My view is that most failures come from a lack of Capital and understanding.
Small accounts are almost doomed to failure from trying to climb over brokerage and other fixed costs.
Risk vs position sizing, money management, expectancy and the mathmatical possibility of strings of losses rarely feature in the lexicon of trading newbies.
Not having a written plan (I must do that soon)
I submit this not as a great trader but at least I have survived for 7 or 8 years and I am getting better
Small accounts are almost doomed to failure from trying to climb over brokerage and other fixed costs.
Risk vs position sizing, money management, expectancy and the mathmatical possibility of strings of losses rarely feature in the lexicon of trading newbies.
Not having a written plan (I must do that soon)
I submit this not as a great trader but at least I have survived for 7 or 8 years and I am getting better