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US Federal Reserve loss tops 300 billion and it turns 100 years old


Well in Australia with a new government as per normal the fun and games has begun to discredit the previous one and make the new one look good.

All of this political bickering aside, as it's not an issue, I wish to look at a modern phenomenon and compare us to other nations.

Nowadays the usual measures in stock markets quite often do not work. One reason for this is like when a new government comes in, they overestimate everything and blame it on the previous government. In the process they make their management look better and the previous managers incompetent. In a company vs a government, your unlikely to have the CEO come back and manage the company, with governments this is the case.

In a company, usually prior to the board spill or as it's happening massive write-downs occur making the sacking of the CEO very clear and again making the new CEO's starting point very easy to build from.

So late 2013, all political bickering aside. Australia has a very low debt to GDP number. In 2013 its sub 300 billion, the nation has 50 billion in FX reserves and as such a NET debt to GDP would be in the region of 250 billion vs a GDP total of 1,400- billion. So its actually around 18%.

I read today papers and see Mr Hockey, more political blubbering and gas.

Both parties for whatever reason have done very well. Mr Howard and Keating and Hawke and even the ones who inherited the GFC. It was not their doing. The sale of CBA and Telstra made gaping holes in government federal pensions go away and getting 50 billion for Telstra does help.

As to Mr Hockey removing the carbon tax but not the benefits promised as a result, Joe, seriously, if you abolish a tax and keep the spending of course the deficit will be larger.

Even this is not what I wish to highlight other than the post 2000 trend in companies and governments to do this. I pat both political parties on the back for a job well done. Not about to get into what or whom is better.

The issue I wish to raise is about our debt. Australia’s and compare it to the USA. Today and for many weeks and months this has been a topic of the weak minded journalists in Australia. Our debt, NET debt is 18% of GDP. In the USA which just passed a budget for 2 years, they put off spending cuts of 64 billion, got savings of 23 billion so a NET negative of 40 billion, have a debt to GDP of 110% for the nation and not anyone really debated it in the USA.

I of course welcome the bickering and argy bargy of the political debate here in Australia. This is NOT something I wish to discuss and not the point of this post. It is about the debt.

So I read on in the Murdoch owned paper and as always its very important to instill fear and it stated as is correct in these papers by 2026 the debt will rise to 700 billion from 300 billion. Sad and funny thing is that by then the GDP with GDP growth and inflation will be nearly double. So as they used the GROSS debt and forgot the FX reserves which will likely rise with the GDP, the GROSS debt at 300 billion vs 1,400- billion GDP late 2013 at 21.4% will rise to possibly under worst case 26% in 2026.

Now none of us wants a massive debt. But it is something a government is able to use and should use in slow times, conversely when we have strong growth it should raise the tax take, run surplus budgets and reduce the number.

For a country like ourselves, developed but small, and debt under 60% of GDP is quite acceptable. France has 90% debt to GDP, Spain well over 100%. We are not even in the same ballpark or planet.

Not suggesting we ever join them, but reading the debate alive and well in Australia all be it by two people making noise for little point, it just highlighted the debates around the world.

In the EU austerity measures and budget cuts have been the topic for the last 3-5 years. UK to some extent. USA ? I understand Khloe Kardashian is going out with someone else. Not a hint of panic, just like 2007. In fact its identical to 2007. There wasn’t even a sniff of fear in the US markets in their dance until early 2009 when they lost all support and fell 24% in 6 weeks to their lows.

What I wish to highlight is the EU has balanced its books, governments have taken harsh measures. Australia, a worst case scenario presented yesterday is a rise in debt to GDP of 4.4% in 13 years, a rise from 21.4% debt GROSS to 26% in 2026 is a big deal. Basically in both cases the debt to GDP EU frozen at current levels and hopefully falling as inflation and GPD growth erodes the ratio to GDP ever downwards are policies which can be in place for 100 years.

Australia, well if we see 4.4% in 13 years, worst case, someone trying to appear intelligent by evoking the fear side, in 100 years hmmm … 55.2% debt to GDP worst case in 100 years time ? Obviously that was prior to the reason for all the hot air yesterday and that was to cut some spending, so the 26% number will not even be reached now in 2026. Oh and lets scare you some more the 300 billion now will be 700 billion in 2026, the GDP in 2014 will be 1,400- billion and in 2026 it will be 2,700- billion basically double !! so 300 billion now will be 578 billion in 2026 and it will rise to 700 billion.

