Re: What Is The Stongest Performing Index?
I have just run a COMPARISON of all indexes against the All ords.
To read the table below.
Youll notice 6 columns with 6 values.The all ords is the one being compared with so thats 100 the vlues above 100 mean outperformance and below 100 under perfromance.
Colum periods of comparison from left to right are.
The metastock formula is first then the periods under review in parenthesis.
Col A: Mov(C/P,5,S)/Ref(Mov(C/P,5,S),-5)*100
{this week compared with one week ago}
Col B: Mov(C/P,5,S)/Ref(Mov(C/P,5,S),-21)*100
{this week compared with 4 weeks ago}
Col C: Mov(C/P,21,E)/Ref(Mov(C/P,21,E),-21)*100
{this month compared with one month ago}
Col D: Mov(C/P,21,E)/Ref(Mov(C/P,21,E),-63)*100
{this month compared with 3 months ago}
Col E: Mov(C/P,21,S)/Ref(Mov(C/P,21,S),-126)*100
{this month compared with 6 months ago}
Col F: Mov(C/P,21,S)/Ref(Mov(C/P,21,S),-250)*100
{this month compared with 12 months ago}