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Will Craig Thomson finally give us some relief?

That hit the press at the time.

One interesting bit from the 2009 SMH article above,

The above has been drawn from point 73 of the report above.

He'll be charged. It's only a question of time now.
This is a bit of a surprise, isn't it?
From his lawyer, no.

The well is far from dry.

There's the actual transactions on his union credit card and the mobile calls.

Evidence that cannot be denied.
Slipper is innocent.

Thomson is innocent.

Gawd help us all.
You forgot a few.

Gillard is innocent.

Shorten is innocent.

Labor is innocent.

The Greens are innocent.

People are drowning in the Indian Ocean between Indonesia and Australia.

No god or our current government is helping them.
How much did Labor pay the brothels to keep their mouths shut?

from the AFR a Fairfax journal not known to be kind to anti ALP opinions.

Today's media appearances by Craig Thomson is totally bizzare. He's obviously been told to do it, but by whom and why ?

The only logic that comes to my mind is that Labor itself has given up on the PM's leadership and the advisors are white-anting of her prime-ministership from within.

They are obviously hemorrhaging, apparently today they were paying out on Faulkner for asking them to re assess their
It has all become a quagmire of who owes who and who hasn't paid. Nasty mess at present and one would think it will become nastier.
If Abbott gets in and has a Royal Commission into unions.
That will definitely be made into a movie, it would be classic theatre of a magnitude never seen in Australia.IMO
I'm dreaming right ?
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