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Gold up significantly on Bernankie's speech - not $100 or anything, but quite a bit (and still going up). NST and RED were the biggest gainers today on my watchlist, and I can definitely see a bit of a rally in both in the short-term, so I think both are pretty good plays right now.

Forgive the lack of charts in anything. I actually can't find a half decent daily gold chart - anyone know of any?
I'm still not convinced RED is being driven by gold price too much. But more on the deliverance of promise. cos until they actually ramp up production, it's all Fluff.
I'm still not convinced RED is being driven by gold price too much. But more on the deliverance of promise. cos until they actually ramp up production, it's all Fluff.

Oh for sure, but gold price is a significant factor.

Personally I agree with T/A's T/A, except I'm not taking a position once it gets to 2.10ish.
Definitely significant once they actually produce some. Thus far it's a single bar and a line of empty promises. They are set to give production status on the 1st of April. That is going to be a bigger motivator than today's gold price.

Currently im with you, keen to squeeze some more pennies out of RED, but not till I see it break through the 2.15 mark.

Hi GG, entertaining comments as always. Like I say, I'm no chartist but I do watch the up's and down's. Though this website could actually provide useful info on volume, thanks!

I see the same thing after looking at this chart. RED goes up. RED goes down. RED goes up. RED goes down. Volume seems to spike on when SP goes down then up. Can't be that easy?

I still see a few dollars to be made on RED, even after the capital raising. May have a bit to go down before it goes up again but I'm careful on when buying back in anyway.

Don't hold, yet.
Currently im with you, keen to squeeze some more pennies out of RED, but not till I see it break through the 2.15 mark.

Tend to agree with that (2.15 to 2.17), not far to the next resistance level from there though is the next issue. Needs to close above 2.10 first up.

It has the potential to take off if they get their act together but we will probably see an indication of that in the chart before its made public, until then it is fun to watch (and read about).

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Bought a few parcels of RED at an ave. of $1.84 last week & sold today at $2.03. Now looking at buying back in at where it sits at $1.94 or thinking maybe i should wait and get at a lower price? Where's it going to go from here that is the question. Thinking thinking. Maybe the gold will dictate the direction in RED for now.
Hey Beatle where you be. Gone up to the Phillipines to give management curry or cowering down in the cellar with a bottle of RED from the missus??
Come home BT we miss you! lol
Thread has gotten awefully quiet. Where

I bought at $1.92 or so 2 days ago, and it was looking good early yesterday, but I really didn't like the loss in momentum in the afternoon, and sold for a small profit rather than risk holding overnight. I think I'll be waiting to see if I can get in at more like $1.80, it's not too far a stretch to see it there again at some point in the next couple of weeks unless there is some spectacular announcement imo..
i agree. but with the roadshow presentation a day ago, plus the production announcement on monday, i just dont think there is time ti get back to 1.8....well at least i hope not. i bought back in at 1.97....kinda nervous right now.

Precisely tech/a, stands out like the proverbial.

I would actually like to see someone who has bought it come out with a logical reason and say "I bought it today because ********************** "

Because Gus knows his poggy or beagle said it will is just gambling in hope
Im 90% on the techies side in these arguments, as you simply can't deny the patterns and logic of technical trading.

But there are always circumstances where fundamentals will move a stock too.

This company has been promising for some time and is yet to deliver, and the price reflects that. it's a 20c speccie. But whenever positive news has come out of management, price has has mostly responded accordingly. With news expected on Monday that production is in full swing finally, people would be nuts to sell off now, and I think that is reflected in trading. People are reluctant to buy too high, out of fear of another delay, yet people aren't selling off now either, so close to news.

This is how I see it, could very well be wrong. Here's to hoping I'm right and there being some happy people around here!!
But there are always circumstances where fundamentals will move a stock too.

Yep, they always will mrlister but there are no signs yet of anything of substance.

The highs so far have been based on hope, that has evaporated and it needs a dose of reality rather than spin to get it our of the cycle that tech/a has highlighted.

A couple of possible patterns that it may take when it eventually takes off (no allowance made for further downside as that will change pattern layout).

I tend to prefer the second option for a number of obvious reasons.

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Hi Boggo.
I was buying today because of 1. Impending "Comercial Production Announcement" due out soon.
2.FRANKLIIN RESOURCES is buying heaps more-Previouos notice 5th Jan 6,614 Mio Shares
26th March notice 8,900 Mio Shares
3.I believe their management will deliver on future production guidence which is at a very low gold production price.
Time will tell who is right.
I was buying today because of 1. Impending "Comercial Production Announcement" due out soon.
2.FRANKLIIN RESOURCES is buying heaps more-Previouos notice 5th Jan 6,614 Mio Shares
26th March notice 8,900 Mio Shares

Lucky no one else knows about that

If you think that it is about being right or wrong you are missing the point mardo, its not a competition, that's what lottery tickets etc are for.
It's a business, all about getting in based on reality, not what may happen, when it happens then go for it.

Don't go down the track of you vs anyone who doesn't share the same opinion as you, we have already had 6 months of that amateur banter.
It is possible that it will take off, when it does I and many others who treat this as a business will most likely be all over it time and other opportunities permitting.


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