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What Socionic Are You?


Apathetic at Best
27 August 2014

Apparently I am LII-2Ne

"LIIs are adept at organizing their understanding into structured thought. They may organize their cogitations into categories, diagrams, formulaic descriptions, or complex step by step explanations. LIIs may have an uncanny knack for understanding, constructing, and deconstructing the abstract and delicate internal workings of abstract systems like computers, natural phenomena, gadgets, abstract concepts, mathematical equations, and anything that captures their interest. They may be extremely precise in their understanding and can tend strive for highly detailed realizations. They can be skilled at synthesizing new information and incorporating into their established categories. They are often attracted to fields like mathematics, physics, chemistry, or other areas of study that deal with highly structured information systems.

LIIs are often highly attuned to the premises of logical consistency and adherence to predefined principles. They may use such unifying principles as a basis off of which to make normative or philosophical judgments and often seek to communicate these ideas to others. LIIs can be difficult for others to understand because they tend to avoid explaining the intermediate steps in their reasoning, seeing only the conclusion as important.

LIIs are, in the colloquial sense, highly rational creatures and may pride themselves on so being. They may live highly structured or regimented lifestyles and can be quite proactive.

Extroverted Intuition (Ne, Ne)

LIIs are greatly in tune with novel connections and the possibilities that exist which they could see their systems and analyses applied towards. They are able to see a myriad of concepts and hence strive to cover different and new fields which have not been touched by their logical analysis. They may avoid harping on one area for too long, instead preferring to expand their theoretical constructs, covering various territory through time; to restrict their logical scope would be to hinder true understanding.

LIIs' primary focus in developing new ideas is to categorize, systematize, and promote understanding about them. They may tend to see novel ideas that have no implications or relevance to a larger ideational framework as disinteresting and pointless. At the same time, LIIs are often minimally interested in real-world application of their ideas, instead preferring abstract and theoretical speculation. They often tend towards contemplative academic fields which allow for abstract speculation to be realized in concrete conclusions.

LIIs typically tolerate unusual lifestyles and they usually tolerate differing viewpoints."

Don't get any ideas about that bottom sentence ....I'm also very contrary when it suits me.:D

Apparently I am LII-2Ne

Don't get any ideas about that bottom sentence ....I'm also very contrary when it suits me.:D

A. I am tolerant of psychological tests and view them as an exciting means of furthering my own personal development

B. I think psychological tests are a load of bull$$$$


I may finish it off later, now its time for a coffeee.
LII-0 - Logical Intuitive Introvert - The Analyst

Using introverted thinking as his base function and extroverted intuition as his creative, the LII is adept at creating a concept of reality through the synthesis and application of preformulated principles and rules. When formulating new principles, the LII methodically analyzes new information, taking the salient aspects and discarding the extraneous. Staying within the boundaries of his principles, the LII is capable of generating new ideas and possibilities of how the world could work. At its best, this ability gives the LII an aura of confidence and insightfulness into areas of abstraction and possibility that many other types don't have; at its worst, this ability may lead the LII to possibilities so impractical or unreachable that he is perceived as others to be out of touch with reality. Additionally, the LIIs inclination for deep isolated thoughts often leaves him disconnected from societal interaction--as if he is constantly an observer but never a participant.

Sounds about right.
Using introverted sensing as his base function and extroverted thinking as his creative, the SLI is immersed in his senses and has a strong understanding of both the design and functional aspects of objects. Much like the SEI, the SLI is highly in tune with the effect his surrounding environment can have on his and others' senses. This, coupled with his ability to assess factual information, makes him an ideal candidate for matters of design and function--particularly when the two are intertwined. The SLI is drawn to people and things that increase his pleasurable sensations. The SLI enjoys peaceful interaction and often prefers to either be alone or limit his interaction to the few select individuals that he cares most about. Often he is drawn towards nature and the outdoors. At his best, the SLI is born with a fundamental understanding of the way things operate which allows him to excel in fields from engineering, to architecture, to medicine; at his worst, the SLI has difficulty opening up emotionally and may misinterpret others' intentions as more negative than they truly are.

IEI-0 (INFp) Intuitive Ethical Introvert - The Romantic -

Using introverted intuition as her base function and extroverted feeling as his creative, the IEI lives in a world of vivid imagery and imagination. Like the SEI, the IEI is a very creative type and is often seen channelling this creativity towards artistic pursuits such as music. However the two types' creativities diverge with the SEI's creativities channeled towards more tangible creations and the IEI's channeled towards more intangible creations--e.g., the creation of imaginary worlds or stories. The IEI is acutely attuned to the effect these creations can have on people's emotional state, and it is not uncommon for these creations to have a strong emotional impact on people. At her best, the IEI provides deep and meaningful insight into events and trends--particularly those involving human interaction. At her worst, the IEI can become lost in her imagination and lackadaisical. Overall, the IEI's depth of imagination and emotion often goes unidentified by those around her, and this is perpetuated by the IEI's disinterest in broadcasting these traits. - See more at:

I am a romantic (and considered female?)