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Will Craig Thomson finally give us some relief?

From a former brothel receptionist:

Read more from the receptionist: Brothel receptionist tells: why we’d want Thomson’s driver’s licence

LOl and now the witnesses he named in Parliament are all "WTH?"

What a sad little liar Thompson is.


Sir O

This is now a very BIG problem for the Labor-dominated Privileges Committee, to which the whole Parliament (Labor included) has sent this thing to in order to examine Thomson's statement from start to finish.

Even the Laborites on the Committee can tell an obvious lie when they see one, and there are now many people crawling out to expose the lies.

Even a little lie is enough for the PC to say he has misled Parliament, normally a sacking offence. I can't imagine the Labor members saying "Oh yes, it was a lie, but only a little one, so we'll let him hang on for a little while more."

Well, maybe I can, but they would look incredibly stupid (I suppose that's not stopped them in the past).
With the media going nuts, the opposition like a dog with a bone, the independants having their two cents, and labour just failing throughout this whole episode, this issue is completely disrupting parliament and the running of this country. Its all an ugly mess and the fact that that this is the main topic at the moment, is frankly, an embarassment to our parliament, given the economic challenges presenting themselves here and overseas.

The issue has been handled shockingly, and considering it happened so long ago it baffles me that this is how it has played out.

Mostly due to Gillards' desire to stay in power no matter what it costs Australia.
Mostly due to Gillards' desire to stay in power no matter what it costs Australia.

Yep that, plus....

The oppositions desire to gain power no matter what it costs Australia.

The independants desire to stay in power no matter what it costs Australia.
Mostly due to Gillards' desire to stay in power no matter what it costs Australia.

Richard Nixon had the same desire although the guilt was obvious to everyone. Thomson will be her Watergate. But she will have to be dragged from Office kicking and screaming.

Nixon knew when he had to go;

"I have never been a quitter. To leave office before my term is completed is opposed to every instinct in my body. But as president I must put the interests of America first Therefore, I shall resign the presidency effective at noon tomorrow."
Yep that, plus....

The oppositions desire to gain power no matter what it costs Australia.

The independants desire to stay in power no matter what it costs Australia.

The difference is that Labor and/or the independents can make something happen now!

The opposition can't.

Julia knows when to go too. That's never ,"because she would be doing the right thing for Australia"...err" she would be doing the right thing for the Australian people". and so on for another two sentences at least.
Yep that, plus....

The oppositions desire to gain power no matter what it costs Australia.

The independants desire to stay in power no matter what it costs Australia.

Tony Abbott's desire to do anything to be PM.
Tony Abbott's desire to do anything to be PM.

Actually did we not witness Bill Kelty sum it all up last week, when he said the opposition was doing its job.
I thought he spoke well!
Actually did we not witness Bill Kelty sum it all up last week, when he said the opposition was doing its job.
I thought he spoke well!

When Thomson rubbished Abbott in his diatribe he was obviously looking for support from the Abbott haters, who are nearly as numerous as the Gillard haters. I think his ploy worked.
When Thomson rubbished Abbott in his diatribe he was obviously looking for support from the Abbott haters, who are nearly as numerous as the Gillard haters. I think his ploy worked.

I doubt it, I'll see your few Abbott haters and raise you 20,000,000 (approx) Gillard and Thompson haters.

Give in ?
Actually did we not witness Bill Kelty sum it all up last week, when he said the opposition was doing its job.
I thought he spoke well!

In that case, you can't blame Labor for doing whatever it can to stay in government

In that case, you can't blame Labor for doing whatever it can to stay in government


Nope not the same, now if Abbott was shielding a criminal your comparison might be valid but he isnt.
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