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War Warning for the Pacific

21 July 2009
The disturbances in Sydney over the last few days are nothing compared to what is happening in China at the present moment.

Pictures are sometimes worth a thousand words.

Everyone is concentrating on the Third World War breaking out in the Middle East, in actual fact, war could easily break out first between China and Japan. The tensions are extreme between these 2 countries right now. We will be very lucky indeed if the planet is in one piece by the end if the year, in actual fact it will be a miracle.
We will be very lucky indeed if the planet is in one piece by the end if the year, in actual fact it will be a miracle.

Little bit extreme imo. Various countries are always at each others throats and the World is still here...

wow, thats doom and gloom in overdrive!

Most of the protests are staged. You think the average Chinese cares?
Actually, the average Chinese do..
I know I am here and have to put up with the questions if which side I am on..
Especially today, the anniversary of Japans invasion of north China..

If you want the population not to think about the change if thier own leaders..what do you do..but stoke the fires if other subjects..

Let's hope the Japan backs off in this history is not on its side.

Before anyone jumps down my throat for that last comment please do some research on the san Francisco peace treaty 1951..then the okinawa reversion 1971..
Then have a lot at who was administration of the islands way back in the 14th century..

sent from yet another MikG HTC Evo
If you want the population not to think about the change if thier own leaders..what do you do..but stoke the fires if other subjects..

This was exactly what I thought.

As an aside, it's nice to see that the ZH transition from interesting blog to financial version of the National Enquirer appears to be complete. I used to enjoy that site haven't been there in at least 12 months.
This territory dispute dates back to the 70s and re-occurs every now and then... I don't think there'd be any all out warfare because of it. Trade wars - may be.

P.S. For a potential trading opportunity see what happened last time this dispute flared up.

Ahh, makes sense.

Also, the protests are highly tolerated, perhaps not all staged but certainly tolerated if not encouraged...

I always thought that it had to do with the oil/resources that are buried under the sea around the islands? Owning the islands gives you rights to those resources...
I always thought that it had to do with the oil/resources that are buried under the sea around the islands? Owning the islands gives you rights to those resources...

There is more at stake then just the oil and gas..


And there is no way in hell that as a nation that can defend it going to let the Japanese place ownership rights on those islands..
Not in this day and age..

Like I said..history is on thier side..and as to any paperwork that may be ratified by Japan and another nation that is itself only a little over 200 years old, when push comes to shove..I can see that the US will want to leave that alone..

Japan still has to make amends for its fool hardy decession to take on the world..those ghosts are not out of the system yet..and the "deep" hate that runs in from the middle of China to the north is only to easy to understand.

We have many in Australia that are still alive and fought so that no Australian land was conceded or landed on during these times..
So we didnt have any of our own women and children that have had to carry the burden of a brutal occupation..

So to think that this is a geo-political problem is wrong..

sent from yet another MikG HTC Evo
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