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What does the Carbon Tax mean for me?

I...I actually thought rather the opposite, Sails, in view of Labor's small bounce in the poll. I'd have expected a further fall in their rating now that the carbon tax legislation is through.

What do you think the bounce to Labor indicates?

What bounce, Julia? I think there was a couple of percent, but I also understand there is a 2-3% margin of error, so anything inside that amount is probably neither here nor there.

58:42 would still give a landslide victory to the Coalition and is clearly not an endorsement for Gillard's carbon tax. And 60% believe Abbott would have the electoral and moral authority to repeal the tax as per the poll in my last post in this thread.

Onshore illegal immigrant processing...compliments of 1 vote (wreck everything) Tony.

Actually, Gillard chose on shore herself. She had the choice of off shore with Abbott or on shore with the greens. We know she chose the greens thanks to the thoughtful MP who leaked the info.
Onshore illegal immigrant processing...compliments of 1 vote (wreck everything) Tony.
How about offering a response to my earlier question before just thoughtlessly and repetitively parroting whatever the government says?
Surely you can come up with some remarks that are actually a result of your own thought processes instead of mindlessly copying the Prime Minister?
What bounce, Julia? I think there was a couple of percent, but I also understand there is a 2-3% margin of error, so anything inside that amount is probably neither here nor there.
I thought the margin of error was around 1% but am open to correction.

I'm just trying to be objective and even handed.
Whenever the government falls further in the polls, even by just one point, someone always puts up the poll on the thread, and we all smile happily.

I'm not at all suggesting the opposition should be worried about the rise to 30%, but at the same time, I think things could easily turn around if there were a change of Labor leader and a postponing of the carbon tax, plus a reversion to using Nauru.
Actually, Gillard chose on shore herself. She had the choice of off shore with Abbott or on shore with the greens. We know she chose the greens thanks to the thoughtful MP who leaked the info.

Sorry im confused...Tony had a choice between offshore anywhere and onshore...and he chose which?

Julia, I certainly agree that things could turn around for labor if there were a change of Labor leader and a postponing of the carbon tax, plus a reversion to using Nauru.

Here is the latest NewsPoll and the 3% is shown in the small print:

Although there have been small fluctuations in the polls, there has been a steady trend away from labor and to the coalition since February when Gillard announced that she would be legislating a carbon tax without the citizens assembly that she promised and that she would not be taking carbon tax to the people for permission by way of election or referrendum.

We can only hope that people will not be fooled by the alp spin. Howard was punished severely for not listening to the people over work choices and it's hard to see that Gillard will be let off any lighter than Howard.

A change of leader seems to be the only hope for Labor to save some of their seats, however, I it seems that Gillard may be threatening to quit parliament if she is removed from leadership:

But several of Ms Gillard's backers in caucus sent a warning to MPs who might be considering swinging behind Kevin Rudd to take back the leadership, threatening she would quit parliament and vacate her seat if they tried to blast her out of the job.

So, I guess labor has to decide if it's better to take the medicine now before Gillard does any more damage to the party or sit it out. One gets the feeling they are like rabbits in the headlights.
Found this.

This website shows how much compensation you will get from the government for the Carbon Tax.

Try it out "Lost My Shirt"

Thanks for that mate.

I did go to the site earlier and found the tax table, also found a picture show with a sped up hand drawing doodles to explain the carbon tax as if I was a toddler with no real brain - than again what is there to expect from Governments who govern in isolation? I suppose to them we are all a right bunch of nitwits who need picture books to explain things...

I'm insulted and appauled.
Hi Lost my shirt and others. Actually it looks as if most people will receive even more compensation for the carbon tax levy than the government calculated. The National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling did it's figures and says that most families will be $120 a year ahead.

They also worked out that the people who will pay more will be those in the top 20% of incomes. Worth checking out. I think you said you were just starting up a business and unlikely to making a lot of money immediately?

I also checked out the site and (FWIW) I thought the animated story was quite good. Clear, to the point and simple. I have certainly seen much more boring and complex explanations than this.


Read more:
We will be down $700 pa according to that calculator. Typical.
We will be down $700 pa according to that calculator. Typical.

Well Prawn you must be doing reasonably well at the moment. I played with the calculator and (just guessing) I punched in a couple with no children earning $180 k between them.

Net cost was $600 a year.

I did try other figures that were lower on the scale and the cost was similarly reduced.
Anyone else want to try it ?

I had a few more goes at the calculator and realised that in fact if there were 2 people earning (say $77k each) the cost would be around the $600 a year mark. The calculation I used initially was based on an unequal split of incomes.

And living Sydney I can see why you wouldn't feel that this was a particularly rich lifestyle
Calm down everyone. It is for your own good. :hide:
Why should i pay for something that i dont agree with and didnt vote for, or that the majority of the populous didnt vote for or have a referendum about?
Why should i pay for something that i dont agree with and didnt vote for, or that the majority of the populous didnt vote for or have a referendum about?

If only we could pick and chose what we pay and don't pay for based on these parameters!
If only we could pick and chose what we pay and don't pay for based on these parameters!

I'm (kinda) happy to go with the majority, but on a major transformational issue like this, i just dont see how they can implement it without consulting the population.

Also, check out a party called Senator Online. Proper democracy that can now be utilised due to electronics and the internet. If more people voted for them then we could pick and choose what we pay for...
Why should i pay for something that i dont agree with and didnt vote for, or that the majority of the populous didnt vote for or have a referendum about?

Because governments make decisions all the time which many people don't like or agree with. How could you run a country if every policy decision made had to pass the approval of all the voters immediately?

Yeah I have just started a home business and should be clearing an estimated 50Kpa providing there is consistency etc. Since my business is to do with certain goods it is only natural that Q3-4 outsell Q1-2.
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