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VYS - Vysarn Limited

5 June 2007

Hi folks,

MHM ... due to list about 04122007 .... according to our astroanalysis,
it looks like a bevy of news and a strong start for this one, on listing:

26-27112007 ... pre-listing news ???

04122007 ... expect positive news on listing

10122007 ... minor cycle

19122007 ... minor aspect

21-24122007 ... difficult cycle

27122007 ... difficult cycle

03012008 ... positive cycle here ... finances???

Balance of January, February and most of March 2008
looks to be a difficult period (flat-trading???),
until around:

24-25032008 ... positive spotlight on MHM ...

happy days


Re: MHM - Macquarie Harbour

WOW look at these guys go today..

Following the announcement of a high grade iron ore discovery in Tassie, they have shot up 69% and it only 10.30am!!!!

Wish i was in on this one
Re: MHM - Macquarie Harbour

Some high Iron rock chips in the middle of nowhere, along way from market. Looks like an over-reaction to me, good luck to all holders.
Re: MHM - Macquarie Harbour

Also note the expiry of Escrow period, with directors looking for some market impact then maybe there's been some squatting.
Re: MHM - Macquarie Harbour

MHM in trading halt today. Not a lot of information given.

Any reasons?
Re: MHM - Macquarie Harbour

MHM in trading halt today. Not a lot of information given.

Any reasons?

Yep, story on front page of paper in Tas re a big silicon refinery/smelter setting up in NW Tassie using MHMs silica. Definitely potential to run if that actually happens.
Re: MHM - Macquarie Harbour

Heads up people! MHM running today on response to media speculation - note that they neither confirm nor deny the silicon smelter news but that they have been in talks with Wacker Chemie AG re supply of silica from MHMs permits.


Note that they have $2.5m in cash and at 10c were only valued at $3m ie they must only have 30m shares on issue. If they can sign up some buyers for their silica they should have a decent run IMO
Re: MHM - Macquarie Harbour

Announcement out re capital raising - $3m @ 20c a share which seems pretty damn good given it has only just jumped back over that in the last month after trading under 10c for the last year!

They are buying into Aluminium Salt Slag reprocessing - anyone have any experience/insights into the success/otherwise of this process??

The potential operating figures they are suggesting would make their current MC well below what it could be - revenue $19m pa and new profit $14m pa. At 25c the current MC is just $9m so...

Anyway, I'm in but would appreciate any comments from more experienced aluminium people
Re: MHM - Macquarie Harbour

Looks like a deliberate typo in the announcement there?

It was refering to the customer as Company 1, then in following paragraph named them as SGM?

Anyway, some research in warranted. My only exposure to the company so far is reading this thread. Already I don't like the track record of this company... it seems to change it focus from iron ore exploring to silicon smelter to Al salt slag in the space of 20 posts.. and it's a $7m company AFTER raising $3m.
Re: MHM - Macquarie Harbour

Conditional agreement to purchase Sims Metal Management Limited’s
(ASX:SGM) Aluminium Salt Slag processing facility in Moolap, Victoria
• Supply contracts with Sims to treat Aluminium Salt Slag and Aluminium Dross
in final stages of negotiation
• Settlement anticipated by 15 January 2010 resulting in immediate income
generation. Full production capacity expected to be achieved Q2 2010
• Acquisition of exclusive global rights to proprietary processing technology,
processing agreement also in place with significant additional revenue potential
• Substantial opportunities to expand business overseas, discussions commenced
for two plants in the United States
• First right of refusal to acquire two additional technologies that treat waste from
the aluminium industry, significant growth opportunity
Re: MHM - Macquarie Harbour

good investor presentation today this is a stock to be on!
started making money and not looking to dilute shareholders growth
prospects also exist and good for ethical investing as they are reducing landfill in treating aluminium slag
Re: MHM - Macquarie Harbour

good investor presentation today this is a stock to be on!
started making money and not looking to dilute shareholders growth
prospects also exist and good for ethical investing as they are reducing landfill in treating aluminium slag

That's an interesting point - might have to point this out to AMP ethical investment fund, get some BIG interest happening in MHM
Re: MHM - Macquarie Harbour

at this buying level 27c it is a great entry level
excellent risk to reward ratio for a company that is making money
Re: MHM - Macquarie Harbour

Pretty boring stock to be on at the moment. like watching paint dry. With plenty more action elsewhere, this remains a SOLID investment, but maybe something to revisit when the rest of the market is tired.

Anyone got a contact at AMP ethical investor?
Re: MHM - Macquarie Harbour

Looks like a company building a solid foundation.

The Aluminium business could become quite a growth story in itself and as for the Silica seems like a niche business that could become a very important player.

Ohh and they are already making money shrewd business dealings here.
Re: MHM - Macquarie Harbour Mining

MHM has been the star of the ASX over the last 2 weeks.

Alcoa deal must be close and Pilot plant must be finished and making lots of profits.

Long may it continue !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: MHM - Macquarie Harbour Mining

Just loving the price action from MHM seems to only go one way !!!

Plant upgrade almost complete, Alcoa due to visit, silca offtake, gold project and Tassie tennaments all go to go !!!
Re: MHM - Macquarie Harbour Mining

Up another 10% today already, I read on "the other site" that based on a PE of ten for the current plant they have, MHM should be around 80 cents per share, that is dismissing all their other projects, and any (seems almost certain to happen) expansion of their recycling business. Figures of $5 to $10 were bandied about due to the lack of shares on issue and the very large potential of the aluminum recycling in N America (20-40 times as large as Australia). When the only thing that doesn't make sense about the company is how low the price is, sometimes it means you should buy!

Re: MHM - Macquarie Harbour Mining

Many will be seeing this price action and looking back and thinking why didnt I buy then ?

MHM has great great potential and is no one trick pony with Aluminium, gold and Silca projects progressing.

Low share issue and now a profitable company with deals soon to be signed.

Enjoy the ride !!!!!
Re: MHM - Macquarie Harbour Mining

... and for even more enjoyment, try the options MHMO: 20c strike and still two years to run.
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