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Useless Labor Party

Noco, can you please enlighten us on the impact on car prices, now that we NO LONGER WILL PRODUCE CARS IN AUSTRALIA?

It won't affect the purchase price of a new car to any significant extent. It will however increase the running costs of every petrol and diesel powered car on the road.

That's the fuel excise I'm talking about by the way. The tax on petroleum fuels. You know, the one that the Coalition decided to increase, and continue to increase into the future, in the budget.

We have a tax on some carbon fuels now, just not all of them. We presently have an approximate $165 per tonne carbon tax on petroleum fuels officially known as "excise" but it's a tax in practice. That's quite a bit more than the $20 - $40 per tonne tax being suggested for other fuels.

Part of the trouble with such a tax is that in order to work effectively, it needs to be at the same rate across competing fuels as the entire point is to promote lower emissions. As such, a $165 per tonne tax on one fuel is incompatible with a lower rate of tax on another, more polluting, fuel (coal). So rationally, we'd cut the fuel excise and apply the same rate across all fossil fuel types. Politicians aren't known for being rational however.
Noco, can you please enlighten us on the impact on car prices, now that we NO LONGER WILL PRODUCE CARS IN AUSTRALIA?

All the facts you need to know are herewith...Listen to the U-Tube.

Fact: global warming has paused or stopped, with no real rise in atmospheric temperature for some 18 years, according to authoritative satellite data from both the Remote Sensing Systems and the University of Alabama at Huntsville.

So why is Labor planning something so mad?

Blame two things. First, the death grip global warming now has over Labor, a party that needed this strident new religion to fill the gap in its soul caused by the death of socialism. And blame the weak leadership of Bill Shorten, a man of no convictions or authority who did not dare kill, bury and cremate the policy which most destroyed Labor last time.

But eventually every vacuum is filled.

Some Labor leaker has now stepped up to try to destroy a malignant policy that Shorten let fest

Fact: catastrophes predicted by global warming scientists have not occurred. Even the IPCC confirms we have not had worse or more cyclones, nor a worldwide increase in droughts.

The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation reports rising crop harvests over the past two decades. An Auckland University study found 80 per cent of low-lying islands such as Tuvalu and Kiribati are not drowning, but “have either remained about the same or, in fact, gotten larger”.[

Still linking to Andrew Bolt. The guy has no credibility Noco, so why persist? He freely admits he filled a newspaper need to be a right wing advocate for no other reason than he needed a job; I doubt he even believes half the stuff he makes up or trolls from obscure basements.

Playing the man rather than addressing the points Tisme?

Are you denying the facts he has stated are not correct?

You say Bolt has no credibility......On what grounds do you make that assertion?

Is it because it against you political thinking.

Please tell me which facts he has quoted are not true.
Are you denying the facts he has stated are not correct?

You say Bolt has no credibility......On what grounds do you make that assertion?

Is it because it against you political thinking.

Please tell me which facts he has quoted are not true.

Nothing to do with politics, he's a reactionary who proclaims myths as fact and hardly gets anything right in hindsight.

Anyone can troll the internet for obscure opinions that fit the preconceived argument. It's like treating Wiki as factual, when anyone can modify it.

Wayne, I'm not playing any man, I'm just pointing out that Bolt has no credibility and shouldn't be used as truth of fact. The guy is a sideshow Bob where curious people go for self flagellation.

What a lot of rot...There are no myths....describe to me what is not true and factual or is it just that you don't want to accept it.
What a lot of rot...There are no myths....describe to me what is not true and factual or is it just that you don't want to accept it.

He's a clown that survives on fish wives
Wayne, I'm not playing any man, I'm just pointing out that Bolt has no credibility and shouldn't be used as truth of fact. The guy is a sideshow Bob where curious people go for self flagellation.

Nobody has credibility. But that does not mean anyone cannot make, or highlight a point by somebody else. To absolutely disregard anything Bolt says just because his name is Bolt... or Monckton, or whatever, is fallacious and you're smart enough to know that.
He's a clown that survives on fish wives

What sort of a reply is that.

