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What Is The Strongest Performing Index?

9 November 2005

This may seem like a dumb question but what is the strongest Australian performing index for percentage growth year on year?


Re: What Is The Stongest Performing Index?

I have just run a COMPARISON of all indexes against the All ords.
To read the table below.
Youll notice 6 columns with 6 values.The all ords is the one being compared with so thats 100 the vlues above 100 mean outperformance and below 100 under perfromance.

Colum periods of comparison from left to right are.
The metastock formula is first then the periods under review in parenthesis.

Col A: Mov(C/P,5,S)/Ref(Mov(C/P,5,S),-5)*100
{this week compared with one week ago}
Col B: Mov(C/P,5,S)/Ref(Mov(C/P,5,S),-21)*100
{this week compared with 4 weeks ago}
Col C: Mov(C/P,21,E)/Ref(Mov(C/P,21,E),-21)*100
{this month compared with one month ago}
Col D: Mov(C/P,21,E)/Ref(Mov(C/P,21,E),-63)*100
{this month compared with 3 months ago}
Col E: Mov(C/P,21,S)/Ref(Mov(C/P,21,S),-126)*100
{this month compared with 6 months ago}
Col F: Mov(C/P,21,S)/Ref(Mov(C/P,21,S),-250)*100
{this month compared with 12 months ago}
Re: What Is The Stongest Performing Index?

Ive had to post in 2 sections as there were to many characters.
Here are the comparitive results.

