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Useless Labor Party

Of course there is nothing wrong with Andrew Robb arguing in Cabinet to lease the Darwin port to Landbridge, and then accepting a job with that company as soon as he left Parliament ?

LOL. I doubt Labor would even flinch with that chestnut in the face of the LNP blue blood (governing) pollies selling off the farm in return for high paying positions in companies benefitting from the sales.

When Labor get voted in next term, I can only hope they hold a Royal Commission (aka Witch hunt) into LNP conflicts of interests and reward for favours rendered........ extending the terms of reference to State premiers and their cronies. They might like to take out the Greens in the process

Will it be limited to a time frame, that doesn't include W.A Labor Premiers and cabinet members going to jail. lol
Will it be limited to a time frame, that doesn't include W.A Labor Premiers and cabinet members going to jail. lol

Hang on a minute, a couple of my acquaintances were the Groper boss over there ... oh yeah its alright they've already been dealt with LOL And bonus QLD dealt with its legacy in the 90's, phew
Well Labor are in with a huge majority in W.A, so anything they want they can get.

First cab off the rank, halve the public sector, not a murmur from the unions, very unusual.

They said, the only way the cost of electricity will not go up, is by voting Labor.
First thing they do is to double the service cost for electricity, not a murmur from the press or the unions.
Next thing was to hit the pensioners, it will save them $240m over four years, well done.

I bet they wish they hadn't paid out on Brendon Grylls idea, of hitting the mining companies a $ /volume charge.
Absolute dicks.IMO

They had better come up with an answer, they asked the question of Barnett, but wouldn't agree to anything.
Well now they have an absolute majority, lets see some action.
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So what is the real situation with the public service?

I seem to remember Barnett was already making wholesale cuts.

With the new boss the forecasts were:

there was going to be a devolution into conglomerate departments by amalgamating about 40 of them into about 25?

That about 100 fat cat department heads would get the flick from their contracts?

How many rank and file have lost their jobs?

I take it the facts are having a hard time surfacing?
With the public service, the facts are, the Government wants to save $750 million in the public service sector.
The Government has also increased the service cost for electricity.
Introduced cuts to the seniors card.
If Barnett had made suggestions like that, the unions and media, would have been all over him.

Don't get me wrong, radical cuts and new taxes, will be required.
Labor are the only ones who can introduce them, any other party tries and there is a mass uproar.
It doesn't make all the changes right, it just means the bullies are on their side.

Perhaps he will understand the lesson Dionysius taught Damocles about power and fear before he gets too carried away.
Well the W.A Labor Party have no sooner sat down, before they begin stuffing things up.
They are putting the cost of electricity up, to encourage competition against the Government owned business, to supposedly drive down prices.(It shouldn't be hard to drive down prices, if you put them up first).
The problem is, either it is a Government run service for the community, or it should be sold off to get fair value from it.
No Labor will strip its value, then get rid of it, really clever.
OK so the ALP is ending some vote buying welfare set up by a previous conservative Govt.

Don't expect much sympathy from me

Why should you get a refund if you don't pay tax?
OK so the ALP is ending some vote buying welfare set up by a previous conservative Govt.

Don't expect much sympathy from me

Why should you get a refund if you don't pay tax?

Well the company pays the tax, the dividend is included as income and then the franking credit is taken off. If the franking credit can't be applied, then it boils down to double taxing. If that is how it is rolled out.
The Libs have tripled the deficit and they say Labor can't control spending !

Does anyone believe their shite any more ?
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