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Will Craig Thomson finally give us some relief?

Just the 101 of BS

arrange some hooker stories ( easy if they have a heroin habit)

rely on delay in the justice system


attack the whistleblower...

Kathy Jackson will get an awful kicking imo...thats what I would be doing anyway if I was Labor strategist...I cant believe she can come out clean of all this mess, she has got her snout right in the trough of power the whole time, with the other swine.

go Thommo
Larry Pickering gets into the Unions and Gordon and Slater

We need a Royal Commission into the Unions and their legal cronies.

Julia still has a lot of questions to answer in these sordid affairs.


Apart from having the sort of head you’d never get tired of kicking, AWU boss Paul Howes’ record of protecting workers’ interests is abysmal.

Police can’t act without a complaint and there are no complaints coming from Howes or the HSU East’s Williamson. It is no secret as to why.

When someone like the HSU East’s Kathy Jackson files a complaint, Bill Shorten shuts her down by placing the union in administration. Anyway, Craig Thomson is nothing but a small fish among schools of sharks in an ongoing feeding frenzy.

Howes’ union crony and co-Rudd assassin, Bill Shorten, does nothing either. (Except to plead it's an isolated case.) In fact, he goes to extreme lengths to obfuscate the blatant theft.

Left wing law firms have become union savvy and unions have become Left wing law firm savvy. Paul Howes, makes no effort to recover those stolen members’ funds. I wonder why.

The Gillard Government is a creation of corrupt unions, is stacked with ex-unionists (more than 50 of them) and protected by corrupt union bosses. The people who could bring down this corrupt Government (Craig Thomson, Doug McClelland and Ian Cambridge) have either been dumped or promoted to the union controlled FWA.

Oakeshott and Windsor will not walk the plank for the sake of this nation.

As an official of the ARU I quickly learnt the modus operandi of major unions. It wasn’t pretty then... it’s grotesquely ugly now.

The silence is deafening from the Left wing law firm, Slater & Gordon, as accusations continue to fly from credible sources.

It seems strange that a law firm would not immediately sue or at least take out an injunction against its accusers. Well, here you go boys, I’ll make it easy for you.

• You (Slater & Gordon) have been complicit in fraudulent activities involving AWU officials.

• You aided and abetted union officials in the theft of funds rightfully belonging to AWU members.

• You knew the accounts those stolen funds moved into and out of were fraudulent accounts set up by a certain Julia Eileen Gillard, your Partner.

How’s that? Enough for you yet? Okay, here’s some more:

• You aided and abetted a Bruce Morton Wilson in the dispersal of those stolen funds.

• You represented your client (the AWU) in clear conflict of interest.

• You provided a loan to Bruce Wilson when you knew the loan assisted in the fraud.

• You have done nothing to recover or assist to recover funds misappropriated by your clients, Bruce Wilson and Ralph Blewitt.

• You refuse to release documentation detailing the above.

Is that enough boys, or should I go on? Come on, it's not that hard, surely. Sue me! You’re a law firm aren’t you? You can even give yourself mates’ rates.

There are more than 250,000 people who will see this article via blogs, 10,000 viral emails, Facebook, “The Pickering Post” and its Facebook. God knows how many they will share it with!

I notice you have bumped up your TV advertisements to convince people of your newfound “ethics”. Are you feeling the pinch?

Waste of money I’d say. Oh, unless it’s not yours.

What is it you say, “No Win, No Fee”? Well, you won’t win this one, so you’re home free. You can’t really lose can you?

Oh, yes you bloody can... and you know it!

You are a disgrace and menace to the industrial law you espouse, the people you represent and to the legal profession in general.

Come clean or come get me, you thieving, degenerate shysters!

LARRY PICKERING • 4 days ago
More from Larry Pickering

(Part one)


Julia Gillard’s latest makeover appears insufficient to cover her past.

An embattled Ralph Blewitt’s testimony will be challenged by the might of the PM’s Office but it is all too late. Basic truths are rapidly mushrooming to the surface and Pickering Post’s impeccable sources now appear to know more than even Ralph Blewitt knows.

The Pickering Post will not again ask the Prime Minister for answers. We don’t need to ask now.

We already know the answers and they are not pretty.

