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Will they catch Malcolm Naden?


25 September 2007
I am very familiar with the S.E Barrington tops region.

I also have some familiarity with the forest region that police are hunting Naden now.

In this area, there is an abundance of pigs, deer, roos, rabbits and trout.

The forest trees and plants have much bush tucker if you know.

This region is incredibly rugged and perfect for avoiding capture imo

The state forests run in a continuous unbroken strip from Barringtons to Coffs, apart from a couple of kilometres where you have to cross Thunderbolts Way.

Ludwig Leichardt, the explorer, spent 3 weeks, in a hollow tree due to bad weather

Naden must have supreme bush skills.

I do not think they will be able to track him, as he can use the river valleys. If he is as well prepared as it seems, he will have had his escape route planned

Also, from talking to some people that live up in the isolated areas around Nowendoc and Nundle, there is an awful lot of "hillbillies" up there, who have no love whatsover for the law.

The local marijuana growers will be really annoyed.

Some of the guys I know that go pig-shooting up there, are serious hardnuts.

With a $250k reward, I think these "bounty-hunters" will be his biggest worry
He reminds me of Jimmy Governor's foray into the bush. When Jimmy was captured he said;

"This f****n bush-ranging is not all its f****n cracked up to be."

A jail cell for Naden would be a luxury compared to the life he is living, but to him freedom is more important.
He'll probably get sick or injured eventually (although he might just end up dying a lonely death rather than being captured).


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I dont know how much publicity this case has got previously outside NSW.

Have followed this closely, as I have a remote property that has been vandalised and thieved...they have no idea what might happen if I ever catch anyone.:chainsaw:

Naden is wanted over the alleged murder and dissaperance of 2 of his female relatives from Dubbo in 2005

They later found he had been living in Dubbo Zoo for 12 months, in the animals lairs, eating their food.

For the last 3 years, it has been well known he has been in the Gloucester district, as his manner of thefts is discreet, with no vandalism.

They say they have 60 specialist police and 2 helicopters.

If he slipped past them into the really thick brush, they will be needing more than that
The hunt continues.

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The hunt continues.

THE hunt for one of Australia''s most wanted fugitive Malcolm Naden is no longer just a police search - it's war.

Looks like Malcolm Nader is NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell's answer to Osama Bin Laden.

Simple response co ordinate with the NPWS to do a controlled burn off in a circular pattern around the area he was last sighted in, smoke him out or burn him alive , Rapist & murderer & unsuccessful cop killer who cares, firebomb the area. Will save the taxpayer in gaol living costs.
. Will save the taxpayer in gaol living costs.

LOL and this isn't going to cost anything doing all that is it? WHatever happened to innocent before proven guilty?

Oh how the media can distort things to make a story
LOL and this isn't going to cost anything doing all that is it? WHatever happened to innocent before proven guilty?

Oh how the media can distort things to make a story

murderer plus murderer of family plus kiddie fiddler they are the facts of the accused, WHY did he run cause he is guilty, wonder how you would feel prawn if it was your daughter. Still if he stuck around plead guilty he would probably be close to parole now, the law is a joke.
they know where he is send in the SAS for a training exercise.

I have no idea about this at all, the first i heard was 2 weeks ago. But as an impartial observer can you please show me the evidence that proves he is a murderer? I'm not saying he is or isn't because i don't know.

So by your theory, if you refuse the police something then you are guilty. If the police rocked up to your place without a warrant asking to search it would you let them? Remember if you dont you're already guilty...

Asio & the police can search my home my computer my financial statements tomorrow if they want all without a warrant. I would let them as i'm not guilty of anything
Plus your innocent man has now tried to kill a copper & failed

"Naden, 38, on the run since 2005, is wanted over the death of two women in Dubbo, the sexual assault of a schoolgirl and, following a failed attempt to catch him last Wednesday, the shooting of a police officer."

Prawn this is the man whose rights your defending, personally set the bush on fire, another scumbag that should not breath
Asio & the police can search my home my computer my financial statements tomorrow if they want all without a warrant. I would let them as i'm not guilty of anything

It's attitudes like that that has turned us into the nanny state in which we now live.

Where do you draw the line of innocent versus perceived innocence? Would you be happy for the police to satellite monitor your car and then send you a bill every time you speed?

