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Useless Labor Party

So you are saying Malcolm did bugger the NBN? Or are you employing a third eye that provides alternative facts?

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No I am not saying Turnbull stuffed up the NBN........What I do know is Conroy told a heap of lies about NBN and what he had achieved during his term......He left one hell of a mess that had to be sorted out.

The third eye you refer to is OFF TOPIC and nothing to do with the NBN.

You are grasping at straws.

A. Why didn't John Howard with all his billions from the mining boom never mention an NBN in 11 years and

B. If the idea was rubbish in the first place, why didn't the Libs just drop it when they got in ?
A. Why didn't John Howard with all his billions from the mining boom never mention an NBN in 11 years and

B. If the idea was rubbish in the first place, why didn't the Libs just drop it when they got in ?

John Howard was much smarter than Labor and that is the first reason.

Howard knew it would have been a costly investment into a technology that will be obsolete by the time it is finished........I also believe he would have been far more astute than Labor and would have done a cost benefit analysis instead of a hair brain scheme designed on the back of an envelope in mid air by a couple of hair brain idiots.

Unlike the Victorian Government who tear up contracts costing the tax payers $1 billion plus, Howard was an honourable man and did the right thing by taking on a mess Labor left behind.

Labor in Queensland had the benefits of the mining boom also but still went into debt to the tune of $80 billion even after selling off $18 billion of Queensland's assets.

At least Howard left a surplus of $22 billion for Labor to squander.

No just agreeing with Andrew ... isn't that what you want. Golly you're a tough audience.
No just agreeing with Andrew ... isn't that what you want. Golly you're a tough audience.

Tisme, that is not true...where did I mention Andrew Bolt?.....You are way of course and heading for the rocks.

That was my own personal opinion from observation over the years...

Bolt has nothing to do with it......You have bungled things again in your usual fashion.
Junior said
The level of US military spending is abhorrent. 3x the amount China spends and equivalent to the total spend of the next 8 biggest spending nations combined (or up to the next 13 biggest, depending which stats you use).

Imagine what could be achieved with those funds if they halved spending, for example? Universal free/affordable healthcare would be easily achievable, for example.

During the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd era 2007/2013, the Green/Labor socialist coalition reduced spending on ADF to 1.8% of GDP....Th lowest since 1938 and what did we get out of that reduction? ....ZILCH .....

No naval boats built in Australia in those 6 years.
Pink bats which burnt down 200 homes and killed 4 workers.
An influx of Muslim illegal immigrants and 1250 deaths at sea which cost $11 billion at the time and is still costing us plenty in social welfare.
Over priced Gillard school halls.
A carbon tax which cost house holders dearly.......(There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead).
An unfunded NDIS...The NDIS which was supposed to be funded with Swannies MRT which cost more to administer than what it received.
Howard's surplus of $22bullion blown away in the first few months plus an enormous debt left behind when they kicked out and their legacy continues with high spending to keep up with it all.
Now we have a stupid RET which is costly consumers the Earth......Black outs continue in SA and in Vic. it is about to get worse.
The NBN designed on the back of an envelope by Conroy and Rudd mid air with no cost benefit analysis.

And Junior it has all ended in heartache for us, our kids and our grand kids.

But I must admit people have short memories and the naive will let Labor in again to do the same things.
An influx of Muslim illegal immigrants and 1250 deaths at sea which cost $11 billion at the time and is still costing us plenty in social welfare.

As Dutton pointed out, it was Malcolm Fraser that started the influx of Muslim refugees by allowing large numbers of Lebanese into the country.

We are now wearing the effects of that.

Sorry I thought you were a Bolt fan boy and whatever he says goes.
As Dutton pointed out, it was Malcolm Fraser that started the influx of Muslim refugees by allowing large numbers of Lebanese into the country.

We are now wearing the effects of that.

Liberal Party ... the one that no longer exists ?
Liberal Party ... the one that no longer exists ?

They are running around like headless chooks aren't they ? Afraid of offending the Right, desperately bashing the class enemy for their own mistakes, pathetic really.
As Dutton pointed out, it was Malcolm Fraser that started the influx of Muslim refugees by allowing large numbers of Lebanese into the country.

We are now wearing the effects of that.

but no where near 50,000.

200,000 mostly from South East Asia over 7 years including 2000 Vietnamese who arrived by boat with documents.
As Dutton pointed out, it was Malcolm Fraser that started the influx of Muslim refugees by allowing large numbers of Lebanese into the country.

We are now wearing the effects of that.

Fraser brought in 4000 Lebanese Muslims and it is the second generation who have caused the most problems......The majority he allowed in from Vietnam had the appropriate paper work....They did not throw them overboard like the 50,000 Rudd/Gillard allowed in.
No just agreeing with Andrew ... isn't that what you want. Golly you're a tough audience.

Where does Andrew (Bolt) fit into this one.....You don't seem to recognise that I do have my own opinion.......You seen to be saddled with Boltphobia every time I post an opinion.

Get real Tisme.
So what about question B. ?

Go back and read post#1424....You seemed to have conveniently skipped a line or two...You probably had a brain fart while reading it and missed that line.

"Unlike the Victorian Government who tear up contracts costing the tax payers $1 billion plus, Howard was an honourable man and did the right thing by taking on a mess Labor left behind."

That's bullshite noco. The NBN was well after Howard. The Rudd government thought of it remember ? Abbott had the opportunity to say the NBN was rubbish but he went ahead with it.

Your memory must be failing old fella.
That's bullshite noco. The NBN was well after Howard. The Rudd government thought of it remember ? Abbott had the opportunity to say the NBN was rubbish but he went ahead with it.

Your memory must be failing old fella.

Yes you are right for once......I should have stated Abbott being the honourable man to continue with the NBN under Malcolm Turnbull's guidance.

You don't hear much about these days, so I guess everyone is happy with the progress.
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