WA Premier, Brian Burke, Alan Bond and Laurie Connell all served time. The infamous Wilson/Gillard alliance emerged from the ashes of the WA Inc. scandal.

That Royal Commission did nothing to eradicate the next wave of corrupt union gangsters.

AWU boss, Bruce Morten Wilson was part of that new wave. Julia Eileen Gillard was later to become his pregnant girlfriend and partner in further crime.

Stories abound of a Perth-based Wilson capitalising on the growing WA boom regarding companies other than Thiess Contractors.

Pickering Post has been told, by various sources, of instances of a brash Wilson barging into developers’ boardrooms. The same old union threats to interrupt concrete pours caused ashen-faced board members to reach deep in their pockets.

It appeared extortion monies paid were going to the AWU. They weren’t. Eventually there were, in total, 12 illegal accounts. There was about to become a 13th illegal account and an extortion avalanche.

The story starts in 1992: Thiess Contractors’ WA Manager, Joe Trio was tendering for a lucrative wetlands job south of Perth. Wilson approached his friends in the then Labor Government and promised industrial peace if Thiess won the tender. Joe Trio’s Thiess Contractors won the tender.

There was no industrial unrest for the duration. Wilson now realised his immense political and fiscal power.

Ominously, Joe Trio was married to Bruce Wilson’s sister.

Later, in 1993, sums of money were appearing in a fraudulent account of Wilson’s, the account was disguised as an “AWU Workplace Reform Association” account.

We cannot confirm this, but ex-union sources are emphatic that it was Thiess Manager, Joe Trio, Wilson’s brother-in-law, who told Wilson illicit payments could not be paid directly to him. It was Trio who insisted Wilson set up accounts that would not attract attention.

Enter Julia Gillard, a young and naive, hard Left, lawyer, who naturally gravitated to the notorious Left wing law firm, Slater & Gordon. Peter Gordon of Slater & Gordon appointed Gillard as union envoy to Perth.

He instructed Gillard to hop on a plane and look after the “big boss”, Mr Bruce Wilson. Gillard certainly did that.

That night, at a dinner for union heavies at an exclusive Perth restaurant, Gillard and Wilson were finally left alone. At breakfast the next morning both were celebrating the consummation of what was to become a serious chapter in Australian political history.

Wilson accepted the position of Branch Secretary of the AWU in Melbourne. He resigned from the WA AWU but continued his remuneration from both branches.

Gillard then teamed up with Wilson and agreed to act for him, as Slater & Gordon already acted for the Vic. AWU.


Gillard, needing expert help, requested the assistance of another in-house lawyer, Bernard Murphy, to draw up the Association of Objects for the illegal account. They both worked on drafting the document. Gillard authored and signed the document.

Later, as PM, Gillard appointed Bernard Murphy as a Judge of the Federal Court.

Solicitors hold a copy of following chapters of this story:

Following instalments are ongoing and damaging. They include Shorten and Conroy’s role in the scandal. They include the immense and dastardly power of Gillard’s sacred hero, Bill Ludwig... how Gillard honoured his advice to her: “When you have the numbers, you can do what you like.” Why police investigations into Wilson were shelved. I sit at Bob Kernohan’s bedside in an unnamed Melbourne hospital. How the Left downed daggers with the Unity Right long enough to assassinate Rudd and install Gillard. How Blewitt was shafted by Gillard and Wilson. Why he never received one cent of stolen funds.

The payoffs, the bribes the sackings. Who is behind the repatriation of Blewitt and what he will say. Those in the ALP now plotting Gillard’s demise. It is a gripping saga and we have the full story... a story that will cause a Government to fall.
More from Pickering...

Part 2


Gillard’s old enemies are singing like canaries. They have seen the whites of her eyes and they are moving in for the kill.

Her enemies are former AWU officials and staff. Salivating ex-employees of her fraudster boyfriend, Bruce Wilson. They have a conscience and a clear, corroborated recollection of exactly what went on. They are willing to testify.

Wilson’s tenure as Secretary of the Vic. AWU, while living with Julia Gillard, is pock-marked with secret commissions and union extortion rackets inflicted on developers.

