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Useless Labor Party

The labor and Liberal Parties, would rather screw over their own families, than tax the companies that are removing our non renewable resources.

You may recall that Labor tried a resources tax and you may recall what happened.
Here is a typical Labor quote.LOL
There is a call, to put a standard $5 postal cost on internet low value items, because of the added pressure on resources.
Here is the article:

Asked about the levy on Thursday, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the budget was only weeks away.

"So were not going to comment on the budget, I’ll just leave it at that," he said.

Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen said the levy proposal "was another new tax from the supposed ‘low tax’ Turnbull government," but Labor has refused to rule out implementing the measure if it wins the next election.

I'm a bit disappointed with Bowen, I thought he was the future of the Labor Party, obviously silly Billy has painted him into a corner.
Somewhat similar to the Turnbull, Morrison scenario.
Put the obvious opposition into a 'sleeper' hold. lol
You may recall that Labor tried a resources tax and you may recall what happened.

Yes, and as with most things labor does, they stuffed it up completely.

Rather than just put a tax on volume, they tried to put a tax on excess profits, which the the companies never pay anyway.
Because they find some clause, or start an offshore company, that buys it from them causing a loss, or write off capital investment against it.
It always sounds great from Labor, and is great cattle fodder for the masses, it's a shame the masses don't think it through.
But that is democracy and a failing of demographics.
They knew it was impotent and would be easily avoided, as was proven when the resources boom ended, if they were serious they would have placed a tax on a volume basis.
But as we see now, it is a great card to throw on the
Labor wants to up the refugee intake. At least we know where their new taxes are going.

Let’s cut the company tax rate instead.

After the furore the profit tax caused I’ll get you to explain to the class how they were going to get volume tax over the line

I see the ACTU, is going to push Bill Shorten to re introduce death duties.
Hope the SMH agrees and pushes as well.
Daft idea. You would hope Labor aren't so stupid to bring that tax back.

They didn't do it after the Henry review - so I can't see it happening now.
Same with a land tax.

We already have council rates, don't need to be slugged again.
This is how it works in the UK:

Mind you, if you are dead it no longer matters to the person so why not charge death duties to those who are being gifted these sums and assets anyway. Part of the money could go to advance communities in the Outback.

If you have property or land assets in Spain you need a will drawn up in Spain or you get landed with heavy death duties. This probably applies in many other countries as well.

A few countries confiscate property assets if no will is drawn up in that country.

Canada operates capitals gains and recapture rules.
Daft idea. You would hope Labor aren't so stupid to bring that tax back.

They didn't do it after the Henry review - so I can't see it happening now.
I think it is a foregone conclusion, they want to take money from the self funded pensioners, why would they want them to pass what is left to the kids. Lol
I think it is great, everyone gets what they deserve.
There is obviously too much wealth, washing around in the working class, Labor will sort that out. lol
Kevin Rudd is responsible for this. 10 years ago he sent out $900 cheques to dead people and now it's time for the snuffed invoice to go with it.
Kevin Rudd is responsible for this. 10 years ago he sent out $900 cheques to dead people and now it's time for the snuffed invoice to go with it.

Actually if you think about it the death duties makes sense, there is no point in stripping the money from retirees who saved, that's what you want people to do.
It makes more sense to take some of what is left over, so the kids have to work to make their own wealth, that is what is called incentive.
Interesting viewpoint considering the title of the thread it's being posted in

For me I hope this comes with an opt-out option as well. I would rather paying tax to be the second last thing I ever do rather than the last.
Interesting viewpoint considering the title of the thread it's being posted in

If the suggestion of bringing back death duties, was suggested in relation to the Libs, it would have been posted in their thread.
But on a serious note, the tax base does need realigning with the reality of a changing World, income tax receipts will continue to fall, petrol excise will fall and several other taxes, as technology improves. Therefore the tax base will require changing
Death duties are a fair way of spreading the tax base, the people who build wealth through their life, get to use it and aren't a burden on the welfare system.
Then when they go to the great beyond, the Government takes a slice, seems better than taking their wealth off them when they should be enjoying it. They earned it/saved it when it is all said and done.
Won't the wealthy just move all their assets in to Family Trusts or other such structure, leaving those with just moderate assets the main source of that tax.
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