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Weather thread for November heatwave

Hey Wysiwyg - the new research is into using windows for collecting of energy and you can still see through them - the solar panel is a pane of glass . New ideas and technology. It is just one of many solar possibilities that have potential but research money is totally lacking..

Aussie dont realise how far behind the country is in R & D on alternative energy and probably everything else. We still thinking how great the the rotary clothes line is. We are probably 20 or 30 years behind Germany.

The country with the most solar panels per head of pop. is not hot sunny Aus or California but frigid cold Germany.

Apologises but I am off thread topic but still relevant.
Forecasting power supply reliability is necessarily an exercise in probability since we don't know (1) hot hot it will actually get (2) whether a heatwave would be simultaneous in different states and (3) how reliably the power stations will actually work.

But the simplest way to look at it is this. It is SA, NSW and especially Vic that lack sufficient generating capacity to ensure reliable supply. Combined, they need literally over 99% of their total combined capacity to actually be working during a heatwave. Vic is in the worst situation - it needs supply from SA / NSW / Tas even if everything does work perfectly.

If you include the available supplies from Qld and Tas then SA / NSW / Vic still need 93% of all that's available when the temperature soars.

So in short, we haven't built enough power generation to ensure reliable supply as load has increased. Now we have a system that only copes, just, if everything works perfectly. And you don't need to be an engineer to work out that not everything will actually work perfectly when it's 45 degrees.
Bucketed down in Melbourne from about 6.30pm or so last night to about 5.00pm this afternoon. Had just over 2 inches in the old scale in that time, which is a fair drop nowadays. Was humid as all get out yesterday so we knew it was coming, but it still fun for the children to jump in all the puddles today - and there were a fair few of them around.
had a magnificant day. weateher was bewdiful on the wine croose. i love you all
I take it back. Yesterday was HORRIBLE... went to the pool in the afternoon, and it was steamy above the water.

... southerly change came at 11.50pm last night - opened up all the windows and doors and let it through!!

Hope global warming does not steal the southerly change!

Warm and muggy in Melbourne this morning. Thunderstorm has just swept down from the north of the city and dumped some rain on the CBD. Still thundering and flashing lightning as I type.
Scary Red dust storm is engulfing my part of Sydney. Not as thick as the one a month or so ago but I can see, smell and feel the dust.
Didn't know where to put this....and not worth starting a new thread

Just want to rant a bit about the inclement weather..have put camping plans on hold and Woodford Folk fest in the maybe bin.
Is the widespread rain playing havoc with any plans for other ASF 'ers?

Sure we needed the rain ,but Sheeesh ,not right on holiday time!

End of rant
Absolutely BRILLIANT weather down here in Tassie over Christmas.

Rained about mid day on Christmas Eve but fine ever since with temperatures in the low 20's. Forecast 34 during the day on the 31st and fine again on the 1st too - so should be a nice warm NYE.

Can't believe it really and neither can many. Rain, rain and more rain during most of the year then suddenly it's fine when most are on holidays. Perfect...

On a more serious note, it's a pity it's not raining in WA given the fires they have at the moment. Hope everyone's OK.
Can't believe it really and neither can many. Rain, rain and more rain during most of the year then suddenly it's fine when most are on holidays. Perfect...

Yeah m8 . In fact its been so good over there that the Huon Valley Council has sent me abatement notices early this year . Seems the conditions there have been great for making paddocks and bush turn into gigantic jungles that need slashing and clearing immediatly..........

Will be there in 2 weeks so lets hope the weather holds
Just gorgeous in SE Qld (north of the storm area) also. Overcast with showers, sultry, about 30, 31. Around 60mls of rain since Christmas Day.
The gardens are looking so grateful. I love summer.
Been lovely here too in Melbourne, apart from rain Christmas Eve.

Its been high 20's, low 30's

A warm NYE in store here too, mid 30's, though they are predicting thunderstorms and rain for New Years Day.

This time last year we were begging for rain.
F F F F Freezing here in P P Perth t t today
who said it is too hot here!
Getting a coffee and back to bed.
Hope all is well weather and otherwise for all.
It's 15 degrees where I'm sitting right now.

And yes, that's with the fire going. Only got home an hour ago and the fire has only got going properly not long ago. It was 12 degrees inside at 9pm.

Bring on Summer...
And yes, that's with the fire going. Only got home an hour ago and the fire has only got going properly not long ago. It was 12 degrees inside at 9pm.
The ambient temperature inside my house has been 12 to 13 for over a week and this evening the outside unit of a split system airconditioner iced up.

There is a strong possibility that tonight will be Perth's coldest on record. Fortunately here we don't need to wait for summer for relief. A northwest wind off the ocean will do.
It's 15 degrees where I'm sitting right now.

And yes, that's with the fire going. Only got home an hour ago and the fire has only got going properly not long ago. It was 12 degrees inside at 9pm.

Bring on Summer...

Why do you both put up with such miserable temperatures? Are you trying to save the planet by not heating your homes?
Why do you both put up with such miserable temperatures? Are you trying to save the planet by not heating your homes?
Hell no. That's what the house would be without heating.

I have split systems in two rooms. The rest of the house for all effective purposes is unheated. The splits have been getting a serious workout during this cold spell.

During this cold snap Perth has had 11 consecutive nights of 5 degrees or less and it is likely to reach 14 before the wind finally gets around to the northwest and off the ocean. That makes a big difference as it is not only warmer but more humid. The previous record is 9. If it was this cold every winter I would be looking at a heating solution somewhat more substantial than two split systems.
Southern Hemisphere has harsher weather than Northern, as it is closer to the Sun during our Summer and further away in Winter.
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