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Useless Labor Party

Yes I agree with you and Noco, but it's still great theatre watching grown men behave like primary schoolers vying to be teacher's pet.
Actually you have a point noco, the fair work commission was a re engineered Industrial Commission, to make it biased toward the worker and was designed by Labor.
So to now try and debunk it seems a bit weird, unless Labor can show good cause, like if the LNP has thrown everyone out and put their own goons in.
Otherwise it is still the Labor Party goon
If that is the case, why are Labor complaining, oh I forgot, say anything to get a vote Bill. Dumb

Those reduced penalty rates only apply to 7% of workers.....And they are in the hospitality industry.
I once read where a person just washing up was paid $42 per hour on public holidays
Most industries moved to a $/hr rate years ago, this actually was supported by the unions, as they feared penalty rates weren't sustainable.
Most working in the mining industry, just work on a dollar per hour basis, could you imagine the arguements with FIFO.
"You worked two Sundays on your swing, I haven't got a Sunday in for three swings".
It is nonsense, the union and Labor should be screaming for a resetting of the base wage, as 24/7 is now the norm.
To compensate the loss of penalties, the base rate should be lifted, then no one loses. (at this point in time)
It is a loss of conditions, but that was brought about by people wanting shops to be open 7 days a week, not by business forcing the public to shop.
Somewhat like everyone driving a Toyota Corolla, complaining about the Australian car industry closing, weird Australian ideology.
Otherwise it is still the Labor Party goon
If that is the case, why are Labor complaining, oh I forgot, say anything to get a vote Bill. Dumb

Well that's what the the Murdoch Liberal Party would have you believe, but I'm wondering if predicating, predications on predications is really a logical way of concluding the commission is a Labor crony.

here is a list...perhaps Noco can rank them in order of from Fabian down through neutral and into Fabian territory.
I read somewhere, that Victoria is thinking about imposing a tax, on houses that are not lived in or rented.
That should work a treat for house prices in Country
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Tell the tax office the kidz are alright LOL. Vic Govt are also cutting stamp duty for first home buyers which will probably be capitalised into home prices and make them even higher whilst slashing Govt revenue. Daft idea IMO.
Tell the tax office the kidz are alright LOL. Vic Govt are also cutting stamp duty for first home buyers which will probably be capitalised into home prices and make them even higher whilst slashing Govt revenue. Daft idea IMO.
I can't understand why these idiots don't just shut up, it really does highlight the flaw in our political process, people who can't recognise their limitations get voted in.
It is a shambles, from the outside looking in, S.A are a complete bunch of dicks, that wanted to go green but wanted someone else to clean up the nappy.
Now we have Victoria, putting themselves in a pincer movement, pay out a contact for a road they needed, shut a power station they need and tax people who can't rent their houses.
Jeez sounds like great management.
Now we have Victoria, putting themselves in a pincer movement, pay out a contact for a road they needed, shut a power station they need and tax people who can't rent their houses.

You are aware that Victoria don't own that power station aren't you ?

Kennet sold it off in the '90's, a French company shut it down.
You are aware that Victoria don't own that power station aren't you ?

Kennet sold it off in the '90's, a French company shut it down.
Really doesn't matter, if your idiot premier hadn't given away $1billion to shut down a road they are now going to build, they could have built that salt storage power station you keep going on about.
But hey, you can't say the bleeding obvious, to the blind.OMG
Don't worry I think W.A will go down the same idiot path, it seems logical thought goes out the window with the enamoured Labor faithfull

You are getting angry, presumably because the WA polls aren't in your favour.

If you listened to the ABC radio interview I posted and subsequently so did Rumpole, you might take on a different more obtuse view of why things are where they are.

Insofar as SA, I understand that the winds coming from the great Australian Bight are a major reason for the private enterprise clustering their efforts there,,,, that and a favourable bureaucracy
Really doesn't matter, if your idiot premier hadn't given away $1billion to shut down a road they are now going to build, they could have built that salt storage power station you keep going on about.

He's not my Premier , I'm in NSW.

I'm just trying to correct your false impression that the Victorian government owns Hazelwood, which they don't.
I'm just trying to correct your false impression that the Victorian government owns Hazelwood, which they don't.
That doesn't diminish their accountability, for security of supply, they can say it isn't their responsibility but they are still accountable for the resultant mess.
Therein lies the problem for Government, they can say it isn't our fault, but they still have to fix it that's what they are paid for.
S.A is looking at ways to mitigate their disaster, they will have to come up with something that is politically palatable to the voting public. After all they will have to pay for it.
Your idea that it isn't the Governments problem, is just a joke, of course it is the Governments problem.
The whole State sitting there in darkness, isn't going to pontificate on which private company is to blame, the Government of the day will wear it.
The Victorian Government, should be stepping in and making some rulings, as to the orderly shutting down of Hazelwood. Or at least be putting in place, backup plans, to mitigate its loss of generation.
The Victorian Government, should be stepping in and making some rulings, as to the orderly shutting down of Hazelwood. Or at least be putting in place, backup plans, to mitigate its loss of generation.

Yes, and because we have a (almost national) grid so should the Federal government who are just playing the blame game and shifting it all onto the States.

At the least there should be a Federal/State energy summit to decide the next course of action. This is a technical subject so it should include engineers, scientists and financiers as well as consumer groups.

Hawke would have done something similar, I doubt Turnbull has the vision.
I realize how much people of the left hate Andrew Bolt, but this is must to listen to.....He is right on the money.

Not sure how lefties see him, but i know I see him as a fool and a tool.

Besides he is often wrong e.g.

"“Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has fumbled the rescue, delivering less than he promised for twice the price,” wrote Bolt. “Bottom line, Turnbull is still giving us an NBN that costs double what he himself promised and is running four years behind."

So you are saying he does not speack the truth...Prove it to me.

You seem to forget, Conroy and Rudd designed the NBN on the back of an envelope mid air somewhere.....No cost analysis just a thought bubble......the rest they left to the current government to sort out.

So you are saying Malcolm did bugger the NBN? Or are you employing a third eye that provides alternative facts?

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