Hi Chops --
Expectancy is a well defined term. I'll answer assuming that is what you are asking about. If not, sorry for wasting the bandwidth.
Expectancy is the amount or the percentage that is gained on the average trade. The calculation can be done for either dollar amount or for percentage.
To compute expectancy as a percentage (which is most useful to me). For a list of trades, compute the percentage of trades that result in profit and the average profit in percent; and the percentage of trades that result in loss and the average percentage loss (as a negative number).
Let winners be the percentage of winning trades, losers the percentage of losing trades, pctwon the percentage won by the average winning trade, pctlost the percentage lost by the average losing trade.
Expectancy = winners * pctwon + losers * pctlost.
For example, 40% winners, the average winner gaining 1.5%, 60% losers, the average loser -0.5%.
Expectancy = 0.40 * 0.015 + 0.60 * (-0.005) = 0.003 = 0.3%
The terminal relative wealth (TRW) of a trading account is the final value of the account for every one unit of equity at the start. An account that goes from $10000 to $25000 over some period of time has a terminal relative wealth of 2.5.
TRW = (1+e)^n
where e is the expectancy as a decimal number (0.003 in the example above) and n is the number of closed trades during the period.
In order for a trading system to be profitable, expectancy must be positive. No money management scheme will turn a system that has a negative expectancy into a winning system.
But -- poor money management can turn any system, including one that has a positive expectancy, into a losing system.