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Which investment newsletter is good?

I was looking at some ads for investment newletters the other day , pricey some of them ......... it would be cheaper to have a seance and dial up Rene Rivkin , half the news letters I've read were about as savvy as a beer nut , but there are those that like them just for the following effect on stocks .

Can anyone say they've read one that has stripped down a stock and shown all it has to bare ?
Has anyone tried share select? In principle what they offer sounds good, but they all claim to be the best so i figure it pays to get other opinions...
Would someone really read an SMS and in response to that information go and buy/sell a share?

May it's just a Price/Vol Alert of an already researched stock with an entry/exit strategy in mind?


Would someone really read an SMS and in response to that information go and buy/sell a share?

That is a service plenty want Kenny. No work required....

May it's just a Price/Vol Alert of an already researched stock with an entry/exit strategy in mind?



That would be a better way of using such a service if you couldn't be in front of a computer I suppose, still not ideal, but better.

i've subscribed to 2 and not really made money from either, definitely a loss overall. I have however made money from investing in things I can understand ( at least a bit). I now subscribe to none. Nearby friends who used to subscribe to different newsletters now also subscribe no more. I have found some books by Austin Donnelly on investing to be useful and some books on trading by Darryl Guppy to be very good. Read all you can, listen to all you can, try and filter out something that will work for you. Start out with small positions because it is a learning experience. I am an investor who looks for a good fundamental story(in my opinion) I use very basic TA to guide buying and selling decisions. I know a few people who thought they were traders, they are not 'trading' any more, ran out of cash! I know one sucessful trader he is disciplined and focussed++
I wouldn't be touching Intelligent Investor. Conservative they may paint themselves to be utter rubbish is what they deliver. Its a difficult market no doubt, but these gooses recommendations have been outpermoring the poor performance of the market spectacularly. They are the kiss of death.
Timercorp they have been strong buying all the way down from about 2.10, its now below 0.80. Rams variously spec buy and buy all the way down from 0.70 to 0.06, Sigma from 2.30 down to 1.00, Roc oil all the way down from mid $4 to now at 1.70, Infomedia all the way down from 80c to no at 38c
Platinum all the way down from around $6, now low 3's. They're no quitters i'll give them that. my best advice is to inform yourself as best as possible, i find Eureka quite helpfull and make your own decisions.
my best advice is to inform yourself as best as possible, i find Eureka quite helpfull and make your own decisions.

I get Eureka and I think it provides a good balanced financial overview.

Although it doesn't actively provide "tips", I look forward to Charlie Aitkens contributions. It was solely his indepth research, belief in the project, and pure enthusiasm he displayed towards FMG that made me purchase 4000 shares at $3. With a balance passing $50,000 after today's SP - I have not been disappointed!!! I can honestly say I would not have purchased without reading his 5 page report. I have not seen a written broker report as comprehensive. After reading, it demanded my attention and action.

He could see success written all over FMG - but more importantly, he was able to pass that confidence onto me. Although it is all "water under the bridge" now, I urge evryone to try and get their hands on Charlie's report he wrote for Eureka in about April/May 2007. I defy anyone not to be impressed by his ability to read this stock, and the resource sector in general.

Thanks Duckman,
I wish i had discovered eureka back in march. Good on you for buying FMG. I read charlie's article and felt convinced on the basis of it. What i like about eureka is the analysis seems more grounded than some of the others. I'm gonna go with eureka and then do my own research as well.
Do you know under what circumstances the subscription is tax deductible? I plan to use it for investment research and general advice..
cheers is essential for those with bias towards energy sector in their portfolio. Have no hesitation in saying best money I ever spent subscribing.

I guess though this type of advice may not fit well with this market right now. Perhaps we could profit by looking at Peter's samplers and filing them away for the future:
Since last edition we have noticed continued buying of GRD Ltd by its Board members.
Buying at around $1 per share may just value the GRD Minproc business, but leaves the
huge, garbage processing business, Global Renewables, with zero value. GRD has
instigated a process to unlock this value, which may involve a spin-out or trade sale.

This was in the April 2nd edition where GRD opened at $1.06 and closed at $1.025 the day before (ominously 1st April). Last friday it closed at 65c. Buying at the low of $1.005 on the 3rd would mean a potential loss of 35%.
No blame is attached here. Peter doesn't say buy GRD. We make that decision. What he does is to make us aware of a position. When the market turns, all things being equal, what a position!!
I have never subscribed to Peter's service though I have reviewed same. Also please note, I have made no study of GRD's present state outside of its current price.


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Does anyone here have any suggestions of newsletters to follow?

Newsletter noob
Eureka and daily IMO, also that seems the general consensus through the thread if you read back. How about this though, which one isnt any good? or are there just too many to mention? Any got anyone into any relative trouble before?
Hehe that's some interesting questions CFDSpy.

PM me when your newsletter comes out! (or whenever)
Anyone subscribe to the 'Australian Small Cap Investor' which is linked to the Daily Reckoning / Money morning etc?

They are doing an offer of $99 for one year with a three month trial with full refund.

Anyone got any ideas about these guys?
i like it because they email to work (our internet access is restricted) and all information is text based
includes world markets, spot resource prices, general market news, hot/cold stocks
another freebie, receive it around opening time daily

It depends on what you're trying to achieve and whether you trade short term or invest for the long term. A mate of mine invests millions of dollars into aussie stocks based solely on Huntley's recommendations. In my earlier years I used to subscribe to Intelligent investor and a few others but never made any difference. These days I read nothing and listen to no-one for tips or advice and find this works best for me. But everybody's different.

Wow netquote is offering much cheaper EOD and live data then any other data provider I have seen. Does anyone use their data service and know why this might be?
No simple answer. The suggestion of trialling a few worked for me, then pick one aimed at YOUR profile (short term - long term etc etc) ... but then only as a guide & with a grain or two of salt.
Update on Share Select. They continue to non-perform after collecting an annual subscription of $899. Furthermore, these no hopers have been flogging third party CFD providers and brokers/planners to their subscribers. Gee thanks. Membership dried up? I wonder why. Without doubt the bottom rung of "newsletters". Rant over.

I have been following lance spicers work for 12 years

Do a search for trident press if ya want to find his stuff

All he does is tells you what hes trading and why - its not recommendations as such.

What I have found very annoying is that its hard to keep track with him. the upates were few and far between.

I understand he has just changed to weekly updates

He sets strick stop losses at 8% - and I have always had trouble keeping within this range when i only get to look at the market and trade for 10 mins a day. So if a stock gaps down, like some have been your in trouble.

Let me know what you think
I subscribe to the Guppy newsletter. Find it a great tool for education and teaches me how to trade the current market and where the market might be heading and how to trade that. Love it. Great investment.
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