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Useless Labor Party

Any debt was left by Campbell Newman... you know the cando man who was going to fix everything.
Any debt was left by Campbell Newman... you know the cando man who was going to fix everything.

Here we go again.

The $80 billion debt was left by the Beattie/Bligh Labor Government and Newman's effort to sort it out during his 3 years was to go to the people and seek their approval to lease/sell assets to reduce the debt and the the amount of interest being wasted.

His plans were thawted by the Palaszczuk riff raff and the CFMEU with the preelection campaign promoting their propaganda that Labor would never sell the government assets which hit a nerve with the naive voters....The income from the assets does not even go close to covering the interest being paid out on the $80 billion.

What bloody hypocrites......Beattie sold off $18 billion of government assets during the minerals boom.

So don't talk to me about Newman being the candy man.

History is repeating itself over and over again whereby Labor run up a huge bad debt and then leave it to an incoming Liberal Government to sort out the mess.

What has Palaszxzuk done about the bad debt left by her socialist comrades?.......Absolutely nothing.
Did Campbell Newman leave office with an enormous debt or not? YES/NO
Did Campbell Newman leave office with an enormous debt or not? YES/NO

I thought I explained it to you in a most intelligent and simple way but you don't seem to be able to compere it.

Your answer is in my post #1463.
I thought I explained it to you in a most intelligent and simple way but you don't seem to be able to compere it.

Your answer is in my post #1463.

That's a politicians answer.
That's a politicians answer.

The $80 billion debt was left by the Beattie/Bligh Labor Government and Newman's effort to sort it out during his 3 years was to go to the people and seek their approval to lease/sell assets to reduce the debt and the the amount of interest being wasted.

So he carried that debt until the election when he then went to the voters in all honestly to get their approval......The rest is history.

Now you answer my question, what has Palaszxzcuk done in 2.5 years to reduce that debt?

I know she raided the super fund to make her bottom line budget look good.

Has she reduced it it YES or NO?

As far as I know the current govt has reduced debt with income from ventures put in place by the Bligh Govt. Your understanding?
Tisme, there is one thing about Labor, whether it is right or wrong they get it in, because the vocal minority support it.
The problem with that, good policy gets decimated, only union/media policy gets through.
So why not move to a media/union central government?
Russia and the Eastern block tried that, and everyone ended up living a life, wishing they lived in the west.

The latest incarnation in QLD has been rather refreshing in that it is media shy. Whereas Beatty, Bligh and Newman were all too keen to be high profile and reactionary; the Palaszczuk crew tend to lay low.

What really happened under Bligh was the big spend on infrastructure driven by a star chamber comprising 4 x big end of town companies that made a few quid out of the programs. The infrastructure was massive compared to anything public in WA

I'm not sure to what extent the unions played in the governance, but monopoly Newscorp media have been relentlessly negative toward the Labor machine for so long even dyed in the wool Liberals are fed up with the drivel and deadhand editorials.
All that could be true, but what we see on the media in W.A about Queensland post Newman, is minimal.
Actually you don't see any negative media, about about anything, other than Turnbull.
So we just have to hope they have got it right, and it will be all good, when the media get their desired people in
Thank God it won't affect me.
I'm not abreast of most situations over East, but can you honestly tell me that Victoria, NSW and S.A are on top of their game?

Of course WA is very switched on when it comes to domestic politics...domestic anything really. Somehow the media has managed to stay engaged with the public in such a way that even partisan issues/views get through the screening processes of West Australian, Sunday Times, 6PR, etc.

You only have to turn to the GST debate to understand that the blue Riband Liberals in WA are still mixing it up with the ghost of Jack Forrest, who you can blame for the composition of the Federal Senate. It was the same Jack Baron of Bunbury, who started the " them and us" routine between WA and the Rest when he became the first Sandgroper Premier. There were so few people in WA back in the day that Jack's probably related to most Wassies, including me, thus the imperial intensity of the political arguments in the burbs.

So when a prevaricator (King Lear Turnbull) comes along and seemingly treats WA like the end of the world it is understandable the population will get it's dander up and the West Oz would be first cab off the ranks to whip up a bit of anti Eastern States hysteria .... it's in our blood.
Curtis Pit has raided the PS super funds of $4billion to make his bottom line look good.......He is fiddling the books......Debt is still rising.

so the general govt debt is currently ~$37.7bn, about $10bn less than the trajectory Campbell Newman predicted, the GSP ratio has fallen 3% under Labor.

That's on par with WA with nearly twice the population

So what's going on apart from hate of all things working class?

That $37.7billion debt is the General Government Service debt which is expected to increase to $41 billion 2018/19.

Total debt is set to increase to $79.7 2018/19.

Stop trying to fool yourself Tisme.
That $37.7billion debt is the General Government Service debt which is expected to increase to $41 billion 2018/19.

Total debt is set to increase to $79.7 2018/19.

Stop trying to fool yourself Tisme.

So you are admitting the public debt is $37.7bn.. that's a start.

I'm not sure where you are getting the $41bn figure, except maybe via the CourierMailLNP propaganda machine?
So you are admitting the public debt is $37.7bn.. that's a start.

I'm not sure where you are getting the $41bn figure, except maybe via the CourierMailLNP propaganda machine?

You obviously don't know the difference between General Government Service debt and Total. debt.....You have got your buns in the wrong oven.

Queensland's debt is still on track to hit almost $80 billion within four years.

Key points:
  • $850m debt transferred to Gladstone Ports, North Queensland Bulk Ports and SunWater
  • Combined with $150m dividends, state debt reduced by $1b
  • Electricity distributors Ergon and Energex to be merged by mid-2016
  • Generators CS Energy and Stanwell not to be merged amid anti-competition fears
  • Expanding Cabinet from 14 to 17 ministers costing $6m a year
  • Surpluses totalling over $1b each and every year out to June 2019
Treasurer Curtis Pitt's mid-year economic statement on Tuesday showed the Government will cut total debt from $75.2 billion in 2014-15 to $73.9 billion this financial year.

However, total debt is still set to march towards a figure of $79.7 billion in 2018-19.

He said the economic conditions have become tougher since the budget, and as a consequence, revenue write-downs now total $1.5 billion over the forward estimates compared to budget time.

"We're not in a hurry to get back to AAA," Mr Pitt said.

"In fact, the Queensland Treasury suggested that wouldn't be prudent at this time.

"Of course we want to see it go down.

"The important point from our perspective is we are focused on the kind of debt that actually impacts directly on Queenslander taxpayers - and that is general government sector debt."

However, general government sector debt was also set to grow from $38 billion this financial year to almost $41 billion in 2018-19, according to official figures.
You obviously don't know the difference between General Government Service debt and Total. debt.....You have got your buns in the wrong oven.

Yeah but public debt is $37.7bn right?

You can't count corporate debt because it is paid by consumers, not taxes. Well you shouldn't, but the LNP will for political reasons until it is theirs and then the public debt is "good" debt and the remainder is corporate debt that needs to be sold off, therefore negating the primary argument.


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