Wilson, at the same time he was living with Gillard, was also in a “close relationship” with another woman, attractive AWU book-keeper Marie Murray. (Ms Murray was a respondent in the successful litigation in the Federal Court to have Wilson and others repay $114,000 to the AWU.) The figure was the amount that Wilson had paid himself and others in false “redundancy entitlements”.

That Court Order was ignored by Wilson and never enforced by senior AWU Officials.

Concurrently, Wilson was in yet another “close relationship”... this time with Julia Gillard’s best friend, AWU Industrial Officer, Robyn McCleod. Gillard, even now, may not be aware of this. AWU staff confirm the tryst.

[At the invitation of Gillard, Ms McCleod, on June 26, 2010, flew to Canberra to join the celebration of Gillard’s ascension to Prime Minister. In April of the same year, Gillard was a witness to Ms McCleod’s marriage.]

A failed Labor candidate for the seat of Mordialloc (despite Gillard being her campaign manager) McCleod was branded a liar when caught out double dealing in South Australia. At the same time she was contracted to the SA Rann Labor Government as Water Security Commissioner. She later admitted to lying about an improper connection with Canberra.

McCleod had previously negotiated the Melbourne Water/Thiess contract for Wilson. The Commonwealth Bank account used for this little extortion racket was already set up as the “AWU Welfare Account”.

This account was a long-standing slush fund union officials used to buy votes in union elections. Bruce Wilson was a signatory to it. It was now to be used for something far more sinister.

Wilson began invoicing and receiving funds from various companies, including Thiess Contractors. Joe Trio, Manager of WA Thiess Contractors and Wilson’s brother-in-law, appeared removed from the Victorian scam. One cheque we can identify was for “services rendered” and amounted to $14,000.00, notated as 390 hours worked.

Services were never rendered nor were hours worked but there were verbal assurances given by Wilson to a range of construction companies that there would be industrial peace if certain sums were paid to the “AWU Welfare” account.

Those sums were paid on the pretext of “services rendered”. The companies enjoyed industrial peace for the duration of those projects.

Wilson’s stolen funds were mixed in with accounts that held union dues. Union dues do not attract tax. They were then withdrawn by Wilson in a tax free bonanza.

Wilson had successfully duplicated his WA extortion racket in Victoria... with the assistance of Gillard and Slater & Gordon.

Gillard had sought ALP pre-selection many times and was unsuccessful, even in marginal seats. Pre-selection committees balked at her shady alliance with Wilson and McCleod, and for good reason.

In Part 3, the story’s serpentine plot winds its way to the Office of Prime Minster. Gillard’s claim that she was unaware of Wilson’s activities will be discounted as rubbish.

Slater & Gordon and Gillard are assisting Wilson in disposing of the WA extorted funds. The ongoing scam has appeared all too easy for too long, now it begins to unravel. Monies are returned to developers in a desperate attempt to cover tracks.

When the proverbial hits the inevitable fan Gillard panics, Wilson does a runner and the hapless Blewitt disappears but not before big name players like Nicola Roxon, Bill Shorten and many others become indelibly embroiled.

The final of many acts is yet to be played out.
LARRY PICKERING • 6 days ago
More from Larry Pickering...

Part III


It was a warm Sunday morning in Fitzroy in late 1992.

Bill Shorten and his lover Nicola Roxon had struggled out of bed late and were heading up Brunswick Street for breakfast when Bill noticed a couple they knew having coffee opposite.

They waved, crossed the road, and sat down with Julia Gillard and Bruce Wilson. The conversation concerned no more than the weather but Julia was overtly gesticulating with her left hand. It bore a sizable stone in a white gold ring. “You guys are engaged!” exclaimed Bill. Julia blushed. Nicola looked askance at Bruce.

Julia was excited, in love, and it showed. But Nicola was aware that Bruce was bedding a number of other women, and it showed too, as she lowered her head and glared at Wilson. Wilson was known in AWU circles as “Wilson the Rooter”.

To understand Julia Gillard we must first visit her history.

It was impeccably Left. During her time at the University of Melbourne from 1982 to 1991 she was an active member of, and helped incorporate, the “Socialist Forum” (later to become the Fabian Society) an unabashed Communist organisation backed by none other than the infamous Bill Hartley and well-known Communist activists, Mark and Bernie Taft.

