option for some people. It is Java based so is resource hungry, though. As you mentioned it is not toally compatible. This can cause major issues if you use formulas in Excel. Formatting is also lacking.

I'm sure things run great with 4G of RAM and a super duper processor, but not everyone wants to replace the entire network every 18 months

I mentioned on post 14 of this thread the specs of a crap old PC I have Win 7 running on. It runs like a dream. It hasn't been restarted or turned off for months and has been serving local and network traffic, recording HD TV and the like.

Linux makes more sense every day.


It nearly does. I'm still waiting for a Linux driver for my Brother all in one printer. It's getting more user friendly.

Like everything though, one shoe does not fit all and Linux distributions are no exception.

Dell have started selling PCs with Linux distros as a default. At least they did at one stage Check them out if you need to save a few hundred dollars.

minal slowness

They came pre-installed with Vista Home basic and 1 gig of RAM

I'm sure things run great with 4G of RAM and a super duper processor, but not everyone wants to replace the entire network every 18 months

So u already knew that 1 gig was totally insufficient to run Vista going back to XP is a poor solution...RAM is as cheap as (ram) chips now.

I'm very tempted to go Linux.


Thanks Stan 101 ... will take the advice onboard. I am of the inderstanding that it is possible to go from XP to Vista without too many hassles but never mind, Still running 4 laptops and 2 towers with limited connectivity with 1 trialling WIN7, 4 XPs and 2 Vistas in the background.

Hands down XP is a mile in front though WIN7 is working it's way through the problems. Seems like they have taken most of the code of XP and overlayed WIN7 with a coupla hiccups. Vista is struggling in the background no matter how much power I feed it.

Thanks for that info Stan, are you a pro tech, or just someone that knows?

I am reluctant to delete Vista and go to XP, I was umming and aaring, I might follow yours, (and others), advice and upgrade to 2 gig of RAM instead, as a first option.

re my Tech, he does the work onsite, any hour, which is good, as my Mrs needs her laptop for work, and my son would go mental if he was offline for more than a day..regular PC places take too long. He is also inexpensive, but I dont think he is fully up to speed with Vista and Windows 7...he reckons his clients have heaps of problems with Vista.

The big problem IMO, is the manafacturers and retailers selling a product not fit for the Vista/1G...and probably me for not buying better gear at the time ( 2 years ago)

re Windows Office, I dont like non-backward compatibility and limited licence installation, other than that, they are great, apart from the price..cant beat $0 for Open office. I have Excel from MS 0ffice03.

25 years ago when I did Computer Science at Uni, the real geeks were spending $10k+ for the best new beaut systems back then, and always upgrading, I try and avoid that. ($10k got a new car back then!)

I am getting a new laptop soon though
Keep your existing XP box as is, and do a fresh install of W7 on an all-new, all singing, quad-core DDR3 box.

Which most people do not need :.

25 years ago when I did Computer Science at Uni, the real geeks were spending $10k+ for the best new beaut systems back then, and always upgrading, I try and avoid that. ($10k got a new car back then!)

Few people need to spend even just $1k in parts. For most people, maybe half that amount.
available now for Microsoft subscriber, Oct date is for general availability (in shop and computer manufacture start to ship them)

if you got a few PC subscribe to Microsoft software is the way to go, save you a lot of money..cost $500 or so but you can use any OS, any application basically anything Microsoft release you can going back to a decade like DOS and windows 3.1

but I never pay $500 for subscribe just google for Microsoft technet subscription coupons every now and then they have 40% - 50% off ...minimum you always get 20% - 30% off.

also you can sign up for one year and never sign up again and you can still use all the software and the keys still valid even after the subscription expire

sign up..grab all the software you need, subscribe again in 3 or 4 years

There are hundred piece of software there but I just get what I need..Office..Windows and Viso

Just spoke to my tech whizbang guru Karl "The Dragonslayer" Krezckelci and his advice is to wait for the upgrade pack to be released. "Let everyone else suffer whilst they iron out the bugs." was his exact words. Win7RC was a trial product available until August 20th. Release date is set for October 22nd for the masses.
Your post doesn't make that much sense.
Are you suggesting we should wait for Win-7 SP1?
Your post doesn't make that much sense.
Are you suggesting we should wait for Win-7 SP1?

That is exactly what I am repeating from Karl "The Dragon Slayer" Krezckelci lips. Let everyone else purchase Win7, wait until Microsoft debugs it with a service pack and Viola, rush in and make Bill Gates richer.
I don't think there is any reason to wait for Win7 SP1.
It should be debugged quite well by the time it hits the retail stores, considering it is basically a debugged version Vista.

Win7 is how Vista should have been, and MS has had a lot of time to get it right this time.
I've had Win7 for 2 days now and am very impressed, all the net talk was spot on...its great, i must admit the new Wide Screen (21.5) is helping with the awesome experience as is the new Quad Core PC and 9600GT video card and the eye candy that comes with it.

Win7 on a Wide screen is the new did we ever live without them. :dunno:
Win7 is what Vista should have been.

I've had build 7600 (Win7 Enterprise) installed for 3 weeks without a hitch. Vista has been well and truely exterminated from my PC.

Even my old Cannon BJC-3000 printer came into life today in Win7 with XP drivers from Cannon's website. I thought at best it might be relegated to use with my old P733/Win98 or at worst el-smasho out the back but printer el-smasho day will have to wait a little while longer.

Win7 on a Wide screen is the new did we ever live without them. :dunno:
Having had a Dell 24" widescreen since early 2006 I could not now live with anything less.
1. I am running Vista on my laptop, and performance is ok, if a bit slow. Now if I upgrade to Win 7 will it be faster on the same computer then vista? Does it use less system resources?
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