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Will Craig Thomson finally give us some relief?

A criminal is someone convicted in a court of law.

Thomson hasn't been, yet.

lol Rumpole, Mr Burns could have put it this way:

"Nope not the same, now if Abbott was shielding an MP with similar allegations as Thomson, your comparison might be valid but he isnt."
Hmmm... how will you try to skirt around that one...
Actually did we not witness Bill Kelty sum it all up last week, when he said the opposition was doing its job.
I thought he spoke well!
+1. Refreshing to hear some objectivity from a Labor heavyweight.

In that case, you can't blame Labor for doing whatever it can to stay in government

What? This in response to Mr Kelty's remarks and joea's comment? Did you actually listen to Mr Kelty's remarks? If you had, you wouldn't be making such a silly comment as above.
+1. Refreshing to hear some objectivity from a Labor heavyweight.

What? This in response to Mr Kelty's remarks and joea's comment? Did you actually listen to Mr Kelty's remarks? If you had, you wouldn't be making such a silly comment as above.

As I heard it Kelty said "you can't blame the opposition for trying to beat you" . That's fair enough.

The converse of that is "you can't blame the government for trying not to be beaten" . If someone in the Liberal party have the same objectivity as Kelty they would use the same arguments as he did.

That's not a silly statement, it's political reality whether you like it or not. It's a pity some people don't have the objectivity to see the other side of the argument.
I pose this to you good folks: Do the people at the top of political parties these days really have an opinion about whats good for the country that they are willing to commit to? Do they really think about whats best for our country and our way of life? Are the majority values more important than marginal polling seats?

If for example labour comes up with a good bit of policy, do the opposition ever sit back and go hoorah! nice job?

Or if the opposition come up with a good idea, do the government ever say, yes, top suggestion, we will adopt that?

NO NEVER! its a grubby game, politics in this country, where individual or party ambition has trumped whats best for the country. As much as we would like to believe otherwise, politics is about the people in power, not about the people who put them there,

I am a young voter and probably more of a cynic than I should be, but I think my views are sometimes representative of my demographic.
I think, regardless of what they say around election time, buried well down the list of real priorities of MP's of both parties, is the betterment of the country as a whole. Far beneath their priority of self election.

Off topic rant I know and I apologize for the cyncicism, but the whole political landscape and the vacuum of a legitimate vision for the future of my country, from either side, really concerns me.
Off topic rant I know and I apologize for the cyncicism, but the whole political landscape and the vacuum of a legitimate vision for the future of my country, from either side, really concerns me.

Actually, behind the muckraking of both sides of the fence, most of the legislation that goes before the Parliament is agreed by both sides plus the independents, the media usually only report the differences not the agreements.

The things that don't get agreements though are the "marquee" legislations, like the mining tax, carbon tax and pokie reforms. It usually comes down to a matter of ideology, not the good of the country that controls whether the opposition supports or opposes these reforms.
Off topic rant I know and I apologize for the cyncicism, but the whole political landscape and the vacuum of a legitimate vision for the future of my country, from either side, really concerns me.

The political landscape, is the one provided for you by the media. Is that not correct.?
One political point you should be concerned about is how the Craig Thompson affair is being handled by a minority government.
The legitimate vision for our country MUST be based on integrity and the Australian constitution.
The problem can be resolved by an election. The current government is in power because of false promises. That is the "one and only problem".

One now has to accept that the Australian voter had got it wrong. So it is the Australian voter who must be given the opportunity to correct it.

At the next election the voter has to simply put the country first, and not the articles from the media.
At the next election the voter has to simply put the country first, and not the articles from the media.

Unless there's something extraordinary happening such as Gillard being obviously unworthy, the media dictate public opinion, they have such control through TV and print that they can actually determine the result of an election...therefore..... politicians play to the media more than us, a particularly and embarrassingly obvious example is Gillard with slow talking dumbed down clichés and spin.

Virtually every politician I've ever seen talks spin, I wouldn't single out any individual.