The “Forum’s” main role was to apply pressure within the ALP to adopt radical Communist policies.

Gillard’s commitment to the cause had led her to convince her parents, who were avid Dustan supporters, to join the South Australian Communist Party.

Gillard claims she does not recall her advocacy for redistribution of income and many other Communist aims although she was Public Officer, Secretary, and legal adviser on the drafting of the “Socialist Forum’s” Constitution.

Her compatriot, Phil Hind, regularly visited the former Soviet Union and returned to zealously promote the radical “reforms” of the Kremlin.

Gillard openly experimented sexually with other women but her main calling was to men.

She left The University of Melbourne to join the Left wing Law firm Slater & Gordon. A firm she was later to be sacked from for “indiscretions”.

Bruce Wilson was a well-practised AWU thug who extorted major developers. AWU members’ dues also found their way to his own private piggy bank.

Wilson now needed Gillard. She was the perfect target and he had carefully cultivated her for reasons other than his regular hormonal flushes.

The $17,000 of union funds he had spent at Town Mode Fashions wasn’t solely for the benefit of Gillard.

Wilson needed an industrial lawyer who would turn a blind eye and feign innocence when setting up fraudulent AWU accounts.

He also needed a fall guy called Ralph Blewitt. Gillard was later to draw up a Power of Attorney so as Wilson could act for Blewitt. Blewitt trusted him. He should not have.

Ralph Blewitt sent me this only this morning:

G'day Larry.

So we must fly a rebel flag,

As others did before us,

And we must sing a rebel song

And join in rebel chorus.

We'll make the tyrants feel the sting

O' those that they would throttle;

They needn't say the fault is ours

If blood should stain the wattle!"

Henry Lawson.

Regards Ralph.

Gillard’s current claims of “young and naive” do not apply to her complicity in widespread fraud. Those claims apply solely to Wilson’s false declarations of love for her.

As partner in the law firm it would be stupid as Prime Minister to suggest she was “young and naive” when she was clearly instrumental in the blatant fraud. She has not denied her complicity but claims she didn’t know what it was for. Mmmm, ok.

But Julia should not feel lonely. Wilson defecated on everyone he met.

Slater & Gordon aided and abetted the fraud. The AWU sacked the law firm and turned to the other infamous Left wing Law firm, Maurice Blackburn, where Bill Shorten and Nicola Roxon were resident.

It is Slater & Gordon’s ex- and current employees who are now daily leaking devastating information on the activities of this listed law firm. The ASX and ASIC will no doubt be taking an interest.

In Part IV, the AWU divides into two camps: Kernohan and Cambridge want the fraud exposed. Shorten wants it covered up. Shorten wins, for now. And we find out where Paul Howes sits and if his “zero tolerance for union corruption” is mere bluster in the pursuit of self preservation. Regardless, with what is about to be exposed, Gillard’s tenure can now be measured in weeks.
LARRY PICKERING • 4 days ago
More from Larry Pickering...

Part IV


Julia Gillard was in tears when she called Bruce Wilson to tell him she had been sacked from Slater & Gordon.

The $17,000.00 spent at Town Mode Fashions had nothing to do with fashion. Town Mode Fashions was owned by a Greek builder. The very same builder who was performing the renovations! Yet another amateurish attempt by Bonny and Clyde to hide the source and terminus of the stolen funds.

When the Town Mode Fashions money ran out the Greek renovator innocently sent the invoices to the AWU head office. Union bosses demanded to know what the hell was going on. It didn’t take them long to link Slater & Gordon to the scam.

One phone call and the game was up for Gillard and Wilson.

Slater & Gordon’s Peter Gordon suggested Gillard resign but made it very clear she was going, one way or the other. He was not so concerned at what she had done but he needed to immediately distance the already tainted Slater & Gordon from yet another looming scandal.

The AWU was a major client of Slater & Gordon and it was clear that Gillard and another in-house lawyer and Partner, Bernard Murphy, had facilitated the theft of AWU funds. Murphy soon thereafter relocated to work for the other Left wing law firm, Maurice Blackburn.

Gillard later, as Prime Minister, was to reward Murphy’s assistance in the fraud with an appointment to Judge of the Federal Court. He remains there.

