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Vibrant Health

12 April 2007
Researchers say that an extract made from broccoli sprouts may prevent skin cancer when applied directly to the skin. VOA's Jessica Berman reports scientists say broccoli contains a chemical that stimulates the body's natural anti-cancer ability.

The researchers spread broccoli sprout extract on the skin of six people, then exposed them to high levels of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The areas of skin covered by the extract had 37 percent less redness and sunburn than skin not covered -- both indications of skin damage that could lead to cancer.

Sunscreen, meanwhile, did not offer any protection against the UV rays, the researchers said.

Whereas sunscreen works by deflecting UV rays, and therefore must be reapplied often to work, broccoli sprout extract works by penetrating skin cells and stimulating their natural cancer-fighting mechanism.

Since sulphoraphane extract from broccoli sprouts appears to fight cancer in your skin, the researchers believe it may be effective against cancer in other organs as well.

Government: Vaccines threaten up to 44,000 soldiers
'This really is like Russian roulette. Spin the chamber and take your shot'


A U.S. soldier in Iraq is being punished for refusing an anthrax vaccine that has a questionable safety record and apparently will be drummed out of the service.

Hi, there are few companies usingplant extracts. If you are interested, check out Peplin, PEP. They use a garden weed and have a partnership with one of the universities. May be a good investment in the furure.
Re: Not Soy Good

Confused About Soy?--Soy Dangers Summarized

High levels of phytic acid in soy reduce assimilation of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. Phytic acid in soy is not neutralized by ordinary preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting and long, slow cooking. High phytate diets have caused growth problems in children.

Trypsin inhibitors in soy interfere with protein digestion and may cause pancreatic disorders. In test animals soy containing trypsin inhibitors caused stunted growth.

Soy phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine function and have the potential to cause infertility and to promote breast cancer in adult women.

Soy phytoestrogens are potent antithyroid agents that cause hypothyroidism and may cause thyroid cancer. In infants, consumption of soy formula has been linked to autoimmune thyroid disease.

Vitamin B12 analogs in soy are not absorbed and actually increase the body's requirement for B12.

Soy foods increase the body's requirement for vitamin D.

Fragile proteins are denatured during high temperature processing to make soy protein isolate and textured vegetable protein.

Processing of soy protein results in the formation of toxic lysinoalanine and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines.

Free glutamic acid or MSG, a potent neurotoxin, is formed during soy food processing and additional amounts are added to many soy foods.

Soy foods contain high levels of aluminum which is toxic to the nervous system and the kidneys.
Japanese Consumers Will Not Accept GM Food
interesting mm
Dawkins I notice is "pro GM" - because he is anti-poison / insecticide etc - and he knows that diseases are capable of adapting and/or becoming immune to said poisons.

I'd love to know more on the topic.
Re: The case against GM foods

Hi 20/20

Some more...

GM in Australia

South Australia recently extended a moritorium on GM crops!

Other states not so smart.,25197,23183526-5006788,00.html

Consumers in SA

A supermarket chain says it will not allow genetically-modified (GM) food in its home brand range in South Australia, because an overwhelming number of customers are opposed to GM foods.

Genetic Pollution

GMOs should not be released into the environment as there is not adequate scientific understanding of their impact on the environment and human health.

Frankenstein Foods

The debate has gone on for several years but it heated up in February when the London Guardian reported on the sacking of a British scientist whose tests showed up the dangers of a GM food.

Dr Arpad Pusztai had found that rats fed on GM potatoes after 10 days suffered a weakened immune system and severe impairment in the development of internal organs such as heart, liver, kidney and the brain.

These findings were suppressed by his employers, the Rowett Research Institute and he was ousted in August 1998.

More recent research by Dr Stanley Ewen at Aberdeen University Medical School (showing rats fed on GM potatoes suffered an enlarged stomach wall) seemed to confirm Pusztai's findings.

An international group of 20 scientists also supported the findings after analysing his data and results.

Last August, Dr Pusztai said in a TV interview he would not eat GM food and found it "very, very unfair to use our fellow citizens as guinea pigs." Two days later he was suspended and later forced to retire by his institute.

New form of rat poison?