As to the media, they certainly can influence public opinion, by editorials or by turning the loudspeaker up or down whenever they like, and choosing who they want to interview or not. Sometimes though, if it's clear that the public is not towing the line by supporting the media's chosen side, they then switch sides and pretend they won the election for the winners. A complete lack of scruples by certain media organisations.
Virtually every politician I've ever seen talks spin, I wouldn't single out any individual.

Oh I would, Gillard is the worst example I've ever seen, she talks down to the public, talks down, she has no idea, as they say she just doesnt get it, or if she does she has absolutely no respect for the people she represents, broken promises and no appologies.

Why do you think she's so universally hated ? and don't kid yourself she is.

Gillard obviously fills you with revulsion, Abbott does the same to me. Saying one thing on TV , then saying we shouldn't believe what he says on TV, but only his carefully considered viewpoints put in writing. Do me a favour.
Gillard obviously fills you with revulsion, Abbott does the same to me. Saying one thing on TV , then saying we shouldn't believe what he says on TV, but only his carefully considered viewpoints put in writing. Do me a favour.

It's no contest Rumpy, Gillard has not only lied through her teeth she has now corrupted the integrity of the Parliamant and the office of PM by shielding a man who has serious moral and corruption FINDINGS against him to protect her own hated regime.
She bypasses the chance to do the right thing, a concept unknown to her, to protect Thompson, a sleeze and everyone knows it.
She has damaged all that we hold good and is unworthy not only to be PM but to be an MP, words you might recall.
Disagree. The government has shown time and again they are quite willing to set aside their ideology, and not for the good of the country, but to stay in power.
Disagree. The government has shown time and again they are quite willing to set aside their ideology, and not for the good of the country, but to stay in power.

Examples ? Please separate political motives from ideology.
If for example labour comes up with a good bit of policy, do the opposition ever sit back and go hoorah! nice job?

Or if the opposition come up with a good idea, do the government ever say, yes, top suggestion, we will adopt that?

I have chosen to answer this very good post with more than one answer.
My question to you is, If you are employed by another person or a company, has your immediate supervisor or your boss ever said, "You are doing a good job"?

When both party's in government agree on something, it is passed through both houses without fanfare.
Because only "bad news sell", the good things in politics are not picked up by the media.

example... The day Kevin Rudd was elected as PM, sky news political journalists admitted at 5.30 am(on that day), that it appeared that Rudd would be elected without one complete or major policy. It was all spin. (that is why he had such a slow start.)

Prior to that it was not mentioned once. In this case reporting the news was becoming stale with the Howard government.

To sum up, the media are having a ball with this petty politics. They had their day in the sun, and the voter was given a second opportunity to resolve the problem.
The voters faltered, and are now in the hands of the media.

"A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go but where they ought to be."
Rosalyn Carter (1927 -)
Now you will see many posts on this forum that do not support Gillard, but say they do not like Abbott. That section of the voter was ambushed by the media, in 2007, bent with spin by Gillard in 2010, and will soon have to stand up for "either their country or their ego's".
I await with anticipation.

Well put Burnsie.

Gillard is in a rogues league of her own
Getting the thread back to the Original topic: more intrigue/gossip /rumour /yadda yadda

I suppose this development was inevitable if the allegations are true
Gillard has not only lied through her teeth she has now corrupted the integrity of the Parliamant and the office of PM by shielding a man who has serious moral and corruption FINDINGS against him to protect her own hated regime.

And just how is Gillard shielding Thomson ? She suspended him from the Labor party. He's on his own. She can't force him to resign from Parliament or stop him from voting.

The stuff about not accepting his vote would disenfranchise his electorate and is a farce as Hockey showed by saying he would accept Thomsons vote. FWA is taking Thomson to court, the NSW police could charge him and the Privileges Committee could censure him as well

Due process must take place
Due process Rumpole?

Since when have we lived in a parliamentary democracy under the rule of law ? I thought we had given up on those old fashioned ideas and agreed that public opinion polls in the Hun were the best way of deciding guilt or innocence.

Not to mention the outraged cries of ( very self interested) politicians.

The hounding of Craig Thomson is a partisan political vendetta that opens the way for any person or politician to be tried, convicted and lynched. It is not justice just opportunism.
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