Wilson was worried. He suggested to Julia they get away for a while to regroup at their regular haunt, The Grand Hotel in Healesville. They spent a week there hatching a plan to credibly deny the fraud. But those denials were to become anything but credible.

Wilson used either the Healesville Hotel or the Grand Promenade at Lorne for his regular dirty weekends. Unknown to Julia the weekends often excluded her.

Ex-friends describe Wilson’s regular weekend rant that AWU Supremo, “Big Bill” Ludwig was grooming him for ALP leadership.

After they returned from Healesville, Gillard remained unemployed for six months. She never again worked in law. Wilson scarpered back to Perth to his waiting wife and two boys.

“Big Bill” Ludwig ruled Canberra with an iron fist from Queensland and no-one, including ALP Prime Ministers, dared fart without his permission. Except Kevin Rudd.

His initial disdain for Gillard waned in the wake of his hatred for the factionless Rudd and he later endorsed her Prime Ministership.

It was now clear that possibly millions in union funds had been stolen. Ludwig flew into a blind rage. He and AWU boss Ian Cambridge immediately called in the cops, sacked Slater & Gordon and called for a Royal Commission.

Police investigations were proceeding well until they unexpectedly requested AWU files.

Kernohan’s protégé Bill Shorten insisted the investigation be closed down. “Public exposure to AWU files will mean we are all stuffed”, he declared. “Bill Ludwig will be finished!” Shorten and others knew that Ludwig himself had had his fingers in the till for years.

Union corruption was rife. The millions rorted from HSU (East) and AWU members were just the tip of the iceberg.

Discovery was only ever accidental.

Shorten was later to become National Secretary of the AWU and an expert in closing down police enquiries into unions. The police in this case were unable to continue without further information and they weren’t getting it from union bosses.

Enter Paul (Piggy) Howes, current AWU National Secretary. “This is an isolated case”, he says. “We have zero tolerance for union corruption.” Ok Piggy, you have blatantly lied before. Let’s see if you are lying again now.

Hand over the files. Your “zero tolerance” will assist in recovering your members’ stolen funds... but it will destroy your friends and devastate your union. Your call, Piggy.

What’s it to be? Show us who you really act for, you bloated bastard?

Part V discloses Slater & Gordon’s conflict of interest and the report being prepared for the Law Institute. How the AWU is still refusing to make any attempt to chase their members’ stolen funds despite a Court Order that monies be returned.

The young and naive Julia knew of Wilson’s marriage to a Swiss Italian girl in Perth and his two boys. Had Wilson promised to divorce his wife for Julia? Why Wilson finishes up broke and friendless.
LARRY PICKERING • 2 days ago
Well Dutchie thanks for regaling us at length with Larry Pickerings lurid, make believe stories. I'm just waiting for his revealtions of the pedophiles, scam artists and other myriad ratbags infesting the Labour Party..

While your at it while not Google Larry Picketing scammer and see just how corrupt your source is Dutchie ? Larry has got proven, demonstrated form as a serial liar and scammer. Do you expect us to take this dribble seriously ?

Larry Pickering The Scammer: Larrys Latest Scam Company Name!
14 May 2006 – Larry Pickering The Scammer. Info on Larry pickerings latest scams. Australia, QLD, Surfers Paradise - and beyond!
4 Jun 2010 – Ok everyone this is to let everyone know that OZRIPOFF is being run by Larry Pickering and Wayne Evans and we have just had confirmation of ...

Larry Pickering and CSI Arbitrage's Day of Judgement
16 Oct 2011 – CSI Arbitrage was surely the most successful Scam Pickering ever ran ... It was if Larry was permanently beyond the reach of civil complaints ...

This information is too detailed and intimate to be anything but made up. How would, for instance, anyone know what state Shorten and Roxen were in when they got out of bed?
Basilio - regardless of Pickering's own past, only time will tell if these writings are somewhere near the truth. It's not only Pickering. Milne and Smith both lost their jobs over this story. Some of this is apparently in the Hansard.

Than Kangaroo Court of Australia has articles on this same story:
Bagman Ralph Blewitt wants to reveal all in the Bruce Wilson – Julia Gillard AWU fraud scandal.

What is true and what isn't remains to be seen.

