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.....I have tried to catch up with the Chairman the past days on other matters and he seems to be absent, first time for a while there is silence to my calls, thus I have a sneaking idea that he is trying to lay low at the moment (perhaps there is something in the wind - its about time!).

Just curious Beatle, did CJ happen to return your call Last week?

Re previous post - was referring to your previous post (edited)...
Hi Geezuguys. No I have had the same problem in fact for the past week, he not only is not answering his calls, he is not replying to messages which he has religiously done in the past if he has been unable to answer due to traveling. I agree that something is in process, and most likely with them getting close to final commissioning now (I would imagine) I guess he doesn't want to give anything away.

And its important to note, that if it were bad news then due to the requirement to maintain continuous disclosure to the market this absence can only be a good sign, otherwise they would definitely have to put out an ASX release.
Regarding the consolidation.

Moit, thanks for your thoughts, and I agree with what you have mentioned about how things might turn out. Your comment that there is some getting used to the different holding number (and obviously the price change) I think are important considerations. IMO whilst the longer term outlook for RED and its share price is likely to be very positive, my thought that is will remove some of the trader types due to the higher entry price who like pennydreadfuls, and also with it being at a price never before attained there is a slight possibility that the first couple of days it could be under pressure for a very slight drop, say 5% or so, until the bigger holders support it. And of course the exact timing couldn't be more finely poised, with the ensuing expectation of the first gold pour, reserve upgrade etc etc about to be announced.

Thus while the longer term looks bright (the extent of the brightness of course also depends upon how well its initial production goes and how its promoted!), I would not be recommending too much more buying until we see if their stage managing of the news meets with the timing of the consoliation (if that makes sense!). So Moit, maybe following your wife's orders (I've been in the same situation too!) isn't too bad and you can always say "I told you so!", lol.

As to that timing DougsAntiques, you can see the possible timing in the resolutions announced as part of the AGM, but in brief it assumes:
23 Nov Shareholder Approval
24 Nov Last day of pe-consolidated trading
25 Nov First day of post-consolidated trading on a deferred settlement basis.
And yes I would assume that RED has already canvassed the major shareholders to have an idea if the consolidation will be approved. If it doesn't get approved I am not overduly concerned, if it does get through then the major shareholders wanted it that way so thats ok too.
...if it were bad news then due to the requirement to maintain continuous disclosure to the market this absence can only be a good sign, otherwise they would definitely have to put out an ASX release.

Anyone heard of Lynas recently, or the Obi gold project where they just don't say anything - or SDL which can't speak at all, or suspended stock which lasts for more than stated, always bad news then.

They were 65% on some works, I would not be surprised to hear there is some sort of problem with delays due availability of something, which will be "rectified quickly".
This is the cynic in me, I hate holding waiting on news!
I know you guys know a lot more than me w.r.t. RED, so I defer to your judgement here, and I note that the wait hasn't been serious or over anything expected, so all good, but I must dispute a company's obligation to release bad news quickly, it just seems such a rubbery thing, look at buying/selling before an announcement, things are very rarely released to the open market first! RED seems to be more conscientious than many on the other hand.
Not answering phone calls could be him avoiding you because he knows he is going to disappoint or alternatively has been hammered by other significant holders recently ?
Time will tell. Not long until we will know what is happening....although holding for news never seems to work out.
Hi MrJeff, I don't disagree that there could be a delay and thus CJ could be avoiding all so that he doesn't need to let anyone know of the status. BUT my view is its all about materiality ie is there something to be significantly astray, if there is then continuous disclosure will apply. If any delay is of limited impact, in terms of time/cost/future operations then there is likely that its not deemed necessary to provide such information. Of course how much of an impact is questionable.

Having waited about 14 years I think I can wait a couple more weeks...
Expected gold pour = November.

It's still November?

Wouldn't management want to delay the announcement right before AGM anyway?

Therefore, your shares are up 5% today! Now vote yes for my 200k bonus. Kidding!
Hi all, Well im back in today @ 20.5 cents.
The recent volume although not high is higher than it has been of recent times but still trying to break 21.5 cents.
Late in the days trading I was looking at the weekly chart and scribbling a few lines on it.
RED looks about to break (it could be either way but its worth a punt with a stop loss in place).
With the current chart (weekly) you can see the current trend (the red and green lines)
The upper blue line shows the symetrical triangle formed at its apex with the green line indicating a possible break (just see what evolves no expert)
If todays volume was lower I would have held off a bit longer, but there seems to be some intrest in RED (but not a huge ammount).
MACD is still looking good heading in a northerly direction.
Anyhow I put in an order afer close (2 mins after close...pre open phase) for 21.0 cents, then a few sellers popped up at 20.5 cents and I got filled at 20.5 cents just before the adjustment phase
Regards to all holders
Expected gold pour = November.

