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Useless Labor Party

Bleak - from the Australian
No its a votes thing.

Disgusting Labor sells out Israel for votes

I love it when they (holier than though pollies) get caught out

You would think, they would have the sense to use a genuine example, just dumb as usual. Silly Billy.
Even with warnings from the CEO of Bluescope Steel, those dumb Labor people in Federal, SA and VIC are still intent on proceeding with a 50% RET......Shorten is hell bent on chasing industry overseas where power is cheaper.......Then he will be screaming from the roof tops blaming the Liberal party for the loss of jobs......We need new base load power stations whether driven by coal or gas and we need them as soon as possible.
Wake up barnacle Bill.

You up to speed with your govt of choice ?

"The Federal Government has set a target of producing 33,000 gigawatt-hours of renewable energy by 2020, although this was downgraded from 41,000 gigawatts hours under the Abbott government."

That down from 31% under Abbott to 23% under Shallow Mal by 2020.
Tisme, that is all old hat...Tell us something new.

I just did, but you choose to ignore it. YOU voted in a govt that advocates RET. YOU voted in a govt that tied funding to handing control of state owned power generation to private enterprise and federal govt oversight. YOU are the reason the RET exists.

Firstly, you have no idea who I voted for at the last election.....only assumed....... The word A-S-S-U-M-E makes an ass out of you and me......So you are wrong again.

The Government RET is 23%....The Green/Labor socialist coalition wants at 50% and for the "SMALL" price of $48 billion.......As far as I am concerned I would sooner see the whole RET crap thrown in the bloody bin.

So which power stations were handed over to private enterprise and by which governments?

So what a foolish statement you make......I am the reason the RET exists.....

Wrong again....When will ever get things right Tisme?.....You seem to **** up a lot lately.

Of course you did, even though you said you voted Pauline in previous posts, we know you really voted for the LNP preference.
Of course you did, even though you said you voted Pauline in previous posts, we know you really voted for the LNP preference.

Geez Tisme, when will you ever get things right again..

Divert....divert.....divert....Where is your answer to the sale of the power stains and by which governments?
Geez Tisme, when will you ever get things right again..

Divert....divert.....divert....Where is your answer to the sale of the power stains and by which governments?

I don't know why you quick to keyboard the Labor Party being an anathema in your life, but not own up to being whatever Labor isn't, which means LNP two party preferred, given you view social equity as some kind of red under the bed stunt.

Insofar as sale of power stations, they are regulated by the Turnbull Govt via one of their depts. The states became subjugated into that position in return for federal funding of, often disparate projects like roads. Irregardless of how you want to paint it, the Govt of the day has the opportunity to undo what previous govts perceivably got wrong..... a plank this and the previous Abbott Govt were voted in to do and so far managed to exacerbate the problems rather than fix them. Everyone, but the Federal Govt is to blame for their own ineptitude.

You still cant give a straight answer can you........Typical of your tactic when you think you know everything but you really don't know $hit from clay.

Both political parties have sold off power stations and probably more by Labor.......There was more sell off between private enterprise.
See Useless Labor at 55% to LNP's 45% TPP.

And One Nation has drawn with the Greens in popular vote.
I watched Question time in parliament today and every question asked by the opposition related to the reduction in some penalty rates and each time the Green/Labor socialist coalition was knocked out with the same answer.......Labor was like a bunch of white cockatoos.......They were all give the same lines......They were like a cracked and broken record.......Cocky wants a cracker ......Cocky wants a cracker.

In case some of you don't know, the Product Committee Commission was the brain child of Bill Shorten and many on that committee are ex union officials.......Bill Shorten along with the majority of the Labor Party stated they would accept the umpires decision no matter what.......If the decision had gone the other way, Shorten would would as happy as a pig in $hit....Now having said he would accept the umpire's decision, Why has he done a 180 degree turn?

Poor old Bill was reminded on several occasions how he diddled the workers of Clean Event and Chiquita of $400,000,000 in wages and penalty rates for a donation to the AWU from the companies involved...He was not concerned about those workers at the time and he still has no genuine concerned for poor paid workers now......Even Chris Bowen said, the lowering of penalty rates to certain industries would create more jobs and allow business to stay open longer..... It is all about political point scoring.
Labour didn't need to do much in question time today. The LNP faces said it all ..... deadman walking PM and the rest trying to figure out how to suck up to Abbott,

You are right. Question Time is pathetic.

That theatrical clown Turnbull thinking he's back in court and the jury is going to swallow his overblown rhetoric and diversionary tactics to avoid answering any question apart from the ones that suit him.

As for that clown Barnaby Joyce, ranting and raving with a red face like a six year old.

Again, completely pathetic.
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