As study demonstrated that rats who were fed for 90 days on Monsanto's MON863 maize showed "signs of toxicity" in the liver and kidneys.

The Future of Food video

"If you eat food, you need to see The Future of Food..."

Some of the most heartbreaking yet inspiring moments in the film involve the story of Percy and Louise Schmeiser of Saskatchewan, Canada, who were targeted by Monsanto. Monsanto won a suit against Schmeiser in Canada's Supreme Court, which ruled that it didn't matter how Monsanto's Roundup Ready Canola got into Schmeiser's field--and all parties agreed that it had blown into his fields off a passing truck--simply by virtue of it growing there Schmeiser had infringed on Monsanto's patent. The age-old farm etiquette that it is your job to fence your cattle in, not your neighbor's job to fence your cattle out, is thus turned on its ear. Monsanto has prosecuted hundreds of farmers, most of whom settled and agreed never to discuss their settlements. The Schmeisers had to destroy all their canola seeds, developed over decades, because they are now contaminated with Roundup Ready Canola. They spent their retirement funds fighting this injustice, and they lost.

Making the World GM-Free and Sustainable

Think Again

For those who believe that "GM food is safe" because "people have been eating GM food since its first release in 1994 and no one has fallen ill or died from it," think again. First, there has been no labelling in countries like the US where GM food and feed are most available. Second, many GM products are "de-regulated" and hence not known or traceable as such. Third, there has been no post-release monitoring, so it is impossible to tell how many people and animals have become ill or have died from eating GM food and feed, even though in 1999, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control published a paper suggesting that food-related illnesses increased two- to ten-fold compared with results of a survey carried out just before GM food was commercially released in 1994.12,13

Fourth, GM food and feed may be linked to chronic illnesses such as autoimmune disease, slow viruses or cancer,14 which may be difficult to detect. Finally, animal feed accounts for up to half the world's harvest,15 so most of the GM produce so far has probably ended up in animal feed after being processed for seed oil, corn starch, corn syrup and, increasingly, ethanol and biodiesel.16,17 That means GM produce is seldom eaten directly by either animals or human beings so far. But that is soon to change, if proponents have their way.
yep, I heard those Canadian farmers talking on local ABC radio when they visted recently - totally against GM and Monsanto - sounded most convincing. But Dawkins (as I mentioned) sees a bigger threat from "antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria".

The evolution of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria is something that a Darwinian might have foreseen from the day antibiotics were discovered.

I'm not necessarily advocating GM - just trying to learn more
Bit of a confusing article this one ..

At least - I guess - they are doing (thorough) experiments on mice before they do em on people (unlike the pharmaceutical companies on some occasions) .
Yoga in two simple steps
a) how to breath
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The Art of Breathing with Miyuki Fox

Acrobatic Yoga


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yet another disease "extremely resistant to drugs"
gotta feeling that this is the sort of thing Dawkins was referring to.
actually I'm on antibiotics at the moment - whacked my thumb with some steel at work - no bludy choice but tablets - but my conscience is giving me hell.

- so tempting to stop the course of capsules now that the infection is almost sorted out - even if there's half a course left over - but apparently that's the very wrong thing to do ( not that I fully understand these things)

Why are you opposed to taking antibiotics and what is it to do with your conscience?

Re not taking the full course, have you asked your doctor?

Re Candida: it's not inevitable following a course of antibiotics. Depends on the individual's sensitivity at a given time.
1. Why are you opposed to taking antibiotics and what is it to do with your conscience?

2. Re not taking the full course, have you asked your doctor?
1. Plenty of evidence that overuse of antibiotics is dangerous.
(You disagree ?)

My wife and I differ on the amount of medicine that should be given to kids. They have been fed a heap of antibiotics over the years (compared to what I had anyway) - and their general resistance (antibodies whatever) is a fraction of mine.

2. As for completing a course - suspect there's no need to ask the doctor. It's apparently the only way to go.

Use the medication properly. Antibiotics are only effective if taken for the full amount of time prescribed by the doctor

Plenty more - including ridiculous and dangerous quantities of antibiotics (and hormones) used in the poultry industry.,20867,20611977-23290,00.html
2020, you said you were taking antibiotics because of an injury.
Presumably the non-sterile object causing the injury caused an infection.
This requires systemic (oral or injected) antibiotics to fight the infection.

