Here's another interesting question i've always thought about.
I've just put a very very tight stop loss on a stock. Now i was wondering if other ppl can actually see what i've set my stop loss at and maybe take advantage by diliberately lowering their bids and triggering my stop. I've heard of big institutions selling down stocks to trigger stop losses and then buying them back at a lower price.
Is this possible? Is there a 'market depth' for stop losses that institutions can look at?
I reckon it's highly unlikely. But i always here stories of institutional investors taking strategies to beat us little guys. eg. pumping and dumping, price capping stocks like INL.
How much power to these institutional guys have? I'm assuming HEAPS with the amount of cash backing them!
I've just put a very very tight stop loss on a stock. Now i was wondering if other ppl can actually see what i've set my stop loss at and maybe take advantage by diliberately lowering their bids and triggering my stop. I've heard of big institutions selling down stocks to trigger stop losses and then buying them back at a lower price.
Is this possible? Is there a 'market depth' for stop losses that institutions can look at?
I reckon it's highly unlikely. But i always here stories of institutional investors taking strategies to beat us little guys. eg. pumping and dumping, price capping stocks like INL.
How much power to these institutional guys have? I'm assuming HEAPS with the amount of cash backing them!