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Who will resign first?

6 June 2007
Gillard is now calling for Abbott to resign following Abbott asking Gillard to resign.

Pyne is asking for Gillard to resign.

Gillard and Swan is asking for that 'bimbo' Bishop to resign. Can you believe, by the way, that that MP has been allowed to get away with calling the Deputy Opposition Leader a bimbo?

Struggling to keep up? I am ...

So who is going to do it first, committ hari kiri in the nation's best interests?

Please to our Governor General do the right thing by the nation and ask this whole rabble to resign. Tell them that we expect our leaders to lead, to put the nations best interest ahead of their lust for the power and vengeance and to set the standards for debate and behaviour in our society.

If a member can't remember if she's spoken once or twice
to this Blewitt, and she knew it that he wasn't true or nice,
is it then fittin' that she's hittin' on a redhead nonetheless?
Or will she turn himbo's bimbo, wading deeper in the mess?

'Twould be better if those elected let the past be past and took
on the job of planning for the future by the book.
We, the peepull, in elections, vote to advance Australia fair,
but all they do is get erections or, like cats, in each other's hair.

Stop the bitching itching twitching! Start and do a decent job,
or we'll start a massive ditching, smack you bogans in the gob,
take away your lurks and perks and chauffeured limos you're not worth,
build a great big catapult and fire you 'round the Universe.
Who cares?

The sooner people realise that career politicians do nothing and stop paying attention to them, the better
Who cares?

The sooner people realise that career politicians do nothing and stop paying attention to them, the better

... and the sooner people stop paying attention to what's going on, the easier for those morons to carry on wasting our taxes and feeding their egos.

But I guess the "standard" of our parliamentarians' behaviour is a sad reflection of the average voter's intellectual capacity. They've found out that they can vote for candidates that promise them bread and circuses, rights without responsibilities, income without effort. No wonder we attract so many "immigrants" in search for milk and honey.
If the media only reported when they actually did (not said) something useful or a mistake, then politicians would become much more accountable instead of just acting like children in search of their 5 minutes of fame and media wh0ring via pointless promises and verbal slanging matches.
this falls in the lap of oakeshot and windsor, they promised the public that their support for gillard would rest on the maintenance of the integrity of the parliament, gillard wont resign, abbott has done nothing to warrant any call to resign, so an election (ie all of them resign, and we re-appoint) is the only proper step to take now, and it should be oakeshot and windsor to force this to happen, now

Sad but true.
... and the sooner people stop paying attention to what's going on, the easier for those morons to carry on wasting our taxes and feeding their egos.

... followed by yet another outbreak of political corruption. NSW is a contemporary example.

Agree about the independents; wasn't it Oakshott who waxed lyrical about parliamentary standards? Early election please.
+1. And these two have abrogated any principles they may once have had in order to keep supporting the government and thus keep themselves safe.

No one will resign. Such exaggerated suggestions on both sides are symptomatic of the current appalling standard of parliamentary discourse.
Please to our Governor General do the right thing by the nation and ask this whole rabble to resign. .

And make her son-in-law, Bill Shorten PM. Apparently he is making a move on Gillard. The other day he described the opposition's attack on her as a "witch hunt." He knows how Gillard hates being called a witch. She will now add him to her list of 'misogynist pigs."

... followed by yet another outbreak of political corruption. NSW is a contemporary example.

Agree about the independents; wasn't it Oakshott who waxed lyrical about parliamentary standards? Early election please.

Yep, and in Victoria they are trying to hold it together by not doing anything about a crook under police investigation.
It's ironic alright, I'm sure this is what most people think about the Labor party at the moment, rolling in filth. Like I have said previously, I think Gillard inhabits a different world to the rest of us.

Now that is a bit one sided.

See where you are coming from but the crapola is on all of them.
It's ironic alright, I'm sure this is what most people think about the Labor party at the moment, rolling in filth. Like I have said previously, I think Gillard inhabits a different world to the rest of us.

To use Gillard's words she is "wallowing in filth." The Gillard/Labor hate machine is completely ruthless. They will stoop to any level of lies, innuendo or smear to destroy anyone who gets in their way of hanging on to power. They have Abbott, Bishop, Pyne, Hockey and now Brough in their sights and they are cranking up the hate machine.
It's ironic alright, I'm sure this is what most people think about the Labor party at the moment, rolling in filth. Like I have said previously, I think Gillard inhabits a different world to the rest of us.
And in a literal sense, there's also the context of her prior relationship with Bruce Wilson.
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