This is an entirely appropriate use of antibiotics for a specific bacterial infection.

Completely different from the indiscriminate and unfortunately widespread use of antibiotics when no obvious (or laboratory tested) infection is present.
i.e. people get a bit of a sniffle from a virus and say "Oh, I've got the flu, I need antibiotics". Bulls**t!. Viruses are completely unresponsive to antibiotics. Usually they will simply run their natural course and recovery occurs with no intervention.
The overuse occurs when busy GP's succumb to patients' desire for a prescription at the end of a consultation. Easier to click the computer and churn out a bit of penicillin than spend a further 15 minutes trying to explain to the customer just what I'm trying to explain to you here.

Thus, people take more antibiotics than they need, purely out of ignorance.

You are clearly taking the antibiotics for a bacterial infection apparently caused by a foreign body. Thus completely appropriate use of said antibiotics.
If you ignored it the infection could spread and from being localised could become systemic and you could become pretty sick.

Hope this clarifies somewhat how antibiotics should be used.
sure, but (ref the flue) the grey areas start when the phlegm becomes green or red or purple or whatever. How green is green ? etc.

and you thought Marion Jones was a junkie! how about the doped up chickens we are all addicted to -
and young boys who eat a lot of chicken growing breasts - getting nightly visits (like their sisters) from the (Bill Cosby) "pump fairy" not long after the "tooth fairy".
bludy marvellous

PS People used to get over infections before the days of penicillin btw - and arguably emerged the stronger for it. Cowpox, smallpox, all that sorta stuff.

There are drug resistant strains evolving - fact.
Should we do something about it ?

As for the interface with GM, as Dawkins would say ...

PS Not that I think much of Monsanto's business ethics. - but that's sorta another matter.
Re: Antibiotics

The End of Antibiotics

(NaturalNews) Eventually antibiotics are going to be seen as one of the worst things to ever come out of pharmaceutical science because in the end, they have made us only weaker in the face of ever increasingly strong super bugs that are resistant to all the antibiotics doctors have at their disposal. When we look at how deep the rabbit hole goes with antibiotics, we will get sick in our souls. Antibiotics have fulfilled their anti–biotic anti-life role leaving a long trail of death and suffering in the wake of their use.

Diseases include measles, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, pneumonia, influenza, whooping cough, diphtheria and polio. All were in decline for several decades before the introduction of antibiotics or vaccines -Dr. Lawrence Wilson.

Antibiotics do not kill yeast. Many women find after taking antibiotics, they get vaginal yeast infections (because their normal bacterial balance has been lost). Antibiotics bring on fungal and yeast infections thus will eventually be seen as a major cause of cancer since more and more oncologists are seeing yeast and fungal infections as an integral part of cancer and its cause. With upwards of 40 percent of all cancers thought to be involved with and caused by infections, the subject of antibiotics and the need for something safer, more effective and life serving is imperative.

It may be some time before we really enter the predicted "post antibiotic era" in which common infections are frequently untreatable - Dr. Marc Lipsitch et al. (Harvard School of Public Health).

Antibiotics kill all bacteria in the body, including the ones we need.

An antibiotic is a substance produced by certain bacteria or fungi that kills other cells or interferes with their growth. In nature, these substances help some microbes survive by limiting the multiplication of other microbes that share the same environment. Antibiotics that attack pathogenic (disease-causing) microbes without severely harming normal body cells are useful as drugs but there does not seem to be any from the pharmaceutical companies that do not do damage. Dr. Lisa Landymore-Lin wrote all about this in her book Poisonous Prescriptions asking, 'Do Antibiotics Cause Asthma and Diabetes?' We are now beginning to question the role of antibiotics as a cause of cancer since they do lead to pathogen overgrowth especially in the area of yeast and fungi. Chris Woollams writes, "It is estimated that 70 per cent of the British population have a yeast infection. The primary cause of this is our love of antibiotics. Swollen glands? Take antibiotics. Tonsillitis? Take antibiotics."

Two studies in the recent past have shown an association between the use of antibiotics with higher incidence of breast cancer.

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