Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

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In good faith I made a payment (via Paypal) to Speculative Trading Ideas on 8/5/08 Order.htm

The home website opens as follows

Welcome to the STI web site.

My name is Peter Vincent ( aka mpfx ) and I am the Director of Speculative Trading Ideas Pty Ltd. 

I live on the Mornington Peninsula, one hour south of Melbourne, Australia and have been actively involved as a trader of the ASX and Forex markets for over nine years.

The lack of free historical data available on the web was my original motivation for creating this site. As time has gone by I have added tools and editorials all designed to help online traders advance their own skills. The most important thing I have learned in my years of trading is that where possible try to remove all emotion from your trading and be as mechanical as possible.

Hopefully you will be able to gain something from my site and I wish you well for all your future trades.

Best Regards and Good Trading,

Peter Vincent.

Since then I have sent several emails without response.

If anyone can enlighten me as to why, I would be appreciative.

If nothing else this may serve as a further warning to some of us.:1zhelp:


