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Useless Labor Party

When I moved to Townsville in 1971 the Ross River dam was under construction and our population was 90,000....It was a 25 year project which would cater for the city's expansion...I am not sure which government instigated it...I think it may have been in Joh's time.

45 years later under successive state Labor Governments we now find ourselves running out of water with our dam now 14% with water being pumped 28 km over the mountains from the Hawton Channels which is feed from the Burdiken Dam at a cost to the rate payers of $27,000 per day.

There have been feasibility study after feasibility study done with all talk and no action.

The Federal Government has placed $2 billion on the table to construct a new dam at "Hell's Gates" some 110km west of Townsville which can be gravity feed and is 340m above sea level.

The useless state Labor Government has to meet the other 50% but to date nothing has been budgeted for while Townsville runs out of water.

Geez, I hope the heavens open up during the wet season here otherwise we are in deep $hit.

I guess if our dam does become full with a wet season, this useless State Labor Government will shelve the project for another 2 years when we will be in trouble again.

We have a useless Federal Labor MP here who won her seat by default.....We have 3 state Labor MPs who are as useful as t**ts on a bull and sit on their hands and do nothing, and we have full Labor City Council with a Mayor whom I do have time for but her hands are tied behind her back.

That dam wall
Shari Tagliabue, Townsville Bulletin
December 3, 2016 12:00am
Subscriber only

If you drink a lot of milk, would you sell your cow?

Queensland used to own its supplies of power and water, but political leaders couldn’t resist the lure of a cash injection to the balance sheet.
Was it a good idea? With critical assets SunWater and Ergon Energy sold off, we are now at the mercy of monopoly businesses for our essential assets, with no competition and little recourse for those wanting an alternative option.

Dams full in the southeast, but as we don’t have the luxury of regular rainfall, the only source of water to top up our rapidly emptying dam has to be pumped from the Burdekin at a great daily expense.

And yet, where are the solutions? It’s not like this is a sudden, unforeseen crisis, waterproofing the region has been an issue for decades. It’s been discussed for decades.
What exactly is the holdup, especially now that there is a Federal fund ready and waiting to futureproof our water supply?

Minister Assisting the Premier on North Queensland, Coralee O’Rourke, asked residents to be patient this week, saying that at the moment, ‘There’s not anything off the table, there’s a lot of different options we need to be looking at.”
Haven’t they already been looked at?

Haven’t consultants, engineers, and interested parties conducted feasibility studies and costings for a dam at Hell’s Gate and/or raising the wall of Ross Dam already, on multiple occasions?

Shouldn’t it simply be a case of, ‘This is by far the best and most cost-effective option for now and the future, let’s get started.”

Ms O’Rourke also said, ‘SunWater does have a deed of agreement that will supply water to the city,” but should we be comforted or conflicted? Does that mean they have to supply water or they expect to supply water? Could this explain the glacial pace of progress?
Ms O’Rourke also said that building a dam is not going to happen in a day, “so it’s good to know we’ve got water security solutions in place.”

UM, NO WE HAVEN’T. We’ve got an expensive short term solution that is occurring because no-one seems able to commit to the best long-term solution, despite each option having been raised, discussed, costed and consulted in the past.

There is a $2 billion water infrastructure fund ready and waiting, and according to a spokeswoman for Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce, the federal government will provide up to half the contribution for construction of water infrastructure, while the State Government has to fund at least 50 per cent. She then delivered this bombshell, ‘At this stage the Queensland Government has not budgeted anything.’

Is this the reason for the delaying tactics? There’s no money so just try to distract the masses until there might be?

Pumping water from the Burdekin Dam cost $27,000 per day. A gravity-fed dam is imperative, or would that upset our energy provider?
If you had a business in a crisis, management would move quickly to find the most effective solution. In this case, the immediate answer appears to lie with the workers, not the bosses. We’re told to conserve water, and there are inspectors monitoring for breaches, but ultimately this essential service is a political responsibility, not a residential one.
We pay for our water, it is up to the State government to ensure it is provided.

We’ve been doing our part for years now, it’s about time they started doing theirs.

I see the Labor Govt has managed a surplus and wondering what to do with it.
I see the Labor Govt has managed a surplus and wondering what to do with it.

Don't believe it Tisme....It is a fiddle with the PS super...They raided it to make their bottom line look good...Do some research and you will find out the truth.
Don't believe it Tisme....It is a fiddle with the PS super...They raided it to make their bottom line look good...Do some research and you will find out the truth.

Against the advice of the auditor general, the Palaszczuk Labor Government raided the PS super fund to the tune of $2 billion...So now Tisme you see how Labor fiddled the books to get a surplus......Not a good practice at all....They cheated to deceive the people of Queensland just to make their bottom line look good......But that is not unusual for the Labor Party.

Queensland Treasurer Curtis Pitt would not guarantee the minority Labor government would top-up superannuation funds for its public servants if the $34 billion defined benefits scheme was hit by an economic downturn or market volatility.

In a bruising day selling his second budget, Mr Pitt was embarrassed by the release of correspondence between the state actuary Wayne Cannon and Under-Treasurer Jim Murphy, which showed the state government essentially defied warnings about raiding the fund.

In fact, the cash-strapped government decided to take double the amount originally recommended by Mr Cannon.

Mr Pitt, who stumbled over budget numbers last week when talking about a new property tax, said he would take further advice before topping up the scheme if it slipped into deficit.

"At the end of the day, we have given the commitment that we would follow the actuary's advice, and that is what he has put on the table," he said on Wednesday.

