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Useless Labor Party

Yes you are right for once......I should have stated Abbott being the honourable man to continue with the NBN under Malcolm Turnbull's guidance.

You don't hear much about these days, so I guess everyone is happy with the progress.

Rumpy, it has all come back to me now.......When I said Howard instead of Abbott that was the night I over indulged in the good drop from Scotland.
The NBN is a joke always was a joke, it was dreamt up on the back of a napkin and was always going to cost us a fortune for F all return.
It was a dumb waste of a great opportunity, to spend tax payers money, to build better infrastructure.
The last thing we needed, at that point was faster internet, maybe better rail systems, better port access, maybe sodium storage generation.
But bling speed internet, to poor socio economic areas, rather than commercial hubs sounds like social engineering to me. Or maybe that may be vote buying, FFS I hope Labor have got that out of there system, after the NBN stuff up.
If not we are in for a World of pain, Turbull is and always was a FW, but the media and Labor have got him back in charge.
So Labor are a shoe in for the next election, woopy do Labor Federal and Labor States, that should be really interesting.
Strap yourselves
Sounds good although to be fair Malcolm Turnbull inherited a debt ridden budget position from Labor, an economic basket case from Tony Abbott and a hostile senate.

The worst thing the Libs could have done in this environment was to support wage cuts for Sunday workers. After that the polls for the Govt was 45% 2pp.
Another corrupt Labor MP Ian McDonald spends his first night in jail.
If we ignore them, will they go away? Excruciating moment ex-minister Brendan O'Connor begs for questions via text after he called a media conference and NO ONE showed up

  • Not a single journalist turned up to press conference held by Brendan O'Connor
  • The Shadow Minister for Employment was due to speak about penalty rates
  • Only a handful of cameramen showed up for the conference in Canberra
  • Mr O'Connor slammed the state of 'mainstream media' and shook his head

Call a press conference and they will come...
or maybe not.
Ha, ha, ha.
O'Connor is useless alright.
LOL! So Labor aren't the media darling as frequently asserted by Tory supporters?

I'd say the press have just done the so-called Labor apparatchiks a favour!
It seems lot of "Fair Work Commission" Officers are pulling the pin and taking cosy pension deals.
It is lucky, no body can point a finger at who appointed them, and the background that made them exceedingly suitable for the position.
Thanks for their efforts.
Nice to see, the trough hasn't dried up, yet.
Somebody needs to get a handle on these political pensions, it is outrageous that they hammer normal pensioners, while supporting political rorts.

A lot of these guys live in an alternate universe, where the think it is their right to be paid from public taxpayers money.
I wonder just how many of these sorts of pensions are being paid out there.
Everyday’ people paid to endorse South Australia energy plan

Baker John Opie says he never asked about the energy plan. Picture: Kelly Barnes
John Opie says he was paid $1800 to say “my business depends on it” in a $500,000 South Australian government advertising campaign spruiking Jay Weatherill’s new energy plan, which the baker was never shown.

Mr Opie, a small-business owner in a blue-ribbon Liberal electorate, says he was never told what “it” was in the slogan he was paid by the taxpayer to repeat for the Labor government’s cameras.

He is yet to even read the Premier’s $550 million six-point “self-sufficient” energy plan on which his bakery apparently “depends”, despite the plan being released three weeks ago.

Mr Opie said electricity was a big expense for his suburban bakery and costs had risen 33 per cent during the past year, from an average of $910 a month to $1216.

His revelations came after he was approached by The Australian at his Unley bakery yesterday.

Mr Opie’s statements confirm Opposition Leader Steven Marshall’s concerns that the everyday people who appear in the government’s advertising campaign were not given details of the energy policy before endorsing his new plan.

“They didn’t give me any written information or explain anything to me. Mind you, I didn’t ask,’’ he said.

The producer of the advertisement, Mark Evans, is a regular bakery customer and one day offered to pay Mr Opie for four hours’ work.

Mr Opie, who appears for a few seconds in the television commercial and on two big billboards near his bakery, thought the job would be an opportunity to promote his small business.

Mr Weatherill also paid for morning tea at Mr Opie’s bakery with the other “actors” in the advertising campaign — an elderly woman and a mother and child — after the shoot, Mr Opie said.

Mr Marshall said the payment was equal to “cash for comment” and has questioned the taxpayer-funded campaign’s legitimacy.

South Australian Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis told ABC radio on Monday that he didn’t know whether the people in the advertisements were paid. “But they are all real people involved in real industries. Whether they were paid to be in the ads I don’t know but I can find out and I’ll let your listeners know,” he said.

Yesterday, a government spokeswoman told The Australian that money paid to those involved in the campaign was “commercial in confidence”.

“Instead of attacking hardworking South Australians, Mr Marshall’s time would be better spent developing an energy plan of his own,’’ she said. “As previously disclosed, $500,000 has been budgeted for the development and production of newspaper, radio and television ads.”

Yesterday, deputy Liberal leader Vickie Chapman said the ALP was “so desperate in South Australia that they are using public money to buy friends”.

“Paying someone to support a plan that they have never read is one of the most ridiculous tactics that I’ve come across ... If Mr Weatherill and Mr Koutsantonis think that this is an appropriate use of taxpayer funds, their Labor colleagues should remove them.”

How desperate the SA Government and Weatherill have become.


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“Paying someone to support a plan that they have never read is one of the most ridiculous tactics that I’ve come across ... ”

That's the chord that hits me everytime I read an LNP Newscorp Inc article or have Andrew Bolt's hate thrust in front of me. What do you think Rumpole?
That's the chord that hits me everytime I read an LNP Newscorp Inc article or have Andrew Bolt's hate thrust in front of me. What do you think Rumpole?

There is plenty of fake news going around from both sides. The radio shock shocks are highly paid volunteers for the LNP and people listen to those who pander to their own opinions.

Most of the media is propaganda for one side or another.
“Paying someone to support a plan that they have never read is one of the most ridiculous tactics that I’ve come across ... ”

More to the point who accepts money to endorse something they haven't read? I bet you drug smugglers would love this John Opie since clearly he can be bought cheaply without asking questions, now John if you could just carry this briefcase through customs.

IF that's true, it is just pure corruption and they should be charged.


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Economic vandals leaving Labor another poisoned chalice to neutralise?
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