You can see me rolling my eyes at the children games.

Back to the USA, if you believed the budget estimates from there, the GDP is meant to rise by 25% in 2014-17. Corporate tax up 80% with no real rise announced and its plan for the deficit in 2014 is 700 billion or 4.4% of GDP minus.

So going down this track, USA tells us they will be reducing their debt to GDP with some magical recovery in income. Rates will stay at zero till they tell lenders they can lend to them at below zero. Increases of an aging population are in the main missing from estimated spending in forward years.

And all that was discussed was Khloe Kardashian and her new boyfriend.

As the 2014 budget estimates are already out the window in the USA, the estimated income rise in corporate tax unlikely if not impossible, the income tax rising at a level above GDP and inflation which again is hard to see if not impossible, I wonder if they will ever debate this budget in the USA ?

Or will it debate Khloe Kardashian and her woes ? One is healthy, the other is unhealthy. One is guaranteed to be fatal, the other the debate and healthy debate could go on for 100 years but unlikely to be fatal. In the case of the EU and its overall debt to GDP being up around 100% it was threatening and action was taken, draconian and painful. In the USA it's what lip gloss is she wearing ? Revlon number 4 just in case if your wondering, the same shade Mr Paulson used during the GFC when dressing certain things up to make them look pretty.

I did actually get a response from the expensive newsletter writer, it did not acknowledge me of course, it didn't even raise the loss year to date, but his first article this week was about the US Feds reserves, about its leverage and about the size of its position. Sadly despite their claims and being bearish, they were not able to read the US Feds own balance sheet correctly and the loss of mark to market between September 2012 and the last one September 2013 was 200 billion. As they used average rates for the quarter which were suspiciously low about 0.5% away from current bond levels I cant wait till the next one comes out February 2014 which shows the US Federal reserve has negative capital.

The question for me will be had Khloe Kardashian changed out of her pink tutu and Revlon number 4 ? Or will anything actually entice the USA to debate its budget and debt hole or the fact its central bank is technically broke ? I doubt it but I did get a lot of amusement out of this persons $2,350- paid for comments, yes for that each year you can learn the inside thoughts of the man ….. waiting ….. waiting …. waiting …... waiting …..

Sadly he has been bearish since 2002, he was correct in 2008-9, but at any point since or prior to that wrong. He is bearish in 2013, so yep I agree with him but for vastly different and more pressing reasons.

When this report comes out for the US fed for the end of December quarter 2013 the tip will be to look at 15 and 30 year MBS securities and how they revalue them. Since last time, they used a duration, that is length of 50% LESS than the actual duration of the bonds to revalue them at 3.3 years vs one over 5 years, I wonder how far they move this so as to make it NOT appear the US fed is actually broke ? The last one for September can be found on

What is of interest is System Open Market Account (SOMA) Holdings its the mark to market value of holdings and in 2012 the value of these were 165 billion plus. In June when bond rates were 2% for a 10 year bond and 3.2% for a 30 year bond this 165 billion profit had dwindled to 46.4 billion of a loss mark to market of 120 billion. Page 15 of the PDF June report !!

So out comes the end of September report PDF page 14 and they have decided to use, well whatever means they like to revalue these assets, the actual bond yields are double to move off the lows, one would have presumed the loss, even using funny accounting would be around double, merely went from a holding value of 46 billion to one of 33 billion. Still a loss of 130 billion, but not close to the real extent of it, you may find my wry amusement awaiting this publication out in February 2014 for the end of December 2013 period. The loss is at least double the 120 billion it was in June 2013. Bond rates in 2013 went from 1.55% in 10 years to 2.85% in December 2013. In June 2013, 10 year bonds were 2.08% vs 1.55%. So if that inflicted a 120 billion dollar loss what will 2.85% vs 2.08% a move of 0.77% do at the end of 2013 vs 0.53 % up to June which cost 120 billion ? I assure you US 10 year rates and treasuries are 2.85% right now as I type.

I know still in disbelief ? Doing the same for 30 years, lows late 2012 2.55%, June 2013 at 3.2% now at 3.88%. Again HALF.

So if half the move caused even with very shoddy accounting a 120 billion loss, its going to cause at least 240 billion end of year. Real loss and being fair is as I said 300 billion. I have used the correct duration for the bonds, NOT using ones which half the mark to market impact. I have checked the duration many times on 15 and 30 year MBS securities and the US Fed has chosen NOT to report the loss but to cut the duration in half !!

Sadly I suspect the same will occur in December 2013 report out in February 2013, to preserve at least the appearance of some capital and stop annoying questions to the US Federal reserve which Yellen should have been asked. Sadly its year-end and even the US fed is audited. The numbers during the year are not. Then again a good auditor who will sign off on a loss of 300 billion is always easy to find if you know where to shop. Will the US fed admit its reserves are gone ? They are in reality, so its a mad shopping frenzy to find that special auditor they need !!

In the meantime, Khloe Kardashian is now Time magazine person of 2014.

take care
Excellent writing.
You should get a job with a newspaper.
I do think the USA is undergoing a massive transformation which is destroying the middle class but creating a working class that will be able to compete with the Chinese.

Good comment also with regard to the actual Australian debt compared with GDP. One danger though is that growth may stop and the world may go into a depression. If that occurs the debt will not look as benign.

Nope not for a newspaper.

I agree, if GDP growth slows, not quickens and instead of inflation, they get DEFLATION, they are in serious trouble.

There is no known cure for deflation. In 1930-33 this is what caused the great crash. Prices falling 10% ... deflation of 10% and rates above that. The total GDP of the USA took a tumble of around 23% as they had negative GDP growth with deflation. The ratio of 110% of GDP in 2013 would be 23% higher even if not added to.

My issue with just this little part of the problem in 2013 is very complex. If the US fed has lost all its capital its no real big deal. Whilst its appears private, it is government run 100% and all profits go to the US treasury and 488 billion over 10 years has flowed form the US Fed to the US treasury.

My point in this issue is not about the loss even, its about the debt, relative debt sizes and lack of accountability. Also its the illusion being woven by the US fed and government. The QE and tax breaks they have there are all aimed at stimulating economic activity, not something which has occurred. Its come at a cost.

What appears real right now is not real, an illusion. You are hypnotized on stage imitating a chicken right now for a hypnotist and a magical and handing out $100- notes to the crowd which are your life savings.

In the meantime all appears well, its what is being reported. The other side is as well. The debt Mr Obama inherited at 70% of GDP is close to 100% of GDP now and by 2017 when he leaves will be 130% of GDP. In the meantime thanks for the $500- you just handed me.

Sadly an illusion, one difficult to break. Unless you study everything in minute detail, beliefs you have and reasons for doing something in 2013 will sadly cost you a lot. It is the stated policy of the US government and Federal reserve to stimulate asset prices post GFC which is meant to spur economic activity and growth. Velocity of money has fallen 33% since then. It has slowed, GDP growth is nothing special. Asset prices are, but the cost ? Well this little subset of the examination is the US federal reserve is broke, or has exhausted all of its capital if these bonds were marked to market. The US government at 110% debt to GDP in 2013 or 130% in 2017 or 150% plus in 2020 are the other side.

One set of policies can be maintained for 100 years, the EU and Australia. USA ? Well the next quarters report for the US fed comes out in February 2014, it is AUDITED and I suspect I will not be the only person going why if in June the loss year to date was 120 billion, why was it only 130 billion as of end of September 2013. I am sure all can see the move in bond yields post June 2013 are more than the pre 2013 calendar moves, hence the estimate its 300 billion not the 130 billion for 2013 admitted to date. I am sure they will come up with some excuse either way.

Another topic for that one either way.
This is a very good read and for someone like me who has only recently taken an interest in economics and investing, a real eye opener, thank you for posting.

See some have asked what kind strategy they should run if things really start to get bad and I imagine if things get bad in the USA then it will be panic stations not only there but in every corner of the planet, but from my perspective I cant see how anything could be done to avoid not getting caught up in it all, we will all be in deep poo so if anything it’s a matter of do what you were going to do, for me that’s invest and run my own Superfund taking a balanced approach of shares and fixed interest.

I’m also an optimist and although im not going to kid myself i understand how these things work I think you have to believe that the world will overcome this with not quite the amount of pain as expected, you can always take the pessimists view and maybe sell everything and buy gold or sit in cash but if things get that bad I cant see how anything will shield you.

Be an optimist. Even in the depths of the correction last time, the sun will ALWAYS come up and life will go on.

