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Will Craig Thomson finally give us some relief?

Craig Thomson has a vote in the tussle between Rudd and Gillard, but then he may have to face the results of an ongoing NSW Police Investigation.

It is difficult being a Federal member.

It is difficult being a Federal member.

Its difficult if you want to shaft the taxpayer and the union you represent.
All the people ask is that the MP represent them with honesty and integrity.
After all the voter displayed their character to put this fellow into parliament.
So its not difficult at all. Craig just wanted more than he was entitled too.
"What goes around comes around."
Craig Thomson has a vote in the tussle between Rudd and Gillard, but then he may have to face the results of an ongoing NSW Police Investigation.

It is difficult being a Federal member.
I'm hoping your last sentence was tongue in cheek.
The account of this incident which I read today (can't now remember where) also said that Mr Gilleland and his brother have previously been in trouble for counterfeiting currency.
There is a possibility that Mr Thomson may have broken parliamentary rules by failing to declare the assistance in the MPs pecuniary interest register.

From the Daily Telegraph: ALP paid Craig Thomson's Fair Work inquiry legal bills

And this raises some serious questions, imo. It seems just a tad too convenient that the three years of the FWA investigation now means that Thomson can't be charged under Electoral rules - that has to be done within three years- bold is mine:

Full article from the Canberra Times: Thomson charade still going as the players await a final curtain
Mr Thomson and Ms Gillard may delude themselves that they are getting away with manipulating time lines and systems.

What they are failing to take into account is the electorate's utter revulsion at the amorality and hypocrisy displayed by everyone who is party to protecting both Thomson and Slipper.

That includes the two Independents, Oakeshott and Windsor.
From the Courier Mail:
Craig Thomson's $200,000 legal bill paid so Labor could cling to power, NSW Labor party secretary Sam Dastyari claims


From the Australian: Push to sue Craig Thomson for $500k
Thomson wants out but labor has him by the short and curlies. If he quits then those legal bills will fall on his head and labor will make further moves to destroy him. Not much of a choice but to toe the line now. Oakshott and Windsor however are nothing but opportunistic scum doing anything to keep their head above water. They have the choice for doing the right thing, nice one boys.
I am in no doubt that both Craig Thomson and Michael Williamson are criminals and should spend time in jail.

There are, however, two other criminals by the name of Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor. These two are moral criminals and should not go to jail. They should instead hang their heads in shame,for betraying their electorates, for the rest of their lives and not be allowed to participate in any future elections.
After seeing Thomson with Laurie Oakes this morning -
Craig Thomson = Sleazy weasel
This guy is an insult to human intelligence!
You have to have a thick hide to go on national TV and lie through your teeth in the face of report like that.
The very least Labor can do is dis-endorse him for the next election

"It wasn't me" - the dog ate my homework. What rubbish.

He better come up with a very convincing explanation in Parliament, but if he doesn't what can be done ? No one can force him to resign unless he is convicted of a criminal offence.
The very least Labor can do is dis-endorse him for the next election
Labor will be over the moon if they can keep his rotting political corpse upright until the next election, assuming it's not early.
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