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skyquake - your're right! (never twigged until your post) that they only able to get $15m
No-one seems to comment on if its such a small amount why they couldn't access debt finance for that?

There's been a lot of mention of RED Management seeking $25m, but only getting $15m. Where does it say this? Apart from this forum of course?

Because I can't see it anywhere.
Not many people visit the SFX, SIH and TRF (more 20c speccies!)threads either but you may find the techies don't get involved in what management says so there is a bit less BS about what Gus says and more doing than talking = $.

Boggo why would you compare RED to these 3 Companies. They are Explorers not producers. Do they have their own plant? Are they producing ?No.
One of them is lucky to average a volume of 500,000 in a days trade.
I can see why you trade with a stop loss. No offence.
Tomorrow it may fall but i cant see it dropping below $2 before heading back up.
We'll see.
skyquake - your're right! (never twigged until your post) that they only able to get $15m
No-one seems to comment on if its such a small amount why they couldn't access debt finance for that?

Hi Mgm1a, I refer to your comment about finalising a debt facility for the $15 million. Although its a more efficient means of adding some contingency to the working capital available, seems the banks are seeking excessive conditions to provide the finance (as evidenced by the Sprott facility that RED has apparently decided against pursuing due the conditions precedent to drawdown).

I understand that RED finally accepted a lower total amount after it was agreed that the exploration is not essential and just the bolstering of the working capital was the way to go. Note that the first bullion sales won't be achieved before the end of this month, thus having some spare cash is a good safeguard.

I do note the increase in the level of posting (and pasting, lol) that RED gets, and personally I'm not concerned with the level and content of the posts, as most are based on technical matters that can be overturned in an instant. Whilst some would argue that the technicals are the smoke signals for issues in the project, I would argue that the smoke will be blown away once RED confirms production in the coming weeks. I suggest those that do get a bit wobbly listening to technical posters who have no clue to what the real situation is on the ground, note that the Production Guidance remains as before, thus RED is likely to achieve a profit in the current year ending this June around $18 million! Quite a nice little earner!

I bought more shares today, and don't have any regrets. But then again I make my decisions on my own view, not on someone who wouldn't have a clue about what is actually happening!
In my opinion our focus as shareholders should be dividends. Management will always spend money on exploration if allowed as this guarantees their long term future, regardless of the cost/benefit equation. We should insist that at least 75% of any profit should be returned to the providers of capital. That policy, or even the promise of it, will drive sp more than visits to brokers
This was sent to me as a text this morning regarding RED

1. Consolidate.
2. Raise cash.
3. Raise pay.
4. Oh woops - better produce some gold, almost forgot.
5. Tell the shareholders about what is happening at least 2 weeks after the fact.
This was sent to me as a text this morning regarding RED

1. Consolidate.
2. Raise cash.
3. Raise pay.
4. Oh woops - better produce some gold, almost forgot.
5. Tell the shareholders about what is happening at least 2 weeks after the fact.

Is this back to that rubbish about getting shareholders to approve their payrises after the MAMMOTH 6% capital raise? Because that'll really shift the voting pattern to an unfair level where they will be able to approve anything.

i sent email today........
Mr Greg Edwards
Managing Director
Mr Frank Campagna
Company Secretary

Dear Sir

Please review for the upcoming New York meetings.

By clicking RED5 the Nov 2011 presentation comes up – this hasn’t been updated to the Feb. 2012 one
Yours faithfully

not in the email = Their PR guy should be fired

Yeah I noticed that too. Pretty average.
There's been a lot of mention of RED Management seeking $25m, but only getting $15m. Where does it say this? Apart from this forum of course?

Because I can't see it anywhere.

From WSJ:

I hardly think RED would be responsible for material that appears on Casimir's website.
skyquake - incorrect...its not a good look, its sloppy, unprofessional especially when since Nov. so much HAS and HAS NOT happened1

Of course they should be responsible- its their data they provided and they should have provided update and ensured that Casimir uploaded ...if its worth going to the effort (& expense) of trying to attract new investors of course they are rsponsible for seeing each and every channel they are using has the facts correct and up to date.

Why dont they present Beatles valuation of $3.00 and all the ho ha and its a mottza to fly to $3.00.

You know I just STILL cant understand why price falls when this logic of $3.00 is always bandied around?

Why on earth would people sell?

Technically its a disaster but
Fundies should be all over this.
Price just keeps falling.
Its the gold price ---RIGHT?
Company is great Gold price is crap.

But wait what about the VALUATION????
$3.00 its a bargain!
tech/a -ha ha

there is no single "valuation" - change variables (i.e.using expectations and historical data, discounts to be conseravtive ) and each person gets their own number they feel comfortable to aim for.

I came up with 30c /$3 a long while back based on $1450 POG so recent POG irrelevant.

I never said I couldn't undertsand why the price is fact I thought it so variable I was amazed you could trade it.

A tech trader won't expect to be right with every trade....and won't undertsand why anyone else would still be "in" after they they themselves have exited!!

So too a fundamental investor knows their target doesn't happen overnight...and won't understand why anyone wouldn't be tempted to tuck into some "cheapies" (by comparison to valuation) that one day Mr Market will pay attention to.

My "beef" with these small matters re PR is not todays SP, but that simple, controllable business conduct that slightly diminishes RED image for watching investors.
there you go - while i penned the post above for tech/a the price is up 4c
probably him - in for a quickie
Had a bit of a read over the last few pages of this thread .....

I don't own RED and don't trade RED, so, from a totally unbiased perspective ....

Assuming the projections from management are fair dinkum ..... these guys could be sitting on around $70 million per annum in profit if I understood the recent Announcement ...... that is not small change!

Technically, most of the weaker hands would be out during the last double bottom shakeout at $1.50, so it would be questionable whether the Big End will even bother doing that much shaking below the $2 level ...... More likely squeeze the retailers out with boredom for a week or so by holding the CR level

For mine, it would have to close under $2 for a few days to show any real weakness, and even then the 50% retrace from the recent high would still only be around the $1.85 level (good entry, with a tightish Stop assuming the production comes on stream as stated)

As for the $15 million CR ............
The management now have some capital to buffer the Production deadline (good business)

They have raised the cash not much below the all time high SP and only diluted the share register 6-7% (good business)

I really can't see why all the angst over the Fundies Vs Techies on this particular stock. It looks like its doing fine in both departments .... just my personal observations ... no fighting or bullying required:
Tech & Boggo seem to just want to take the p..s out of the posters on this thread. Most of their comments aren't even revelent to RED. It more about Techies Vs Fundies.
Noone said it's going to fly up to $3 and even if they did it's no different than you saying it's going down to $1.20 BS. SP $2.09

Good post, as the one above it (Barney's post). And mostly, the tech talk is about basic economic principles - I learnt about supply & demand in high school.
Last 10 minutes of trading definitely a lot of dumping

Anyway, as long as you are comfortable with your entry price and time frame you wish to hold red, no one in the thread should really sway your decision.

short term at least, not looking good.
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