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Who do you share your passion with?

14 December 2010
I'm not sure if this thread should be in here or the General Forum. If so then it can be moved.

I love catching up with people who are passionate about the same things as me. Chats can become inspirational and we can get very excited together.

I'm curious about how many people you guys have that you talk trading with, in depth who also share the passion. None of my friends have the same passion for trading as I do. Many have a similar general interest in investing, economics etc, but I don't have anyone who I can get really 'fired up' with.

I really enjoy emailing and chatting with Tech/a. Also because he is far more knowledgeable than me. But still someone thinking in a reasonably similar way, and excited about the markets. Recently Kid and I have been chatting over Skype chat while trading the FTSE futures live. I've enjoyed this. Good fun.

Unfortunately that is about where it ends for me. Obviosuly ASF too, the whole purpose of the forum is to bring like-minded people together.

So over to you guys! Who do you chat with?
... So over to you guys! Who do you chat with?

A relative and mentor, ...

He was old and lost the will to live.
Now I muddle through without him.

I've not met others who invest with a passion.
You know

I generally don't "share" my passion/s with anyone.
Very few friends know I trade.
None know I trade futures.
2 know I'm in Radges book.

No one cares I enjoy a 50k Bike ride.
Love to demolish myself in a sand hill run.

Business is another passion but I don't talk with anyone other than those associated in business about business.

See people don't give a rats.
Nor should they.
Not everyone shares your passion!

A mate of mine Loved wine and everything associated with it.
So he opened a boutique wine bar with the very best of wines from
all over the world. 12 mths later he closed down making a $250K loss.
Unfortunately his passion was not shared to the same extent.

I don't mind opening up when asked as there is genuine interest.
Ill also ask people if they have a skill or characteristic I wish to explore.
The best responses come from asking people about their passion rather than having it volunteered--I find.
When talking to people its great to un wrap a real treasure.

I do share my passion for travel and adventure with my Princess.
So much fun!

Passions CAN alienate you!
Agree with all of that Tech and that is exactly the point I was going to get to.

"It can alienate you"

There is a big difference between sharing a passion with someone who is genuinely interested in the same passion and someone who couldn't care less (afterall they have their own passion too!)

People also become very 'funny' when the topic of money comes up. Best to steer clear. You can pretty much end up looking like a giant douche.

That's why I like ASF. I'm anonymous. I can exchange ideas with people and get excited about trading.

But in a social setting....
Ah.. Football... It can unite 90% of people in Adelaide!
Unless you're a Cats fan and you cop endless messages after a loss to the Crows!
... When talking to people its great to un wrap a real treasure ...

Yeah, ...
Nice to share a grog with a neighbour and find out he has a few Boral shares.

But then you find out he used to work for them.
The shares were allocated to him.

He has no real lasting passion for them.

But the new information can lead to sparkling conversation.
Perhaps about his career, ... whatever!
This is why online communities are so popular. Also, clubs. I recall when i used to live in Ballarat i was a member of the Ballarat 4WD and Camping Club. A group of people interested in the same thing.

I’m a price action trader with some free time on my hands, so I routinely do the rounds of the SPI/FTSE/ES.

By price action I mean a simplified form of analysis as pioneered by Al Brooks but where the roots lie back with Edwards/Magee.

I read your posts with interest and lo and behold a lot of our entries coincide, we just get there by different routes, I never look at volume for example, it’s not considered meaningful [or is unreliable] in my religion.
I also use tick charts for the most part.

I think it’s worth highlighting there is no right way or wrong way of doing this stuff , there are many different ways, whatever your approach is it just needs to work for you, and work means your consistently profitable.

So, yes I’m passionate, I’ve accumulated many hours of screen time, read a lot, experimented a lot, done loads with Amibroker, and it is beginning to come together. The good thing about futures is that you can scale upwards reasonably easily, with care and once you have nailed the ‘consistently’ profitable bit, so one contract could become 5 or 10 down the track, especially on the ES where volumes are huge.

Alas I’m all on my lonesome here, a one man trading gang.

I did toy with the idea of trying to form a skype group where we could chat / share ideas in real time about how events are unfolding and the like. But then I’m not sure that would work with the timing, locations, different styles, different personalities, ego’s and so on.

But it an idea worth considering – what do other people think ?
Thanks for that Tech, now i have an image of Pav burned into my mind like a struck match in the darkness:

Hopefully that pig is a metaphor for how fat my profits will be.

But if you want a real image of me think of a young Brad Pitt, only better looking
Ah now you've done it....

I on the other hand have looks resembling George Clooney and Alex Baldwin...gracefully greying.


  • brad pork.PNG
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To be honest, i cannot imagine where i'd be today mentally without ASF. I've been an online existence since 2006, no TV, very few friends, no family. ASF is it for me when not with my wife. I'm quite sure i would have packed up and left by now.

Thanks Joe, for having a great place to laugh and share our passions...and occasionally argue
Ah now you've done it....

I on the other hand have looks resembling George Clooney and Alex Baldwin...gracefully greying.

Haha none of these pictures are particularly flattering...

I'll just sit around waiting until Tech tells me that he wants me to play the role of a younger version of him when they bring out a movie about his trading career.

But seriously, I agree with your sentiments Can. I do enjoy the ASF. I do wish I had some sort of secret way of knowing what everyone on here looks like, how old they are, and a copy of their trading results!
I do wish I had some sort of secret way of knowing what everyone on here looks like, how old they are, and a copy of their trading results!

Well i've been transparent about all of those. My photo is even on here.

Geeeezuz man. get a friggin life...... traders suck!

Well i've been transparent about all of those. My photo is even on here.

Same but I've met about 10 people from here.

they all suck............

- - - Updated - - -

Unfortunately that is about where it ends for me. Obviosuly ASF too, the whole purpose of the forum is to bring like-minded people together.

So over to you guys! Who do you chat with?

Dude you live in Adelaide. Get in a city and meet people.
Geeeezuz man. get a friggin life...... traders suck!

lol...My life will resume back in Aust or Canada!

Same but I've met about 10 people from here.

Wheres is that snowboarding photo your posted on here?
Wheres is that snowboarding photo your posted on here?

speaking of passions.

here is me just after I fell down a snow bridge on a cliff while in the back country. I was utterly cooked.

LOVE that hokkaido powder.
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When is the best time to go there? I just got my board and gear back and i'm keen to take the wife there this winter. I love boarding but having just learned to turn effectively before i left the north I might not be ready to enjoy that powder easier than hard pack? I recall the hardpack in Harbin, it farkin hurt like hell...
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