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VUL - Vulcan Energy Resources

Next investors are a paid promoter of VUL as well as a shareholder, despicable behaviour by them with no transparency. That's what ASIC should be onto!
Now market has behaved after TH has been lifted to give the short sellers recovering their money to some extent .
Next Investors ramping for SHORT SQUEEZE did not help so far. They have declared a big stake made at a fraction of current price however. Gives them selling opportunity to reserve cash I believe.
Already 3.3 million shares got exchanged since the market started trading on VUL today.
The recovery is however getting fast for the early day trader to make some quick cash


There's a lot to unpack between the JC article, VUL's response, as well as NI's interests. They each have an agenda and each report and response aligns with their own biases and selected references to the 'experts'. I'm not sure if J Cap can breach ASIC rules as I can't see an AFSL on their website. Their disclaimer pretty much says 'we are Uber drivers from Hot Copper'. It's all very interesting to read and the process VUL claim will work is way too complicated for me. Glad I'm watching TBH. Although, if I'd bought two years ago, I'd still be pretty happy...
Next investors are a paid promoter of VUL as well as a shareholder, despicable behaviour by them with no transparency. That's what ASIC should be onto!

S3 Consortium have been labelled 'pump and dumpers' in the very well respected AFR but have a very interesting business model that seems to be very lucrative for them. Not sure how they're doing it.
Won't be going anywhere today I decided if it fell to $10 I was out.
Obviously there are some who have made money today as the volume has indicated.
When the fog clears I have a feeling it is upwards and onwards at a slower pace.
It’s dropped quite a bit before, if it wasn’t for all the noise I would not be worried.
I hope someone takes on JCap, I hate to see their tactics cause someone to lose money so I really hope they are caught ”short”.
Ridiculous amount of downramping going on with VUL so put that in perspective wth stoplossess
It was managing to stay over $10 so I took the stop/loss off reckoning the good news coming out would negate the selling. I was quite lucky as it dipped under ten and then traded back up.
Going back to my original thinking I saw VUL as a company that once in production might give me a return possibly five times what I paid, to reach that return in twelve months I should be quite happy and look forward to future gains.

I think so. I actually almost bought more the other day, but am happy to hold as the future is extremely bullish. Really surprised it's around these prices still. But I think the market requires clarification on the Jcap stuff and the DFS perhaps.
After publishing articles, some interviews and videos denigrating Vulcan, J Capital and Tim Murray issued an apology along with a settlement to Vulcan on Wednesday 15th December for the damage, distress and embarrassment caused to the Board and management of Vulcan along with the allegations regarding the Board and management.
Looks like those who sold may be getting on the bus again price is recovering nicely after dipping under $10.
Would expect it to gravitate to $15/$16 ...but the market is a strange mistress hey
Dont tell me people think there is still a viable business here?? Did they not read the apology? The only thing they have apologised for is the allegations about the board & management, they specifically excluded their commentary about the commercial viability of the business. No damages awarded either.
Enjoying sitting on my 600% gain ?
Seems to be various opinions on VUL with some doubter’s believing the project to produce lithium at net zero greenhouse gas emissions won’t get of the ground.
The likes of Stellantis, Renault and Volkswagon would not enter supply and off take agreements with Vulcan without due diligence.
The agreements are for five year period with some options in some cases for further extensions.
If Vulcan can hit the milestones they have in the development of the project I can only see the share price gaining strength from its current price at $10.35.
The price has been volatile of late with a substantial drop from a high of $16.65 caused mainly by fear by allegations by a group of short sellers out for a quick buck.
My hope is for a return to previous highs during the coming year.
Quit today not sure if it’s a bad move or a good move, it was a healthy profit.
Just don’t like the negativity on the market, healthy bit of cash back in the account, I had a stop at $10 which I took off grrrrr.
Cash is king that’s what we used to say.
It looks like a penny stock about to take off. Don't hold, probably won't after all the negativity but I can always change my mind, it looks profoundly tempting as it threads its way through the 200dmas. No recent volume spike though.

There are so many moving parts to consider. Volume is one, high and lows, opening price, closing price, surplus volume before open, surplus volume after 4 pm are indications for me in trading. Although not fool proof, they've been helpful in the past. Big money plays behind the scene are not always transparent to the naked eye............they can will a stock up and down....... good luck, Ann, I like what you're doing.......I'm along the same lines

To elaborate a little, Anne.... positive surplus volume before open is a good sign to me, and a positive surplus after 4 pm is negative. I like to see a NEGATIVE surplus volume after 4pm (and not forgetting the highs and lows) As said, not foolproof, but a guide I use
There are so many moving parts to consider.
Yes, there are eskys and I like to devote a lot of time to each of them on an individual basis so that eventually I don't have to consciously consider them when I am looking at a trade. Such as volume that I am totally focused on at the moment, after 20+ years of trading, I now discover volume! Eventually, it will be a purely subconscious observation that will be seen but not seen, if that makes sense? In the short term, I focus and focus on it with total concentration until it is part of me. Then it just becomes a sort of intuitive absence of thought.
Big money plays behind the scene are not always transparent to the naked eye............they can will a stock up and down
You may wish to say big money "willing" a stock up or down, I just call it plain old, after-hours, fundy market manipulation.
positive surplus volume before open is a good sign to me, and a positive surplus after 4 pm is negative. I like to see a NEGATIVE surplus volume after 4pm (and not forgetting the highs and lows) As said, not foolproof, but a guide I use
That's a very interesting aspect, I will have to pay a little more attention to that, thank you for sharing that info, appreciated it.
I tend to just glance and see the percentage of buyers to sellers on the day when I want to trade a particular stock.
I tend to just glance and see the percentage of buyers to sellers on the day when I want to trade a particular stock.
When paying attention to the stack, which is mainly only if considering to enter or exit the trade, I ignore the numbers which are 20% or more away from the current price. It is after all, it is an auction and the prices outside the top 20% (or even 10% for one not moving much) are irrelevant because like in any auction, they are nowhere near the action.

When developing (not I, but our trading group) the algorithm to assess the market sentiment for, or momentum for, a stock at any point in time, it was obvious that the bottom 80% had very little effect on the results.
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