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What is God?

12 April 2007
There is a thread with the question:
"Is there a God?"

For someone who does believe in God, a much more interesting question is,
"What is God?"

I personally find that an exciting and empowering question. Maybe a life changing one.

How do you learn about God?

One important way is through ones experience of God.

And that experience of God may have infinite expressions based on the individuals having the experience.

Yet, I am guessing there are some basic truths about God. One core truth, I would imagine, is that God is love.

Many people seem to have beliefs based on what the religion and culture they were born into. Although, this is changing.

One suggested approach to knowing God better, is to view the your relationship with God as a partnership. Rather than, seeing God as some kind of superior being.

God bless.
Personally I believe that God is a being that exists on a higher plane than human conscious can actually percieve.

Scientists know, and can prove mathematically, that more than just 3 dimensions exist, so i believe God exists in a greater dimension than we can see, touch, hear etc
You cant even protect yourself from a mosqito bite, and here you are talking of partnership.

God can only be one, otherwise the concept has no meaning.
The History of God, by Karen Armstrong paints a pretty detailed picture. Concentrates mainly on the Cults of Abraham, but covers other superstitions such as the Enuma Elish and Greek Mythology. The best book I have found on the subject.
"inventing the inventor"
For a start, I think we should call God "it" rather than "he" or "she" - obviously doesn't have sex - unless there's two of em I spose .

then again , someone fathered JC
From Prawn

I think humans are multidimensional and it is possible to access other dimensions.

Some seem to be able to go "beyond the veil" and experience other dimensions.

And where do we go when we dream?
It was one of Joseph's mates having an affair with Mary. She had to explain it somehow...

Ha, too true - if something of that sort happened these days she'd be called a harlet
It was one of Joseph's mates having an affair with Mary. She had to explain it somehow...

No need to.
Theres a lot of documentation pointing to his brother James being older.......

The catholicised (is that a word) version of christ shouldn't obscure any good work that the man may have done (imo).

Remember history is written by the victor.
Roughly here in Australia are about 140 religions registered.

So on ground level in Australia, something that allows some organisations to have tax relief including no need for tax return, have freehold land plus other assistance.
What has God got to do with man-made, organised religion?

and as for that ....
What has Religion got to do with a man-made, organised (or disorganised) God?
Is God organised?
What shape is he? capable of being seen? heard? smelt? touched?
or just capable of being imagined?

Does he speak to us?
Can we speak to him?
Does he listen to us?
Could he give a shinbone about us as individuals?
about man collectively - in preference to other animals
about Earth - in preference to the 123 million million million (plus) other planets (or NASA's 1000 million million million whatever)

incidentally m8 - my God is a very disorganised God - and no pressure - other than to be honest I guess, be at peace with my own conscience I guess
He Is God, the One!
God, the eternally besought of all,
He Begetteth not nor was begotten,
And there is none comparable unto him.
What has Religion got to do with a man-made, organised (or disorganised) God?
maybe that's an easy one when I think about it lol - IMO anyways
Religion has a lot to do with an organised God
very little to do with a disorganised God.

as for being organised to the point of being 100% consistent with his interventionism ? - sounds like BS to me.

I mean, he'd have to be listening to everything everyone said every moment - plus what they are thinking every etc etc

and presumably that goes for all the other planets with life as well .

and keep score on the chimps etc - the ones who do nasty things versus the ones who are kind etc etc
GOD is essentially the underlying 'fabric' of the ideological, cultural and philosophical simulacra that constitutes human reality. It is impossible to define 'GOD' as something that can be quantified or rationalised as that would bring this idealised notion back to the mundane, human level - essentially robbing it of its mystique, its spiritual, hypnotic signifying power.

wasnt it French socio-theorist Jean baudrillartd who said:

The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth--it is the truth which conceals that there is none.

The simulacrum is true

The ethereal fabric which forms the basis of human belief is the part which is quintessential to the 'true' nature of what it is to be human.

GOD is a paradox that we ourselves have created to instil meaning within our cultural reality.
Mere replication of a cell or a more complex organism, does not require the 'concept' of a God ... we could replicate or spawn all day without it, without the need of knowing why ... but why do we feel the need , or more importantly feel we need to have a need to be alive ... there appears to be some grating us, an itch we just can't scratch by ourselves.

The original question was 'what is god' ... from Catholicism, what we know of God is what has been revealed to us by Revelation ...
what a pile of stabbing in the dark.........ponder these words.....when asked who he was and what his name was God said "I AM".........dont reply for 3 minutes just ponder the words.......

It seems a simpler answer than all the preceeding dribbe and theory being postulated here.........I is a clearer andswer than whether to go long or short on BHP tomorrow

Now ponder two more things that i find hard to get clear in my simple little egg head.......If we had a big bang what actually went bang and how did it get there?

Actually I will leave the third .......Just answer my bang question.
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