I was hoping for some sensible comment to the point that 0ne or more facts from Bolt were no true.

You obviously don't have the answers so please be good enough to accept it as true.
What sort of a reply is that.

I was hoping for some sensible comment to the point that 0ne or more facts from Bolt were no true.

You obviously don't have the answers so please be good enough to accept it as true.

You use of "obvious" is kind of a ironic.

Unfortunately I can suffer many foolish things, but Bolt is a step too far. The way I was taught back in the stone ages was to send such people to Coventry.

Bolt takes obscure facts and twists the intent and fabric to meet his own needs, knowing fully well he's not merely tilting at windmills, but deliberately and with calibration feeding haters with a daily dose of arsenic. He's a walking, talking Stockholm Syndrome.

I don't need the likes of Bolt to newsfeed me with his gospels. And I certainly won't be justifying his fiction and rare facts for the entertainment of people who have absolutely no intention of thinking independently and objectively. Poking fun at the clown on the otherhand ......

What a sad tale you tell.

It is very obvious you cannot dispel the facts not being true so instead you attack his credibility.

Play the ball and not the man OK.

To illustrate, let's take the dis-esteemed leader of the opposition. By your logic every single thing he says should be disregarded and subject to automatic derision.

But astonishingly, miraculously even, on very rare occasions he makes a good point.

I cant remember any off the top of my head, but they must exist.

Who are we talking about, that fella who has been compromised by his mother in law getting her Dame award? Tony stitched him up ages ago with manoeuvre.

I need more volume on my Kreisler TV and a 1 pound, 2 shilling KTel Mumble Machine © to hear what he is saying. I dare you to produce an attributable "good point" and no looking at Wiki for the answer or buying a clue for him. I'd like to get one of those new fangled LCD televisions, but I swore I would wait until some politician with a brain took our parliament to a majority level of adult maturity ... I don't want to miss that moment and I have my betamax on the ready.

Talking about neuter Bill is like to talking to the bloke who came second in a footrace. He isn't the important to the rankings and winnings of the victor. Segueing to Shorten doesn't excuse Andrew Bolt's deliberate ignorance and monotonous sinking of the boot into anything Labor that will delight Bolt's zombie followers.
The Green/Labor left wing socialists are all over the place with their renewable energy and carbon tax policy...The right does not know what the left is doing......A united Labor Party?????....I don't think so....What a joke they are ATM.

The policy on renewables — *released two days before the party’s national conference — did not go to shadow cabinet, leaving some Labor MPs feeling ambushed* and angry, but was discussed by the leadership group. Mr Shorten wants voters to have a “clear choice’’ between Labor’s commitment to climate change and renewable energy, *arguing that despite the absence of policy detail it would deliver “less pollution, more jobs and downward pressure on electricity prices’’.

“A 50 per cent RET will put jobs and growth at risk,’’ she said. Modelling undertaken last year by Deloitte Access Economics showed the existing RET pushed up electricity prices, costing the economy up to $28 billion and a net loss of 5000 jobs, she said.

Environment Minister Greg Hunt, who described the renewables shift as a fivefold increase, said: “What we’re seeing today is a desperate diversion from Bill Shorten from Labor’s massive new carbon tax.’’.

Mr Butler argued that the 50 per cent target was “an ambitious but doable goal’’ and it was important “for governments not to pick winners in terms of different technologies’’.

Interviewed on Sky News, Mr Butler had difficulty explaining what an increase in renewables would mean for household electricity prices. He said all the modelling, including for the government’s review on the RET, showed “adding additional electricity puts downward pressure: that doesn’t mean there aren’t other price pressures’’. He said the review found wholesale power prices would be higher without the renewable energy target than they would be with the renewable energy target.

Greens acting leader senator Larissa Waters said Labor’s target of 50 per cent by 2030 was “better than the Abbott government’s ideological opposition to clean energy, but still way short of what’s necessary to limit dangerous global warming’’.

The Greens want a 90 per cent renewable energy target.

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