Wow my attitude to criminals has turned us into a nanny state, i dont care what anyone does with there money or their life, but criminals including the white collar ones should have sentences increased massively.

Gees prawn, a conspiracy theory in response to the rights of a very dodgy individual, you might be one of these nutters who would invite a rapist & murderer in for a cup of tea, as somehow his innocent until proven guilty rights have some how been infringed.

As i said before prawn, if it was your daughter who was killed???????????

As i said, i do not KNOW he committed these crimes. If you can prove it please provide the evidence and then i will change my opinion. Until I (or the legal system, which admittedly probably isn't as harsh as it should be) know that he committed these cimes he is permitted to the assumption of innocence.

I agree that he seems dodgy and it doesn't look good for him, but i do not know for sure that he has committed the crimes he has been accused of.

Out of interest, as per my previous question, would you let the cops satellite track your speed limit? If you're never guilty of speeding you have nothing to hide right? Or what about search you publicly at a train station? I'm guessing you have never broken a law in your life?

The whole point i'm trying to get at here is that the media have a massive influence on the presumed assumption of evidence. This man hasn't gone to trial yet but i bet >80% of the population already think he is guilty.

And; the 'i have nothing to hide' attitude is erroding our freedoms. IE - terrosism suspects being able to be detained without charge etc etc

Gees prawn you ask me to answer your conspiracy theory you have avoided several questions to promote your agenda its turning into lecture from you rather than debate

1)prawn "but i do not know for sure that he has committed the crimes he has been accused of" why did he disappear, why is he running?????, maybe read some more about it before you get an opinion.
2) satellite tracking of cars, bring it on the worse i ever do is 10-15kms over will stopp the idiots doing 40km over
3) public search at a train station, no worries bring it on, i have nothing to hide, my search would take 2 mins a criminal or terrorist may take longer
4)terrorism suspects i would go further detain them indefinitely, or make changes to the law, religious wackos are different to drug dealers, the police cannot wait for an act to be committed

None of what you have presented will interfere with a law abiding citizen just offer more protection to scumbags who should be removed from the earth as oxygen theives
I have no idea about this at all, the first i heard was 2 weeks ago. But as an impartial observer can you please show me the evidence that proves he is a murderer? I'm not saying he is or isn't because i don't know.
The point is that the Police went to a site where they wanted to apprehend the said fugitive. During this time somebody fired at the Police wounding an Officer. Whether that person is Naden or not is not important now, what is important is that we now have somebody out there who wants to be a cop killer. Cop killers should be hunted down and apprehended at all cost, nobody should get away with that.

So by your theory, if you refuse the police something then you are guilty.
It is no different than a random breath test or a vehicle check. You can pull over and do the test or you can attempt to drive off at high speed with complete disregard to everybody's safety and the law. If the Police say stop you must do so, no ifs no buts, they need to do their job. So back to this guy who shot the cop, they went there to apprehend somebody for questioning, why did he shoot the cop and then run rather than go in for some questioning? That shooter is now a criminal for sure.

what about search you publicly at a train station? I'm guessing you have never broken a law in your life?
I have been searched publicly by customs officers at the airport on my way home, I don't care I got nothing to hide. I think it is a good idea that they do their job to try and stop drug trafficking don't you? Same thing at Random Breath Tests or searching dudes for drugs at train stations, who cares if you nothing to hide?

And; the 'i have nothing to hide' attitude is erroding our freedoms. IE - terrosism suspects being able to be detained without charge etc etc
Mate I don't we do enough about crime here. Australia has some of the most pathetic sentencing laws I have ever seen in my life. The more surveillance, the more arrests and more harsher penalties for the persons that wish to commit crimes the better I say. Even when caught and proven guilty in court criminals get very light sentences, the Australian justice system is a joke.

This fact will be occupying the mind of the police, and their commanders, one would expect.

I'm not sure how you would negate the risk of him shooting you, enough to allow the sort of on the ground searching they need.

The attached maps show what they are up against.

The area I believe they located him is Mares Run just off Thunderbolts Way, to the South East of Nowendoc
16 men,4 teams of 4 dropped at the points of compass coverage to centre of search area, simple,no escape.
private operators would have him in a week. or as i said before use the sas for a training exercise.
Can you bounty hunt in NSW???
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