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its like 'home and away' around here!!

id be intereted to see who is doing better so far...the techies or the fundies. % wise that is.

I care about one thing.
Currently Im not in RED so have no risk.
The market is CURRENTLY tellling me there is more risk in trading the up side than standing aside. (I dont trade stock short only Indexes Im with IB---dont trade CFD's never have never will.).

Those who are astute will have noticed
I only care about numbers.
Limit Risk maximise profit. those who are ling below $2.00 dont have to concern themselves with such issues---do they???
its like 'home and away' around here!!

id be intereted to see who is doing better so far...the techies or the fundies. % wise that is.

Honestly MrLister, I couldn't help but fall over laughing with this post, its a tick for me!

In terms of % returns, ANYONE would have killed me as I have had some of my shares from many years ago, thus my overall return is nothing at all. Of course there are times more recently that I have made a real killing on the shares (for example I bought a few months ago at $1.50 when Tech/a was calling it to go to $1.20) but having not sold a share in more recent times I would say my overall return won't be anything like a successful technical trader who gets it right. BUT indications are that I WILL make more than a mint on it when I finally sell out (I'm already making a mint) due to the number of shares i hold!

I assume Tech/a was asking another fundamentalist for a view as a rhetorical question (he's probably holding shorts at the moment, lol). Interestingly, the short term share prices of gold stocks will be affected by any severe gold price movements regardless of valuations, (and ironically this seems to more follow the US$ gold price movements than than the A$ gold price movements regardless of the fact that profits are reported in A$ for Aussie companies).

Mgm1a also uses fundamental cash flow valuation and he as "an independent" commentator (lol) would be great to give an indication of RED share price value at the moment.

Anyone with a WHY?
As I thought.

Techies call it lack of demand

Why the lack of demand? I assumed the question went one step further which is why no-one answered.

And institutions won't be buying millions as it won't be on the majority of APLs.
As I thought.

Techies call it lack of demand

Thought you had enough of this.... a million shorts to take care of?
Low volume in todays trading only reflects the drop in gold price over night.
I'd say the demand will be there when consistency of producing gold is announced.
It also has Mapawa in the back ground to work on in the future. 30ks from Siana?

you gotta admit the techies team do have a pretty compelling argument though!!
its like 'home and away' around here!!

id be intereted to see who is doing better so far...the techies or the fundies. % wise that is.

More like the `Young and the Restless.`Make that the Old and the Restless I`m hanging in here. I have no tech knowledge so side with beatles and others F/A. Like a coin there are only two sides, oh and the edge, but it is still the same coin. 6 months down the track we will see what that edge is.

Yeah I hear that.
So why are more people not buying up as prices fall?
Is there some trepidation that this may not cause the price to raise to $3 or more?
Or may infact fall short of "expectation" as this is only expectation or is it set in concrete?
It will most definately happen?
There is absolutely no doubth this stock WILL rise to $3 or more bet your house---err beatles house.---

The volume looks fine to me at 947,000 today, thats way above the six month average.
We have Red entering ASX300 on Monday and Commercial production commencement just arround the corner,I'm with Beatle not a good time to be short in RED shares.

Who's suggesting going short?
My question is why aren't people buying at lower prices with all these great fundamental opportunities that are going to happen?

I keep highlighting them but evidently price falls if gold tanks.
So it appears that RED is influenced more by gold price then all these expectations.

As of yet no one has been able to present a cohesive argument. To my question.

Lol Nothing is set in concrete as you say thats why you read the charts for direction and it works for more often than not otherwise you wouldn't still be here.
However you can get it wrong....If you recall back when you were calling RED $1.20 when the sp was $1.50 i was saying it would go to $1.90 before it would go to $1.20. I asked you back then if you had to stake a claim on it which way would you honestly think the more likelihood of it going? I think you side stepped that question.
My point is fundamentally i think RED will continue to rise and i doubt it will see your $1.20 given that the POG ect. all staying roughly the same. If all runs smoothly with their production i can only see it going up.
Would i put my house on it? Nah.. Only death & taxes is for certain anything can change but as you do you have to make a decision on whether you buy a stock on what you read into it.... Sometimes you get it wrong but more often hopefully you get it right.

So i'll asked you again Tech IF YOU HAD TO make the choice between RED dropping to $1.20 or rising to $3 given POG ect all stay the same which one would honestly choose??? No side stepping LOL
I don't have to make that choice
But if it clears resistance then $3 is more likely
If it doesn't then breaks close support ---- then $1.20 is likely

That is all I can tell from the charts at this time
I don't have to make that choice
But if it clears resistance then $3 is more likely
If it doesn't then breaks close support ---- then $1.20 is likely

That is all I can tell from the charts at this time

Side stepper. No offence but i thought you'd come up with that as not everyone can read the charts so it does'nt really help those that are holding. BY selling thinking it may go down one could easily get it wrong and lose out on the jump.
Off RED but Look at EKA for eg. a month back 20c now 38c. I held and held because it stayed around 20c for months I got out to buy other shares thinking to come back in later. As with that one i liked the fundamentals but no sooner had i sold it started on it's merry climb. 20k mistake tho i still made a small profit. Patience

Patience can be a two edged sword.
I haven't looked at EKA but I'll bet it had technical
Buy signals all over the chart.
Gold is tumbling down atm. 2% so far. I guess we will see tomorrow just how much RED is driven by gold price.
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