Hi All, and yes a sad day when there is a fatality. Please note that I make no representation here with regard to RED and its responsibilities and how it should act. But I do want to make a few points, and I can confirm I have not had any discussion with anyone re this specific accident.
I don't know what happened with regard to the tragedy, and whilst Moit you are correct in what you say about how the investigation would be carried out in Australia, who has said that this won't be investigated either by RED or the authorities?
I believe from my past discussions with GE onsite that RED places as first priority the safety of its employees and contractors, and if you recall RED has put out many commentaries in its annual reports plus in presentations, about how much emphasis RED has put on safety. I can imagine that GE in particular is very upset at present with this accident, and will be doing all possibly to investigate and rectify the vaguaries that led to the fatality.
But for those who haven't worked on minesites, you have to recognise that such environments by their nature are not like workshops with carefully controlled environment etc. These are big areas of open space and when things go wrong they can go terribly wrong. And these things DO happen in Australian mines as well, notwithstanding all the controls and safety measures put in place. You can't put people in cotton wool in such environments, and there are certain circumstances which could result in such tragic events occurring.
I understand that RED does carry out regular safety meetings onsite in the various departments so I don't think its appropriate to start using a blame approach, especially when we don't know what the actual circumstances were in this accident. I have no doubt that RED will be investigating it and will have responsibility to report the outcome of that investigation to the authorities and that investigation may well include the authorities as well.
What is disappointing, and it was referred to be some posters, that RED tried to conceal the fatality behind a bland headline of Siana gold mine. That IMO is the bad thing to come out of this from a management perspective.