"If it did fall below the line, what we would be seeing is a case of getting further advice, updated advice, from the actuary and taking his advice at that time."

Mr Pitt, who has been under fire from some of his senior ministerial colleagues in the past year for his performance, insisted the state government was being conservative by only taking $4 billion from the fund.

But in his original advice to the Palaszczuk government in March this year, Mr Cannon said a repatriation of $2 billion was the "appropriate" amount to take out of the $10 billion surplus in the scheme for the state's public servants.

But Treasury wrote back asking Mr Cannon to apply different fiscal principles and evaluate the scenarios of taking out up to $6 billion from the fund.

Mr Cannon said there would be a one in four chance of an accrued deficit on a funding basis if $4 billion was taken out, saying $5 billion should be the absolute maximum taken out.

This is in stark contrast to Mr Pitt's comments on Tuesday where he said the actuary recommended taking $5 billion out and they were being conservative only taking $4 billion out.

The Liberal National Party, who targeted Mr Pitt in question time on Wednesday, said the Treasurer had been caught red-handed using the super funds to boost the state's bottom line.

"Labor has now been exposed for playing Russian roulette with the public service superannuation fund," Opposition treasury spokesman Scott Emerson said.

"This is the reckless act of a desperate government that could end up costing every taxpayer in Queensland."

But in a move which would buoy the Palaszczuk government, Fitch Ratings said it did not have any problems with taking surplus funds out of the defined benefits scheme because Queensland was the only state with a fully-funded scheme.

"In Fitch's opinion there is no negative impact from using the surplus in this manner. It crystalises a reduction in debt obligations and the fund will remain in a relatively healthy surplus of $6 billion," Fitch Ratings director John Birch said.

But Mr Birch said Queensland's $4.7 billion write-down in revenue over the next four years was worse than expected.

"As a result, the state's financial ratios will remain weaker relative to its 'AA' international peers," he said.

The other credit rating agencies are yet to pass judgment on Queensland's budget. Queensland was downgraded from the AAA credit rating in 2009.

The row over the super raid drowned out the Palaszczuk government's attempts to sell some of the programs in the budget, including the $100 million scheme to pay employers to take on the unemployed in regional Queensland.

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Don't believe it Tisme....It is a fiddle with the PS super...They raided it to make their bottom line look good...Do some research and you will find out the truth.

I am aware they removed the surplus funds owned by the taxpayers for use on taxpayer programs, but I'm not sure spending an asset affects the profit and loss as income? Balance sheets and P&L are two different things aren't they?
I am aware they removed the surplus funds owned by the taxpayers for use on taxpayer programs, but I'm not sure spending an asset affects the profit and loss as income? Balance sheets and P&L are two different things aren't they?

If you were aware of all this why did you try to deceive the viewers on ASF into believing that Labor are good economic managers by showing a fictitious surplus? .......Labor never have been and never will be.
If you were aware of all this why did you try to deceive the viewers on ASF into believing that Labor are good economic managers by showing a fictitious surplus? .......Labor never have been and never will be.

I'm sure ASF members are more astute than falling for people's trickery. You obviously underestimate the intelligence of members to make their own evaluations and investigations.

I merely heard on the ABC radio last Thursday that the govt had a surplus of funds. How did I know I was handing you the hot end of a firestick?

Well tisme you fell for it without checking how that useless Queensland state Labor were able to it..

Obviously they tricked you, but the average person like myself are not as naive as you are....Most of us know how the Labor Party operate by deception.

So be it. I'm not sure where a trick applies, but if it gives you that winning feeling .........
So be it. I'm not sure where a trick applies, but if it gives you that winning feeling .........

It is because you were quite willing to accept the fact that Labor came up with a "SURPLUS".....They tricked you and you fell for it hook, line and sinker......You had no idea when in fact you should have checked Labor out with their deception...I thought you were smarter than that.
Very soon South Australia will become a cot case.......Power shortage.....decline in business investment......more blackouts......more job loses ....higher power prices to hit the poor old pensioners.

When will SA and Victoria come to their senses and realize that have gone overboard with this crazy renewable energy crap?

Say what you like about Andrew Bolt, the facts he has quoted cannot be denied.

You are behaving like you are losing a one sided argument, but there no protagonist. It's almost like you are trolling for a stoush

I see the Labor Govt has managed a surplus and wondering what to do with it.
You are behaving like you are losing a one sided argument, but there no protagonist. It's almost like you are trolling for a stoush

I see the Labor Govt has managed a surplus and wondering what to do with it.

Tisme, you cannot wriggle out of this one and you know it but won't admit it.....The state Queensland Labor Party government have pulled the wool over your eyes....They have well and truly sucked you in with their fiddle of the books just to make them look good.

A vote catcher for the naive.
Is the withdrawal from the Public Service super scheme actually included in the Budget figures any way?

(I had a look at the Budget papers and couldn't figure it out)

And if it is, and you're complaining it is, wouldn't it also make sense to back out the $2 billion infrastructure spending that it supports since they wouldn't do it without the withdrawal?

Can't have it both ways. My view is that it doesn't really matter. The net benefit is offset by increased spending. So it doesn't make a net impact. It's not like they withdrew $2 billion, didn't spend it, and said, look, we have a $2 billion surplus now.

The 2016 Budget was also a surplus too.


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Even the LNP living bible is exhalting the Labor Party for a surplus.... something the LNP couldn't do.

At least one state is bucking the trend
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