It's still November?

Wouldn't management want to delay the announcement right before AGM anyway?

Therefore, your shares are up 5% today! Now vote yes for my 200k bonus. Kidding!

Management has stated late November to early December so my money is on mid December if RED is consistant with other Companies and their time lines for announcements.
Hi all Red Members

An article in The Age made a quick mention of Red.

"Another goldmine, with a side operation in silver in the Philippines is Red5, which starts producing this month.
''It has very low costs with silver as a byproduct. The market is worried there will be teething issues, as there always will be. But it has cash in the bank,'' Canavan says."

Read more:

I wasn't paying too too much attention today, but it seemed like it tried to break past 21.5 but was sold down heavily at that stage around middayish? The google stocks chart isn't showing it, but it touched 20c at one point there. That was also by far the highest volume during the day (the selling). The other two major volume times today apart from open were also on down-selling. So I am still feeling a bit skeptical.

I have had my order in place at exactly 20c for the last few days, until I see some major activity I will keep it there.

Also almost forgot to mention, I'm basically expecting the markets to just crash any day now due to Europe...
I had a look at the 1 minute chart for yestredays trading on my trading platform and it doesnt show any trades @ 20 cents...I dont see why it wouldnt show those trades.

It touched 20 cents for a very short time, and was at that price for less than 1 minute when it was sold down with a dump at 20.5 cents. Just computer games! Not long to go now, with the AGM next Wednesday, so we can expect some action about that time I would expect, knowing the consolidation timing as well. And bad news breaks at any time, good news seems to be more orchestrated (so your triangle makes me wonder - who is drawing it, RED management or your chart!).
Hey Beatle!
I'm still on board, albeit with a lower holding, but I was reading with interest that CJ hasn't been returning calls. Hopefully it's due to last minute panicking pre the initial pour, and nothing to do with the matters referred to in the attached link. I was always of the opinion that their community relationships were extremely strong, something which the article would seem to refute. Do you know anything about this publication? it the mouthpiece for local dissidents or is it a respectable organ? As always, look forward to your comments.
Still not doing anything.
Resistance at 21.5c still---well---resisting.

This is despite positive announcements.
Still not doing anything.
Resistance at 21.5c still---well---resisting.

This is despite positive announcements.

RED has actually been up over 8% since the last time you've posted? LOL

Also, what positive announcements are you referring to?! I don't see any?!!
RED has actually been up over 8% since the last time you've posted? LOL

Also, what positive announcements are you referring to?! I don't see any?!!

No your right only Quaterly statements.
8% ok
Im used to a little more action.

No your right only Quaterly statements.
8% ok
Im used to a little more action.


Well it seems like your trolling..

You type things like "Red is not doing anything".

Yet Since you've posted RED has moved over 10% in one day (to 21.5%). Then lost 3% and 3%~!

Chalea got it SPOT on with his charts when he showed possible movements to 21.5c or 18.5c.

So maybe your charting analysis needs reviewing if you think RED is "going nowhere" and it moves as much as 10% a few days later?

A 10% return for a weeks investment is not too bad!

You keep yapping on about these so called positive announcements supposedly not moving red's shares, when RED's announcements have yet to come!

Yes, well if you compare ANY share at the moment to NST and other breakouts, obviously they'll pale in comparison

Note: Depending on the gold pour announcement, I expect a fair bit of movement!

[/ quote]

Chalea got it SPOT on with his charts when he showed possible movements to 21.5c or 18.5c


You keep yapping on about these so called positive announcements supposedly not moving red's shares, when RED's announcements have yet to come!

Could you point me to my yapping?

Yes, well if you compare ANY share at the moment to NST and other breakouts, obviously they'll pale in comparison

Note: Depending on the gold pour announcement, I expect a fair bit of movement!

Oh I dont know I have a few doing OK.
Todays open position screen shot.

Ive held these only a few days.
Hi all RED members!
I am following this thread for the last 10 month and really enjoy all discussions!
I was in read-only mode, but tech/a's posts make me really bored and whats more I cant I understand why all you guys ( beatle, Chasero, Moit etc) replying to him?
He is genuine troll . Best way to ignore him, simply ignore. RED is about numerous and spectacular stuff and he just trolling you/us guys!
You had really good topics without him and I wish you will continue.
ATM I am in for 100.000 shares at 0.19.
Have a good day all of you!
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