Edit: And a series of videos can be found here on the same issue - scroll down the page to find the relevant videos:
This information is too detailed and intimate to be anything but made up. How would, for instance, anyone know what state Shorten and Roxen were in when they got out of bed?
+1. Or what Wilson and Gillard discussed when they were away on holiday.
More from Larry Pickering...

Part V


Julia wandered aimlessly around her Abbottsford home. She had been unemployed for almost six months since she was sacked from Slater & Gordon. Her money had run out and her boyfriend, Bruce Wilson, had run off. Those lost six months were to mysteriously disappear from her CV.

If only things could have been different. She now knew she could never practise law again and anyway her Practising Certificate was soon to expire.

Julia had put her neck on the line for that bastard Wilson. He had promised her the world and she got peanuts from their clever scam. He was safe back in Perth with his wife, Francine, and the boys. She was left alone and with nothing.

The truth was Julia had knowingly help set up the infrastructure for Wilson’s money laundering. With the help of another Slater & Gordon Partner, Bernard Murphy, she had drawn up the documents that allowed Wilson to open a fraudulent account through which the extorted funds were to be laundered.

She had set up a Power of Attorney for Wilson to act on behalf of his friend Ralph Blewitt in laundering the funds. Wilson and she were living in the Kerr Street home bought with the stolen funds including a mortgage arranged in the name of Slater & Gordon’s Senior Partner, Jonathon Rothfield.

“Fall guy” Blewitt was blissfully unaware of the mortgage.

When the Kerr Street home was sold the money vanished. Blewitt, the oblivious owner, did not see a cent.

Meanwhile, back in Perth, Wilson was living the life of Riley. He had bought a restaurant called “Rumbrellas” and had spent $330,000 on renovations. Unfortunately, although Wilson was a dab hand at stealing, his business acumen was appalling. “Rumbrellas” was soon in liquidation. Wilson was broke.

He asked his offsider Ralph Blewitt for a $20,000 loan. Blewitt refused. Wilson suggested to Blewitt that one phone call to Big Bill Ludwig and Blewitt would never work again. That wasn’t true of course but Blewitt loaned him the money anyway. The loan was never repaid.

Back at Abbottsford, Julia called a friend, Carol Pyke, who had ALP connections in Victoria and asked her if she would move in to help defray the costs. She did and Julia eventually sold her half of the Abbottsford property.

Despite her known involvement in the extortion/money laundering affair, Julia was still determined to enter Parliament. But each time she sought pre-selection she was thwarted by her own Party. Centre Unity faction members of the ALP insisted Julia Gillard, of the Socialist Left faction, was an unsuitable candidate because of the known scandal.

[Many years later, power broker, Mark Abib, was to negotiate Gillard swapping factions to allow her to become Prime Minister... and without reference to Caucus.]

The focus is now back on Slater & Gordon. Although a listed company they still refuse to come clean on what went on. Why was their client, the AWU, not alerted to the false accounts? Why was the AWU not told of the funds, the laundering, the house, the conveyancing, the mortgage, the profit from the sale of the house?

They refuse to release the conveyancing details of the Kerr Street property claiming privilege. Yet there is no privilege associated with conveyancing.

It was rightfully AWU members’ money. It was Slater & Gordon’s Partners Gillard and Murphy and senior Partner Rothfield who set the whole thing up!

Convicted Partners of Keddies Law firm, owned by Slater & Gordon, have outwitted creditors of millions, according to a report in tomorrow’s Sydney Morning Herald.

Disclosure of Freedom of Information documents is being thwarted by the Victorian Police. “Too busy”, they say.

They have sat on the application for two months and say it may be another two months. Regulations demand a period of no longer than 30 days.

In the meantime “Pickering Post” is being constantly attacked by hackers using DDoS.

They may silence us for a while but the truth will out.

Much more to come.
LARRY PICKERING • 13 hours ago
What I can't understand is that with all the misappropriated money taken from the Union funds non of the Unions make any effort to get the money back.

They sure do let their members down. (Why would you pay fees?)

There are a lot of coverups (which may include Gillard).

I think it is because only the tip of the iceberg has been disclosed and that there may also be rorts with the Super Funds.
Surely this is a very bad move by the unions. There is a huge amount of sympathy for Kathy Jackson amonsgt the general public in all this.
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