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What does this announcement mean?

27 January 2011
just wondering if you could explain the following for me...? it is a prospectus released for a particular company which i dont really understand... why would they do this?

"For the offer of 10,000 shares in the capital of the company at a price of $0.01 per share to raise up to $100.

This prospectus has been prepared for the purpose of Section 708A(11) of the Corporations Act to remove any trading restrictions on the sale of shares issued by the company prior to the closing date."
There are situations, where a company must publish a prospectus. On the other hand, you can only issue a prospectus when you offer shares for sale. The quoted share issue seems to be simply a means of getting the prospectus lodged, not a matter of capital raising.

If you need more confusion, read the Corporations Act:
Section 708A(11) says
and what are the benefits of lodging a prospectus? why would they do so when its obviously not to raise capital?
and what are the benefits of lodging a prospectus? why would they do so when its obviously not to raise capital?

Its a legal document, in that it has to be issued and has to contain certain things....same as many legal documents...its a big industry and all those university leavers (Accountants, Finance and Economics graduates) have to get a job doing nothing somewhere.

That is so cynical!

ha ha ha, funniest thing i've read all day!
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