ALL ORDINARIES 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 100.0000 XAO C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX ALL ORDS ACC 100.0028 100.2832 100.3491 100.8097 101.9169 103.9748 XAOA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX200 DISCR ACC 99.5391 95.4436 97.1976 103.0849 105.7203 107.6079 XDJA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX200 ENRGY ACC 100.9885 104.6183 102.8428 105.5818 111.7760 121.6084 XEJA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX200 FINAN ACC 99.4162 99.4270 99.8629 100.0957 103.4867 99.5119 XFJA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX200 HELTH ACC 98.6999 99.0471 99.7514 102.7804 108.7856 106.3648 XHJA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX200 INDUS ACC 99.8208 101.9850 101.9291 102.4626 102.0932 104.8357 XNJA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX200 ITECH ACC 98.9833 96.9005 98.9521 96.5988 89.4560 126.5580 XIJA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX200 MATRL ACC 100.8873 103.9146 102.8336 100.0210 97.4648 112.5318 XMJA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX200 PROP ACC 100.3824 100.8204 100.6697 105.3627 105.9475 101.3324 XPJA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX200 STAPL ACC 100.6738 98.8780 98.7488 100.0165 100.4360 96.7431 XSJA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX200 TELCO ACC 100.1193 104.1397 103.9108 104.6491 99.4371 99.0833 XTJA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX200 UTIL ACC 99.9136 101.2883 101.0215 101.3152 101.2048 99.7239 XUJA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX200 X PROP AC 99.1486 99.0410 99.6449 98.8773 102.8851 99.0605 XXJA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX300 DISCR ACC 99.5963 95.5798 97.2597 102.9851 105.5282 107.7496 XDKA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX300 ENRGY ACC 101.0392 104.5442 102.7740 105.2197 111.2096 121.8744 XEKA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX300 FINAN ACC 99.4222 99.4450 99.8671 100.0679 103.4599 99.5655 XFKA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX300 HELTH ACC 98.6041 99.1770 99.6210 101.6426 106.5524 104.5188 XHKA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX300 INDUS ACC 99.8823 102.0394 101.9509 102.1132 101.6174 104.7508 XNKA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX300 ITECH ACC 100.4265 100.4125 100.6207 99.5752 95.8862 126.9197 XIKA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX300 MATRL ACC 100.9069 103.9332 102.8267 99.7008 97.1883 112.4842 XMKA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX300 PROP ACC 100.3800 100.8347 100.6822 105.3215 105.9208 101.2939 XPKA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX300 STAPL ACC 100.6837 98.9006 98.7622 100.0355 100.4092 96.7622 XSKA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX300 TELCO ACC 100.1363 104.1698 103.9189 104.6303 99.4424 99.0508 XTKA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX300 UTIL ACC 99.9135 101.2882 101.0215 101.3151 101.2048 99.7240 XUKA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
ASX300 X PROP AC 99.1559 99.0581 99.6459 98.8457 102.8556 99.1274 XXKA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 100 99.8702 100.1959 100.3394 100.5008 99.8303 101.6360 XTO C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 100 RSC 101.0007 104.3990 103.0744 100.8344 97.2007 114.4859 XTR C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 20 99.6876 99.8134 100.5024 101.1125 99.1693 102.5132 XTL C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 200 99.9265 100.1031 100.1934 100.3467 100.0836 101.5186 XJO C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 200 FIN 99.6258 99.8600 100.4928 102.3202 98.1466 101.5067 XFJ C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 200 HLTH 100.0200 103.8482 102.6729 106.7760 114.1895 119.9458 XHJ C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 200 INDU 99.6862 99.1410 99.4768 100.0327 100.9075 96.8575 XJI C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 200 MATL 100.6145 101.8522 101.2265 103.2199 113.0137 114.2916 XMJ C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 200 RSC 100.8745 104.3499 103.0716 100.9039 97.4756 114.9398 XJR C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 200 UTIL 101.4649 101.6265 100.7853 101.9934 98.0495 106.9975 XUJ C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 200IND G 99.8222 101.4132 100.2061 95.7727 94.6774 96.0412 XNJ C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 200TELCO 96.9369 89.9909 94.0535 84.4181 75.3178 74.9054 XTJ C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 200XPROP 99.6508 100.0086 100.8024 103.6292 99.2286 104.8433 XXJ C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 300 99.9292 100.0530 100.1367 100.3186 100.0986 101.1040 XKO C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 300 FIN 99.4203 98.9204 99.1502 98.4810 100.7339 94.3498 XFK C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 300 HLTH 98.6041 99.1775 99.6195 101.5449 105.6073 102.3223 XHK C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 300 INDU 99.7057 99.2018 99.5028 99.9794 100.8157 96.9262 XKI C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 300 MATL 100.9071 103.8777 102.7325 99.3216 95.9342 109.4592 XMK C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 300 RSC 100.9124 104.3589 103.0442 100.4453 97.0936 114.8347 XKR C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 300 UTIL 99.9143 101.2882 101.0181 101.0956 98.7815 94.7920 XUK C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 300IND G 99.8822 101.6024 101.5876 101.6343 99.7562 100.6895 XNK C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 300TELCO 100.1371 104.1694 103.8860 104.1255 96.8250 94.1765 XTK C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 300XPROP 99.1536 99.0475 99.2234 97.4444 100.4633 94.4580 XXK C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX 50 99.7511 99.9705 100.2855 100.3383 99.0798 101.4421 XFL C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX MC50 IND 99.9754 99.4126 99.9150 100.9725 101.8604 101.1001 XMT C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX MC50 RSC 100.5586 109.7351 106.5582 100.9389 98.3196 113.1151 XMR C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX MC50 RSC 100.5583 109.7326 106.5660 101.4481 100.1126 116.4906 XMRA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX MIDCAP50 100.5849 101.5536 100.6652 101.4410 104.2481 102.6117 XMD C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX SMLL IND 100.2590 101.2452 100.4900 99.2308 96.5563 99.5676 XSI C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX SMLL IND 99.6563 99.0192 99.4142 100.0425 101.1588 96.7482 XTI C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX SMLL ORD 100.5249 98.6551 98.1572 98.5427 102.8729 96.0472 XSO C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX SMLL RSC 100.1208 104.0754 102.8204 97.0357 96.4796 119.8220 XSR C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX200 DISCR 99.8063 97.8014 97.2885 93.7694 92.3827 82.1952 XDJ C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX200 EGY 102.3663 102.2638 99.4076 96.8479 108.7523 126.4547 XEJ C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX200 ITECH 100.8975 100.5476 101.2710 100.1714 108.4165 103.4030 XIJ C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX200 PROP 99.5348 99.3180 99.3708 97.7680 94.3486 90.5150 XPJ C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX200 STAPL 99.4639 98.5607 99.8707 99.4336 96.7774 95.8791 XSJ C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX300 DISCR 99.5955 95.4769 97.1818 102.7945 104.4122 105.5295 XDK C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX300 EGY 101.0390 104.5445 102.7719 105.0749 109.5336 118.2699 XEK C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX300 ITECH 100.4220 100.2975 100.5486 99.4119 94.8357 124.4063 XIK C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX300 PROP 100.3797 98.2782 98.8021 102.9736 101.7789 93.7756 XPK C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
S&P/ASX300 STAPL 100.6833 98.8697 98.6728 99.6065 98.5897 93.1873 XSK C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
SP/ASX 100 ACCUM 99.8758 100.1246 100.3524 101.0730 102.5388 103.4505 XTOA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
SP/ASX 100 INDUS 99.6555 99.3211 99.8408 101.0635 103.3756 101.0960 XTIA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
SP/ASX 100 RSC 101.0007 104.3978 103.0780 101.0816 98.3825 117.3770 XTRA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
SP/ASX 20 ACCUM 99.6802 99.2739 99.6454 99.8751 100.8372 100.1420 XTLA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
SP/ASX 200 ACCUM 99.8831 100.2560 100.4227 101.0698 102.3820 103.6353 XJOA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
SP/ASX 200 INDUS 99.6934 99.4919 99.9387 101.0673 103.1442 101.1405 XJI2 C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
SP/ASX 200 RSC 100.8752 104.3485 103.0753 101.1538 98.6609 117.8531 XJRA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
SP/ASX 300 ACCUM 99.9078 100.3165 100.4429 100.9403 102.2181 103.6884 XKOA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
SP/ASX 300 INDUS 99.7070 99.5373 99.9412 100.9803 103.0238 101.2860 XKIA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
SP/ASX 300 RSC 100.9111 104.3595 103.0490 100.6874 98.2562 117.7249 XKRA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
SP/ASX 50 ACCUM 99.8552 100.0118 100.2499 100.9347 102.3818 102.9343 XFLA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
SP/ASX BUY-WRITE 99.8780 98.6524 97.9258 94.6384 N/A N/A XBW C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
SP/ASX MC50 ACCM 100.0278 100.9348 101.0696 102.0253 103.6410 107.0087 XMDA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
SP/ASX MC50 IND 99.9752 100.2643 100.6488 102.0162 104.1364 105.8241 XMTA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
SP/ASX SMALL IND 100.2703 101.9649 101.0592 100.0016 98.7043 104.1407 XSIA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
SP/ASX SMALL ORD 100.2407 102.3553 101.3883 99.4620 98.4806 107.2353 XSOA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0
SP/ASX SMALL RSC 100.1212 104.0750 102.8251 97.2391 97.4817 122.7878 XSRA C:\My Databases\MetaStock\ASX\X0

