Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Weather thread for November heatwave

30 January 2007

With the media tripping over themselves, almost WILLING another catastrophic bushfire, I thought I would start a thread of what is actually happening and we could all report on our own areas.

39c tipped for Wollongong today - but a nice breeze through the place this morning. Even went for a run this morning - starting to heat up a bit, but nice.

Let's hope that we do NOT have a repeat of February's devastating bushfires, and the irresponsible media should stop beating such into the head of some deranged loner firebug looking for a some attention!!


With the media tripping over themselves, almost WILLING another catastrophic bushfire, I thought I would start a thread of what is actually happening and we could all report on our own areas.

39c tipped for Wollongong today - but a nice breeze through the place this morning. Even went for a run this morning - starting to heat up a bit, but nice.

Let's hope that we do NOT have a repeat of February's devastating bushfires, and the irresponsible media should stop beating such into the head of some deranged loner firebug looking for a some attention!!


Townsville scattered showers last night.

Very bloody hot day and getting that way already, although as we have an extra hour in each day compared to down south, we'll probably get in to the 30's.

Overcast and coolish today in Havelock North.

29 degrees yesterday, a perfect day for cafe hopping wine tasting and other such decadence. ;)
26 C here in beautiful bris.Bureau prediction is for 32.
SE Qld is not in the dire situation that the southern states are ,but it is very dry around here.

Spring rains have failed again ,in most parts.We await the monsoons of summer...
26 in Perth.
Looking forward to a wine cruise with Mrs, kids and Co, early Xmas lunch and Birthday for my lad (22) as he leaves next week for 3 months SE Asia tours with 6 weeks uni summer school in Mumbai India.
Lucky little bast... hey ..if I get him full of P I can nick his ticket!

Perth had 1 freakish hot day in October but the rest has been mild, touch of rain for a couple af days last week.
Just logged on to the weather station at The Cove
Currently Temperature 27.5 °C Humidity 59%
Northerly Winds at 16.0kt gusting to 21.0kt
NOTAM Regarding Schoolies milling around Surfers & coastal areas. This looks noisy and ugly.
Absolutely pelting down rain in Melbournes East, about 19, but the humidity is high

2 days ago we were cooking - 36ish hot and dry

S.A has had it hotter than us this week.

I am enjoying the cool change and its watering my garden : )

It is abit of a worry Brad, too hot too soon.

I really hope no repeat to Februarys Bushfires anywhere in Australia
4 homes destroyed in the fires in Tas last week.

It was exceptionally wet during Winter, which has produced massive amounts of undergrowth in the bush, but that has been followed by a lack of rain during October and November so it's starting to dry out. Lots of growth and dry is not a good combination.

But the real worry is that it's only November at the beginning of the dry season, it was only 32 degrees, and already we've got fires burning homes to the ground.

On another matter also related to the heat, NSW came pretty close to running out of electricity last Friday, blackouts avoided by reliance on supply from both Qld and Vic and even then the situation was fairly tight.:2twocents
4 homes destroyed in the fires in Tas last week.

It was exceptionally wet during Winter, which has produced massive amounts of undergrowth in the bush, but that has been followed by a lack of rain during October and November so it's starting to dry out. Lots of growth and dry is not a good combination.

But the real worry is that it's only November at the beginning of the dry season, it was only 32 degrees, and already we've got fires burning homes to the ground.

On another matter also related to the heat, NSW came pretty close to running out of electricity last Friday, blackouts avoided by reliance on supply from both Qld and Vic and even then the situation was fairly tight.:2twocents

Oh dear, Smurf.... **Shhhh.....**... if not for you, who would have known?

After 43 on Wednesday I'm at the point of taking the washing to the laundromat. It won't dry with all the rain we're getting! (Adelaide)
Weather is a funny thing. Adelaide may well have had it's hottest day of the summer. It would be interesting to know how often 43 has been cracked there twice or more in the same summer.
Temperatures rise, temperatures fall.
The wind brings heat, no wind holds heat, sea breeze cools, geographic location, surface sea water average temperature can vary up to 7 °C., living beside the coast is cooler than living inland (in summer), valleys are hot in summer, neighbours houses trap heat, if people weren't here it would still happen.

°C is normal.
I'm about an hour west of Brisbane. Heatwave conditions here for the last week or so, 37 to 41, about 37 today so far.

No hotter than it was in yesteryear though. One day when I was a lad we went for a swim in the river that ran through our place....we only stayed in a few minutes because the water was unpleasantly warm.
That day hit 112 degrees in the old scale, or 44.5 Celsius in todays language.
Many is the time over the years when I had to put the sprinkler on in the chook pen when the chooks starting dying from heat exhaustion.
Sometimes we found dozens of dead birds around the paddocks after a hot day.
47 in the shade is the hottest day I remember.

But let's not get all silly and claim that the current heatwave is proof of man-made global warming....we'll leave that sort of idiotic statement to Kevin Rudd.
37C here in Sydney and rising - will be even warmer in western suburbs

Google has us at 40 at the moment. It also has at 20 for Monday :confused:. Can only imagine how packed the beaches and shopping centres are at the moment.
On another matter also related to the heat, NSW came pretty close to running out of electricity last Friday, blackouts avoided by reliance on supply from both Qld and Vic and even then the situation was fairly tight.:2twocents

Oh dear, I have a bad feeling about this. Does it mean that any downsizing of the fossil fuel base load means that we will have to forego air conditioning during future heat waves? We can't count on boosting wind and solar power on these days, or any other days for that matter.

I have bad memories of the Bjelke Petersen wars with the electricity unions in Qld. when we had brownouts and blackouts for weeks at a time. I remember climbing a stinking hot stairwell up 14 floors to a stinking hot office in midsummer.
Nice sea breeze here in Wollongong has dampened the predictions of 40+ temperatures.

So far so good - not sure what is going on out in the rest of the state.

Any updates on bushfires?

On days like today there is vast amounts of solar energy bombarding virtually every roof in the country let alone every bit of vacant land.

What would the situation have been if say 20 years ago governments had made it compulsory to have solar panels on every new house, building, office, factory etc. Plus had given huge rebates to have panels fitted onto existing structures.

What if current research had been funded 2 decades ago to turn all glass windows into solar panels and every roof tile or sheeting in energy collectors.

Australia should be a leader in solar power - we have the climate, the geography and the intellectual capability. What also we do have is successive governments beholden to the oil and coal industry be it unions or corporations. We also have politicians so blinkered in their vision that they would not see the sun even if it shone out of their a-holes.

I read this week that at there is a huge solar scheme in Morrocco (I think) that hopes to power 20% of Europe.

Wake up Australia - you have a huge number of hot sunny days, driest inhabitated continent on earth, vast open spaces, vast empty rooves and no solar industry. Just completely stupid really.
Currently at my home in NQ it is about 31C and 86% RH - normal November weather. Luckily there is a breeze blowing.

Thankfully we've been having some rain in recent times. This might seem a bit ironic after the big floods earlier in the year, but between then and a few weeks ago, we received very little rain.

When you add all this together, it meant that for a few months from late August it was non-stop with bushfires.
What if current research had been funded 2 decades ago to turn all glass windows into solar panels and every roof tile or sheeting in energy collectors.
Can't see through them. :rolleyes:

Australia should be a leader in solar power - we have the climate, the geography and the intellectual capability.
Yeah massive roof surface area. I read there is tech. from the Australian National University called SLIVER that works the silicone wafer to be more efficient in PV panels.