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What does the Carbon Tax mean for me?

..... That is an odd response.
Don't worry, the carbon tax won't take your pants and leave you totally naked (hopefully), but you, like the majority will be poorer for the experience as you have worked out.

It is, put simply, an exercise in socialism dressed up as environmentalism.

I wonder if the Vegans from Newtown are feeling all warm and fuzzy knowing that 100ft Tsunami's won't ravage the "New Age" life they have build for themselves....
I won't get stuck into vegans as that's just a choice about what to eat, but I do feel there are many voters who support the Greens without fully understanding what they actually represent.
I won't get stuck into vegans as that's just a choice about what to eat, but I do feel there are many voters who support the Greens without fully understanding what they actually represent.
Plus those who voted for them not out of any philosophical concerns, but simply because they hated both the main parties.
I wonder if some of these people are now feeling a bit sick about their cop-out decision.
..... That is an odd response.

Not at all. Your user name indicates that you are no stranger to doing your dough. You obviously had false expectations that Gillard would compensate you in some way for acceptance of the Carbon Tax.
Not at all. Your user name indicates that you are no stranger to doing your dough. You obviously had false expectations that Gillard would compensate you in some way for acceptance of the Carbon Tax.

What is the infatuation with my forum handle? It is supposed to be catchy and fun, not an indication to the world about me being shirtless due to loss of finances...

I had no part in the up-bringing of the Ctax, and didn't vote for anything. I was merely trying to understand what these "benifits" actually were that were being thrown around like a hacky-sack. I didn't understand them, I do understand them much more now, and I have the very few users who actually answered my question to thank.

Also I should mention I am not making fun of Vegans - just those Greenies who follow anything Scientific as a dogma, and blame the rest of the world for being dogmatic.
And going by this:

That little, as we've been led to believe, electricity impact won't be so little

Although I agree that they shouldn't put up the Carbon Tax, I don't think it would be that bad. Scandinavian countries had the Carbon Tax for years and they're still doing good.
Although I agree that they shouldn't put up the Carbon Tax, I don't think it would be that bad. Scandinavian countries had the Carbon Tax for years and they're still doing good.

They are doing well because the little people fork out for emissions made by industry, while applying a tax on the emissions, and the corporations pass the cost on.

So yeah, all in all, if you make people spend MORE, you will ultimately look as if you are doing well on your balance sheet.
Although I agree that they shouldn't put up the Carbon Tax, I don't think it would be that bad. Scandinavian countries had the Carbon Tax for years and they're still doing good.

Have you compared them properly to Australia? Do they have other base load power such as hydro or nuclear?

Australia has no other reliable, affordable and readily available alternative to our current coal fired stations. And some of these other countries are not slugged as hard as we are going to be. Below is a picture of the suggested per capita amount of $391 per annum for every man woman and child in Australia compared to how much is charged in other countries.

If 80% of the population is to be compensated, that means 20% will be carrying all the load. I'm not so sure that Australia will fare nearly so well as other countries who have a cheap alternative for baseload power.


  • carbon pricing comparison.JPG
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Looking forward to the sky falling in, plague and pestilence visiting you all soon.

Don't fret Abbotts blood promise is he will remove the tax......then spend your taxes through the back using the folly called direct action.

That's of course after Hockey blows a $70 bil hole to the forward estimates cannot wait.

Written in blood while Abbots face is smeared with Egg....
Don't fret Abbotts blood promise is he will remove the tax......then spend your taxes through the back using the folly called direct action.
I thought he was a skeptic.

He might actually do away with the so-called direct action as well when in power.

We can only hope.
I thought he was a skeptic.

He might actually do away with the so-called direct action as well when in power.

We can only hope.

I think that is highly likely as we are already seeing the majority of Aussies turning away from anything carbon. I think there is far greater public awareness and with dire AGW predictions not happening, people are certainly becomming more sceptical.

This is confirmed with this poll out yesterday:

Read more from by Simon Benson:
Carbon tax anger points to landslide win for Opposition
It is only 2011.
Ummm, has everyone forgotten that the Flood Levy, which affects high income earners the most, will be removed on June 30 next year? Here, I expect its removal to cover any increase in cost-of-living expenses due to the introduction of the Carbon Tax. As a bonus, my wife will get a tax cut.

I'm a bit skeptical about computer modelling, though it can be applied equally to both sides of the argument. On one hand it remains to be seen whether the predictions for increases in the cost of living are accurate, but on the other hand would those predictions be any more inaccurate than any computer-modelled predictions of economic doom and gloom that a lot of people seem to take as gospel?
It is only 2011.
The year the hyperbowl rose to catastrophic climate change.

Ummm, has everyone forgotten that the Flood Levy, which affects high income earners the most, will be removed on June 30 next year? Here, I expect its removal to cover any increase in cost-of-living expenses due to the introduction of the Carbon Tax.
Take with one hand, reverse that after 12 months but then take some with the other hand.

I'm over the moon on that prospect.
I thought he was a skeptic.

He might actually do away with the so-called direct action as well when in power.

We can only hope.
I'd say it will only be a short step from repealing the carbon tax (which Tony Abbott absolutely has to do, however difficult it is, if he is to maintain any credibility) to "postponing" any action on so called climate change.
I can almost already hear the collective sigh of relief throughout most of the electorate if that were to happen.
Perfectly easy for him to do this, unless there is a huge change in the attitudes of the rest of the world in the meantime.

I actually thought rather the opposite, Sails, in view of Labor's small bounce in the poll. I'd have expected a further fall in their rating now that the carbon tax legislation is through.

What do you think the bounce to Labor indicates?
Julia, how is it that this odd scheme has made it through parliment? Surely this is a joke...

They have raised the tax free threshold and accordingly raised the tax rate on earnings after the first is that odd?

It will make it through parliament because The greens, Independents and Labor control both houses, and one vote Tony and the rest of the lunatic right, refuse to deal constructively with the Government on any level...thus have no influence over outcomes other than handing the greens almost there entire political agenda on a silver platter.
You should be working for the government (um, perhaps you are?) with this level of spin!!!
If the government had managed its finances properly, it would have been able to provide flood assistance without imposing an additional levy on the population, fergawdsake!

How on earth can you suggest we should regard the end point of this levy as some sort of amelioration of the impost of the carbon tax?
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