ENERGY and I TECH are the leaders I can also compare back over longer periods say this year against last orr this tear againslt the last 2 or 3 or 4 and so on.
Let me know what you want.
Re: What Is The Stongest Performing Index?

The dumping of that info tech/a is pretty useless for people in the beginners lounge if a) we don't use the software you dumped it from and or b) you don't tell us which each column/figure means :/

I appreciate your effort but it is of no use so far
Re: What Is The Stongest Performing Index?

Very good point Serp but it's great that tech went to all that trouble to help a newbie, just one step away from a perfect answer now. Tech seems interested in new methods/thinking so I'm not surprised he got into it straightaway!! Maybe another proprietary system in the making to put in your bottom drawer of techA ideas....

Tech, I wonder if MS can plot the indices which stand out from your data on one graph? My comsec software is pretty limited so I'm afraid I can't do it and I haven't really fiddled with MS enough to get all that data, didn't even know of some of those indices.

Wonder how it'll help anyhow?! It's all yesterdays news.
Re: What Is The Stongest Performing Index?

Which part of the explaination is it that you cannot understand?
Perhaps a little time having a look at what was posted maybe of help.

It appears our "L" plater is interested in top down analysis.
Re: What Is The Stongest Performing Index?


Fair dinkum, you are a classic example of why most of us that actually know how to trade dont really want to bother with those who cant.Read the friggin post, its all clearly explained.You are going to be one of the 97% for a long long time.

Re: What Is The Stongest Performing Index?


I had a TAFE teacher that used to tell guys that didnt understand a question "RTFQ". Only the "F" was a little more colorful.
Re: What Is The Stongest Performing Index?

tech/a - thanks for that. It seems a 50/50 split for all other indexes against the all ordinaries, at first glance at least.

What time period is your information referring to? All Im really enquiring about is annual percentage growth of each index since their inception. For example, if I were to invest equally in each and every stock of each and every index, what would be the strongest performing index. Not that I would though!!

In addition, I dont understand the term "top down analysis". Is the some form of technical analysis?
Re: What Is The Stongest Performing Index?

What about the baglimit tip's been on fire lately!
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