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Useless Labor Party

I thought this thread was about the '"USELESS LABOR PARTY" ?:topic
Easy for you to say when you hijack other threads with your "Fabian" pitch !

Good one you are talking sense.....But I always meld it in to the right thread.

With that pitch I might get into it again......Hope you noticed I have laid low on the Fabians.

I thought you would have thanked me..
Sort of like the people on the other side who laughed at Abbott's many gaffes like knights and dames and the women of Australia going about their ironing.

No. I think we all cringed at those.... not that that's relevant to the egregious Obama.
No. I think we all cringed at those.... not that that's relevant to the egregious Obama.

As opposed to the saintly George W. Bush, "you are either for us or against us", "weapons of mass destruction", aka The Crusader ?
Getting closer and closer to his rightful level.

Anyone noticed Albo is appearing on the news in an ever increasing way?........

On QandA last night.......Watch your back Billy Boy......The Assassin is about to assassinated.

Down ...down and down he goes.
Anyone noticed Albo is appearing on the news in an ever increasing way?........

On QandA last night.......Watch your back Billy Boy......The Assassin is about to assassinated.

Down ...down and down he goes.

Labor is facing the same devastating defeat that it suffered at the last federal election, as Bill Shorten’s standing with voters as the alternative prime minister has tumbled to the lowest level for any ALP leader in more than a decade.

The latest Newspoll, taken *exclusively for The Australian, *reveals Labor’s primary vote has fallen to 33 per cent. Support for the opposition has slumped six points since Malcolm Turnbull replaced Tony Abbott 10 weeks ago and is back to the same level as the 2013 poll, which was the ALP’s worst election result in 80 years

Labor is in self destruct mode and as long as they cling to the unions and the Greens they will slide further down the slippery poll.........Barnacle Bill has his suicide belt attached to his body to speed up the mission.
Labor is in self destruct mode and as long as they cling to the unions and the Greens they will slide further down the slippery poll.........Barnacle Bill has his suicide belt attached to his body to speed up the mission.

Australia is grateful and reassured.
Labor is in self destruct mode and as long as they cling to the unions and the Greens they will slide further down the slippery poll.........Barnacle Bill has his suicide belt attached to his body to speed up the mission.

This guy is has a far better batting average of prediction than the haters in this thread and that isn't saying much about the drug fueled dreamer who couldn't write a coherent sentence or date stamp because of it:

Shorten on Lateline what a pathetic loser I almost feel sorry for him, well no not really I'm laughing too much.
Labor is in self destruct mode and as long as they cling to the unions and the Greens they will slide further down the slippery poll.........Barnacle Bill has his suicide belt attached to his body to speed up the mission.

They have nothing to do with the Greens. They hate them and place them last on thier cards. Why do many try to put such diverse political opponents together???????
They have nothing to do with the Greens. They hate them and place them last on thier cards. Why do many try to put such diverse political opponents together???????

You can bet your boots they will swap preferences at the next election like they did under Rudd/Gillard/Rudd/Shorten.

The unions even feed the Greens money.

The LUG party follow the rules of the Fabians and sing the same chorus.....Socialism...Socialism...Socialism.

To be be be sure.
Labor's year of ideas.....pie in the sky......thought idea of the cost and where the money will come from....and the naive believe all of BS's BS......His initials are very appropriate to his name.

Labor has plans for a new tier of welfare to assist a recently *discovered pocket of need: businesses that struggle to find private investors to take their innovations seriously.

Bill Shorten claims pumping a lazy half-billion into business start-ups will “capture the wave of digital change that is washing through the whole world”.

Labor calls it co-investment. Others may call it an expensive one-way ticket to la-la land since it rests on the ridiculous premise that innovation can be unleashed by government decree.

“How much is going to cost?” Shorten was asked at a recent press conference. “And how are you going to fund it?” Shorten stared reproachfully at the impudent hack. “We cannot afford not to be in the game of innovation.”

We have learned to be wary of things politicians claim we cannot afford not to do. It is how we got saddled with a National Broadband Network and piecemeal *renewable energy that gives us the highest electricity prices in the world.

It is particularly unnerving when the announcement of the-thing-we-cannot-afford-not-to-do is announced in the manner of a Soviet kommissar setting pig-iron production targets for 1932.

Start-ups will create 500,000 jobs and 100,000 positions in the IT industry. Really? Does Shorten actually know this or is it just another great big number *casually plucked from the air?

A very good idea from Labor.

Private enterprise in this country is so risk adverse that basically everyone in this country who has an idea has to go elsewhere to get it developed.

If the private sector does not support Australian inventions then the government should.
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