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To be honest I have enjoyed Tech/a's and Chalea's thoughts and charts in this thread. For every share trade that goes on in any company there has to be a buyer and a seller for it to happen.

I dont think any personal attacks aimed at anybody is needed in this thread but I do like to see some balance to each side of every bodys point of view.

Another point I was going to ask was if Matthews is selling a lot of his shares like some people have hinted at, with him being a major share holder ( I think) doesn't there have to be a statement of his trades as a major stock holder???
The last I seen that was listed as him selling was on the 30/8/11.

Or does the asx give him say 2 months to put the paperwork in??

I do hold RED shares

Hi all red share holder's the threads have been very interesting but i have to agree with Moit, there is point where people can push there views and keep on pushing for no Mutual benefit but there own but to prove who is right and who is wrong .
The way i see it red share holder's (and i am one) the glass is half full
For those that dont hold, the Glass is half empty
Hope i haven't offended any body
But that is the way i see it
After cancelling and re-entering my trade before 10 due to unavailability on open (I hate that...), I ended up selling around lunch at 0.215, the volume today was too weak for my liking, the XJO is getting too close to uptrend resistance for comfort, and Italian bonds are over 7%. Overall my investor confidence is down :

Some person or group seems to have loaded up in the last 4 days, which has also spurred general interest somewhat again. We'll see what happens now. Could easily go either way from here, but in my view there is reason to be cautious over the next few trading days - once simply too much "stuff" is happening right now.
Most appreciative of your comments Moit. I must admit I got a little peed off and turned off my computer til late because of the posts, which from my point of view were getting off the point of contributing to our various views of RED.

With regard to anyone having a substantial shareholding, according to the Corporations Law (unless its changed recently) they are supposed to report any variation in excess of 1% different to the past notice, or once it gets above or below 5% total shareholding, within 5 business days of that event happening. In the case of some substantial shareholders they don't make those announcements on a timely basis at all - noting that its not the role or responsibility for that notice of the company but of the party holding the shares. And Matthews has been a perennial laggard in all those notices. You will note that from his last notice on 31 Aug 2011 that he records that he had reduced from 17.7% down to 8.1% from 21/02/2011. Clearly that is in breach of his need to declare his variation by a long way. Seems that the ASIC are either toothless or he has been reprimanded without us being made aware and yet he has now dropped further, from his holding on 31 Aug 2011 of 8.1% down to 6.1% (based on RED ASX release) on 31 October 2011. Thus he has once again failed to declare the 1% variation. I would imagine once he gets below 5% he probably won't declare it again so as to ensure that he doesn't unnerve the market before he gets out completely. But the irony is most would prefer to be aware that he is below the 5% threshold so that we know his activities are coming to any end.

And as I have mentioned, whilst some don't care about whether he is dropping shares, maybe don't care that he isn't declaring his holdings as per required by the regulations, well that's ok for them. But there are regulations that should be enforced for all, for those such as me that use that information.

Enough of that topic from me for now!
Forget the tick, your a dick!!

Ease up on these kind of remarks please.

This thread doesn't need you.


Stick to your futures and please mate, do all of us a favor and hop off.


Time to wake up and to who is destoying this thread...

Different opinions do not destroy a thread. However, insults and personal attacks do every single time. "Negativity" hasn't affected the tone of this thread, but the way people have been relating to each other has.

Alternative views and differing analysis are always welcome, as long as the case being argued is carefully considered and respectfully presented. If you disagree with any particular analysis then feel free to offer a rebutal.

Forums are places where a variety of different viewpoints can be presented for the consideration of others. Discussion and debate is never a bad thing, as long as it is conducted in a civil and constructive manner.
The concern from the younger more in experienced is that ANY comment which doesn't paint a pretty picture of a stock will affect it's price.if they have a holding and don't understand price moves and risk mitigation their concern is loss.

Markets a tough place and emotion like that shown will rip you apart.
With gold down $25 ish and the O/S markets well off.
RED and everything else is going to take a hit.

It won't be me or Mathews.
Very interesting reading.....
I sold out yesterday based on recent uptrend on better volume, but yesterday showed that there isnt much of a desire for 21.5 and above.
My veiws yesterday as I watched periodically was there is a high probabillity of a few down days to come due to lack of intrest.
I really dont care for 1 tick so sold allmost everything @ 21 cents (kept 220 the odd amount)
Now at cash and I will wait it out.
Im glad i did it seems like perfect timing, gold is down an still falling as I type this post.
Fears of Italy and Euro
Global markets taking a mini dive.
Dougs Antiques
Good timing DougsAntiques, seems you are very well disciplined and keep a rational mind!

