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Useless Labor Party

More history and the calibre of the great Liberal Party of Australia and the ALP back then.

We can only hope there is a Keating coming through

Keating needed a charismatic figure like Hawke to get him into a position from where he could launch his putsch for the leadership. People may not have voted for Keating cold because of his lack of qualifications. I suspect that if there is a Keating out there he will be biding his time waiting for someone else to lead Labor to victory.

He will then build up his importance, his factional following and his public persona after which he will seize on any weakness in the leader and make his move. Machiaevellian certainly, but the mark of genius if it comes off.
The Green/Labor coalition are at their snide tactics again with Mediscare in the Canberra elections this time.

AFP are investigating......Labor says, yes were naughty boys, we apologise and assure you it won't happen again.

It is the case with Labor......What ever it takes to win....Fair or foul.

What utter BS.

Labor faces another police *inquiry into its “privatising Medicare” campaign claims as federal officials refer a new *aspect of the affair to the authorities out of concern about a breach of the laws that protect the government health agency.

Federal police are being asked to investigate the methods used by Labor and the unions to persuade voters that Medicare was being sold-off by the *Coalition, testing the boundaries of political *campaigning.

The chief counsel at the *Department of Human Services decided to refer the new concern to the AFP last week after Labor repeated its federal tactics during the ACT election campaign, heightening alarm within the bureaucracy.

Malcolm Turnbull has accused Labor of lying to voters by sending out text messages that purported to be from Medicare but actually were political messages telling people the Prime Minister planned to privatise the agency.

Bill Shorten has ridiculed the attacks and sought to turn the government’s sensitivities to his advantage, last week challenging the Prime Minister to answer a question “without another *tantrum about a text message”.

While the AFP halted an investigation into whether the text message breached electoral law, the new complaint is based on protection of the Medicare brand and logo in the Human Services (Medicare) Act. The Australian has seen advice from the Department of Human Services setting out the intention to refer the matter to the AFP to consider whether the “privatising Medicare” was an offence under section 41C of the act.

The advice was prepared after the Australian Government Solicitor proved Labor’s weakness on the law last week, when the ACT branch of the party was caught sending out fake cards with the Medicare logo and suggesting the Liberals would privatise the territory health system.

ACT party secretary Matthew Byrne apologised minutes after getting a letter from the Government Solicitor. “I can confirm that ACT Labor has ceased distributing this material and we undertake not to further distribute any material that features the Medicare logo,’’ Mr Byrne said.

Human Services Minister Alan Tudge seized on the statement to demand a similar apology from Mr Shorten. “If the head of the ACT Labor Party can determine that what they did was wrong and apologise for their actions, how long will it take the Leader of the *Opposition to apologise for what he did during the federal campaign?” he told parliament on Thursday.

A key issue in dispute is a fake Medicare card sent out during the federal campaign, authorised by ACTU secretary Dave Oliver.

The Medicare Act makes it an offence to use the agency’s name or logo in any way without government authority.

More public expenditure by the LNP to sling mud at its political peers that will invariably fail and make the public even more cynical about the altruistic motives. What a nonsense using tarnished branding of a monopoly, unless it is being valued for sale.

I'm always heartened when the originators of these actions end up at the hands of vengeance served cold later in their lives.

Are you actually saying you condone the Green/Labor coalition's tactics with their lies?
Are you actually saying you condone the Green/Labor coalition's tactics with their lies?

I'm saying the LNP started acting like petulant children during the Howard period when the Nationals started welding on their juvenile sense of payback onto mean spirited people like Reith, Abbott and Costello.

Parliament has been a basket case ever since ~2000 with an intransigent new breed of politician who uses public monies to find no guilt.

Given that our own PM set the bar when it comes to truth and lies (Greche) I doubt anyone in parliament tells tactical lies.

You have not answered my question and that is I repeat, "Do you condone the Green/Labor coalition regarding the MEDISCARE stunt both Federally and the recent Canberra elections?"

A simple answer....YES or NO.....As per usual, you beat around the bush with your monotonous rhetoric.

The fact is noco , that Menzies and Bjelke Petersen stayed in power for decades with the "Reds under the Beds" scare campaigns, so if you can't take it back, don't dish it out.

I think they were telling the truth and the LNP went into denial mode once outed.

MOre taxpayer monies spent by LNP on cynical witch hunts
The fact is noco , that Menzies and Bjelke Petersen stayed in power for decades with the "Reds under the Beds" scare campaigns, so if you can't take it back, don't dish it out.

Joh paid the price at the hands of his own LNP political tribe. It took ALP premier Beatty to give him post praise for the various good things he did.

Of course "Joh for PM" put the bipartisan scares up Canberra.
The fact is noco , that Menzies and Bjelke Petersen stayed in power for decades with the "Reds under the Beds" scare campaigns, so if you can't take it back, don't dish it out.

And how right they were for now they ( the Reds under the bed) are out in the open under the banner of the Green/Labor coalition...Caldwell and Evatt were both confessed communists.

Very evident on the Chris Kenny show and his segment on the ABC tonight and how left (socialist) they are....The ABC is loaded with socialists left Green and Labor journalists.
The Labor Party appear to be split down the middle on reform of their ideology relating to socialism.

Bill Shorten wants to ditch it but he has a lot of opposition......he is stuck to the militant unions with super glue and there is no way they will divert from Socialism (Communism).........Happy days ahead for the Socialist left Labor Party....Socialism is just a soft word for Communism....Central control is the only way of life they know.

How can they hope to govern the country when they cannot govern themselves.

Nothing could be more important for a political party than defining what it stands for. For the Labor Party, formed in 1891, this is especially so. Now, for the first time in more than 30 years, the party has embarked on a quest to modernise its central mission statement: the socialist objective.

Labor’s national executive committee has established an eight-person committee to begin a formal review of the party’s quixotic socialist objective and its broader philosophical principles. Reviewing the party’s ancient creed may seem like unnecessary navel-gazing, but this task is long overdue.

It is absurd that Labor still formally commits itself to a discredited ideology: “the democratic socialisation of industry, production, distribution and exchange, to the extent necessary to eliminate exploitation and other anti-social features in these fields”. Some introspection to modernise the party’s animating purpose in politics is evidently needed.

But this debate soon will engulf Labor, from the leadership to the membership, and its outcome is far from certain. While Labor’s *national conference last year resolved to review the socialist objective “with a view to replacing the existing language”, this will be fiercely resisted by some in the party.

Bill Shorten told this column a few years ago that Labor should dump its socialist objective and draft a new statement that better reflected the party’s modern goals and objectives. He described the socialist objective as being “as useful as a 100-year-old street directory”. But the Opposition Leader refused to make it a priority.

“I don’t believe in state ownership of the means of production or the means of the distribution of production, or indeed deciding the outcome of the distribution of the means of production,” Shorten said. “So I’m not a classical socialist.” In his own typically tortured way, Shorten identified the ridiculous wording of Labor’s century-old socialist credo. But his deputy, Tanya Plibersek, supports maintaining the socialist objective. “I like it,” she told this column last year. Treasury spokesman Chris Bowen supports rewriting the objective. So does environment spokesman Tony Burke and climate change spokesman Mark Butler. But Kim Carr, another frontbencher, will fight to keep the socialist objective. Carr is one of Shorten’s key factional backers.

The upshot is that Labor’s frontbench is split on the future of the socialist objective. Most of the Right faction will support a rewrite of the party’s philosophy. But the Left faction is likely to resist it. Several Left MPs such as Stephen Jones, Doug Cameron and Jenny McAllister, a former national president, support democratic socialism remaining as Labor’s lodestar.

Read more if it will let you.
This thread is about the "USELESS LABOR PARTY"......


The title of this thread is designed for "flaming", ie to provoke other members who may not support the opinion that the Labor party is "useless".

This thread should be closed and discussion of the Labor party transferred to a thread with a more appropriate name that is not solely for criticism of a particular Party.
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