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Hi Beatle and long term RED holders, looks like institutional buying over past several days to me. I understand Matthews is still selling but being replaced by other/s. Shareholder numbers are dropping over past two months so maybe traders are moving on. Revised production schedule and other numbers,steadily increasing gold price and further drilling results are all expected to keep the SP rolling forward IMO. Beatle, like you and others, I expect to finance my retirement (and my wife's retail therapy needs), and my RED wine collection from this stock over the next couple of years. AB
not even close. come too far to bail now. on-wards and upwards!!

Great to hear MrLister and fantastic end of week performance by RED today. RED up 8 cents, +3.6%, with reasonably good volume of just under 900,000 shares valued at $2 million. Yep she's going up, how far anyone knows, but my view previously posted, is that if we get production of anything like 1,850 ozs of gold for February then first target price to achieve is around $2.70! With the ramp up continuing in following months then the medium term outlook, from a fundamental point of view (ie with bumps along the way!) is then around $3.80, based on assumed PE's that I previously alluded to.

And yes AB, this is what we have been waiting for a long time. Perhaps if RED behaves then your wines will primarily consist of Grange! AB if you are correct about more insto buying replacing traders then its a very big positive as they won't be holding for a short term trade, they will be in for the longer term valuation price that analysts refer to.
I have a forward sell stop in place on my trade.

Here is some analysis for those who wish to have something to look for technically in RED going forward.

Click to expand

Not all scenarios are marked on the chart.
High volume wide range out of the resistance area is a good sign.
High volume little upside is a very bad sign.

A headache and fever is also not a good sign!!
Nor is your bag packed at the front door!
They gave me one of these at school.
After all these years I have finally found a use for it!

Thanks Tech will keep an eye on it.
Tech/a --Thanks for the chart and the tech reasoning.
Sure I agree we are going into the previous resistance zone and a lot will rest on any production figures that Red may issue in the next week or so will determine where Red is to go.
Also looking at the other Gold stocks ( Macro view) a lot have not regained their previous November 2011 highs even though the gold price is moving up to the $1770 level.This seams to suggest a lot of the Gold stocks are looking very fully priced at the moment and a further pullback during March may be a posability.Therefore I agree any future volume shifts are the key as to holding or not.
What would be your normal long term hold be 1-4 days or say 1-2 months?
Sure I agree we are going into the previous resistance zone and a lot will rest on any production figures that Red may issue in the next week or so will determine where Red is to go.

Much will be already priced into the current move.

What would be your normal long term hold be 1-4 days or say 1-2 months?

My long term trading is on the shelf for the time being.
They gave me one of these at school.
After all these years I have finally found a use for it!

Thanks Tech will keep an eye on it.

Notting I never see your attachments. They always look like this. Is that the same for everyone else?
Not sure Trembler, I can see them. Presumed everyone else could.
I'm not sure how to do those ones that you click on and they pop up in their own window. Just using the picture icon and putting in the URL after uploading. :dunno:
Not sure Trembler, I can see them. Presumed everyone else could.
I'm not sure how to do those ones that you click on and they pop up in their own window. Just using the picture icon and putting in the URL after uploading. :dunno:

Notting think there is something wrong. The code for your pics looks wrong maybe Joe could see whats up.
This is likely to be an exciting week for RED shareholders, as an announcement is imminent early in March (thus possibly this Friday announcement) of how Siana is going with respect to its first month of gold production. And interestingly RED share price is sitting close to its historic high gold price, reached intra-day of $2.60 at the time of the heady days in late 2003 when RED was being courted by AngloGold for a position within some of its exploration areas about Siana.

We know that first gold was poured on Feb 3, thus almost an entire month of gold production has occurred, but given that they are still going through a ramp up phase of production from the pit and processing its unlikely Siana has reached anywhere near the top of its processing capacity at this early stage. But this first month of gold production is likely to provide much confidence for the big insto following that RED enjoys, hopefully to start building bigger positions within the company. If that is to occur, and that is speculation, we could see the historic high of $2.60 topped, but first of all its necessary to break through the more recent resistance levels of $2.30's that has held sway for traders to make cash as it has range traded in more recent times.

I have no doubt that with the months to follow of increasing gold production we will see the $2.60 finally breached and a move towards and beyond $3.00 is likely. I hope we see new highs made earlier than later, as it is likely to finally break to trader view that RED is a range bound stock, and as Mgm1a put it, following a transformation path similar to that enjoyed by RRL. I think his analogy was well made and I look forward to RED finally beginning to show share price performance that us longer term shareholders have been waiting for, for so long!

Ok RED, now its your turn, up, up and away!!!
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