Its an interesting time, there are so many different factors at play, both positive (anticipated announcements re plant commissioning, reserves updates, possible new substantial shareholder notices etc) and negative (the general state of the market, gold price going down at the moment, MATTHEWS lol etc).

Its about time we see an announcement on Siana, an update should be around the corner considering this exciting and critical stage of the project development - continuous disclosure provisions do apply!

And there is an AGM just around the corner too - possibly RED is trying to hang off its announcements to have them coincide or be closer to that meeting, but continuous disclosure must prevail regardless.

I wish all RED HOLDERS well.
So quiet in this thread could just about hear a pin drop.
Red held up better than I thought today, I suppose just wait and see what the rest of the week brings.
Gold is still dropping aswell.
Has anyone got ant T/A on the next few days IMO I think we will see a drop but im no expert.

With such a weak day and low Volume with price pretty well stat it's a good day for RED.
The indication is that there is very little supply coming in.
Buyers were understandably scarce also.
For this to move up strongly I'd be wanting to see the first resistance level taken out with a decisive RANGE bar. Volume would be nice but extra high volume will mean supply is back on.

Seeing price rise on low volume and wide range mean buyers are seating and willing to pay higher prices to get filled--- while sellers are reluctant to sell---- supply dries up.

Look for the opposite if price is weak.(falling)
I'm holding this at the moment doug. Held well today. Symmetrical triangle ready to break one way of the other. Popular stock, good sentiment.
Hi RED team, great to have you on board Gringotts Bank. Welcome.

For all who are interested, there are some new November pics on the RED 5 website. Looking good.

And RED held up quite nicely yesterday, considering market sentiment and a falling gold price.

Cheers Moit.
Well spotted Moit with the pics. It looks like there is still a bit of clearing up at the moment. I wonder what the exact date of the pics, every day now is likely to see a change on the plant.

I agree with you that RED has held up quite well, seems to me there is someone who has been buying up and I wouldn't be surprised if its an existing holder as they are probably more prepared to buy at market rather than let it fall before buying (thus my tip would be more shares for Baker Steel, but its just a guess!).

With the gold price, yes its a real wild ride, but if you take the Aussie exchange rate into perspective the price remains very attractive. I attach the last 7 days gold chart, A$ gold:
Chasero, Des and Beatle, I forgot to thankyou in regards to a few opposing views of late on this thread. Your thoughts and comments were much appreciated, cheers.
Thanks Beatle, and I also agree that someone is topping up. And if it did happen to be Baker Steel and if it where Mathews dropping, then that would clearly place Baker as the leading % holder in Red 5 Limited. Of course only pure speculation and just my thoughts.

I'm still waiting to see you on that top 20 list Beatle, if you arn't already, lol.
The RED thread has got it all folks, we consider all aspects of RED in terms of fundamental & technical analysis, plus general commentary. And now we even boast a court jester. Welcome aboard tech/a, but until Ur a fully fledged RED holder it's just worth a giggle. Being an actual shareholder is something else altogether IMO.

Good to see gold continuing to dazzle.

Now to bring up something really controversial: of RED shareholders who has or intends to put in a proxy re consolidation & do you intend to vote yes or no for consolidation?
Hi Red team.

Hi Beatle, in response to your question, re, consolidation. I for one have voted and returned my proxy form. I voted for the consolidation.

If it has the potential to possibly increase North American interest from funds and other institutional investors, then I'm all for it. To me that will only drive Reds share price in one direction, up. ( So long as they are not tarred with the Mathews brush, lol. )

On the other side of the ledger, having my shares divided by 10, will be a little dis-heartening. ( Even though they are worth exactly the same amount. ) I guess it will just take a bit of getting used to, as I'm sure you will all agree.

On another note Beatle, I've been begging my wife to get more Red shares before the inevitable gold pour. She so very politely assures me NO. ( Note my avatar, lol. ) But im working on it !!

Cheers Moit.
As most of you know atm im not really holding RED just a few.
Im curious as to the time frame for the share consolidation after the AGM (23rd November),will it be immediate or 1 or 2 weeks or longer after the AGM....assuming it gets passed and im pretty sure it will.
The reason im asking is that its important to my trading strat.
Im guessing it will coinside with the gold pour announcement so that on the charts it get a whopping 900% increase in 1 day without any gains LOLZ
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