I have done this for 30 plus years. In that time this is the third time ONLY I have been this bearish with cause. In fact over the last 120 years, it's usually only every 10 years or so you should be very negative on markets.

Australia, could rise 50% equity wise to be at the same level as the USA and UK. Same if EU Stoxx rose 50% it would be at the same levels. This is about the USA not Australia, but eventually we will be caught in the vortex.

US fed announced a taper overnight, a tiny taper of 10 billion a month in QE, talked and talked and talked about keeping rates at zero forever ... and the market went nuts.

I do not doubt my level 1,810- in the S+P 500 fails. When you have a central bank jaw-boning a market ever higher when its 50% above EU and Australian equities and it is post GFC, all time highs ... this is their policy ... to create this asset appreciation and its been achieved. If they decide to continue, so be it. I call this bubble masturbation. Stimulation of a fully inflated asset bubble.

My analogy, and it is not to kick sand in Uranium followers faces, I was very correct then, but so what, it is about values and long-term values. Not the current policies but ones which will be here in 50 or 100 years. I accept the US Feds policies will unlikely be removed quickly of willingly.

They will remain in place for as long as possible.

The US fed came out overnight and said it WANTS inflation at 2%. it wants it there so its debt at 110% of GDP can be eroded over time. If it ever got asset bubbles bursting, and deflation, coupled with a recession, it has no policy tools left to deal with a recession, and it is not possible to deal with deflation as there is no known tool.

So their only tool left is stern talk, jibber jabber … oh and playing dirty altering your perceptions.

We have markets globally very disjointed now with ones needing to rise to catch the US 50% and the realistic look at the USA is its in a bubble. Its trying to create activity, stimulate it via this policy but the opposite is happening. They want inflation, and they have had ASSET price inflation but will totally fail to create inflation and have at any other level. If you had 27 million on food stamps when this mess started, and now 47 million on food stamps or just under 15% of your population it will never work. This is a number 20 million HIGHER than any record since 1980.

Coupled with this USA has the lowest participation rate in the workforce in 20 years, lowest home ownership rate in 20 years. Chances of an actual turnaround in economic activity of substance when I also see the side effect of QE is the velocity of money has fallen 33% since they started and likely even if they had stopped today the QE, it would fall to 38% as it's a lagging indicator. Instead at 85 billion a month it's now going to be 75 billion and at this rate, it's still going to take years to remove.

All of this, the hot air. Ignore it.
Facts, US will continue down this road as long as it can. It is not working.
US asset prices are in extreme bubble regions.

THE BOND market bubble I suspect has BURST.

Last reality is the market is no longer a free market. It is a like a floated currency but with the central bank coming in time and time again. Its called a dirty float. The US side is a very dirty float. It goes down out comes the jibber jabber. Market is scared, out comes some magically adjusted number. Participation rate if it was unadjusted/fictional post GFC US unemployment would be well over 10%.

As the GFC was happening late 2007, I wrote about permanent destruction of capital and exit. Here in 2013, the markets are in similar levels if not FAR worse but the US fed has announced it will despite this continue to stimulate asset prices because 2007 bubbles were a mistake ? They haven’t said that, but that’s exactly what they are doing.

As the GFC went on, I commented on a long list of things you never do. From altering statistics and reporting say GDP went up 5.3% which was adjusted back to 1.9% two years later and was even lower than that, to banning shorting of stocks. Banks that went broke. Time and time again they came out and said in 2008 it was all ok and over, the market rallied as profits crashed, investors got the worst hammering in the USA as the companies issued into the rally and raised more capital only to see it fall 50%. Some companies like Citibank once at around $500- it went to $2-.

In the end they totally relaxed accounting rules and mark to market of assets. Yes it was needed, so too the liquidity measures. But the rally which will stop short of being 3 times the low in the GFC at 666 so that would be 1,998- in the S+P 500, so at best you have 10% MORE before total implosion. I suspect here at 1,810- it stopped for sanity reasons. Other levels are not till 1,940- …. but given overnight yimmer yammer … are they seriously going to swallow this in 2013 ? Maybe. Maybe not.

I am a student as ever of the markets. It has been my life for over 30 years. My sole income. My hobby, and in 2013 for the USA my greatest fear. Bigger than in 2000 and bigger than in 2007. Every so often someone believes they are bigger than the market. Bigger, better, smarter, they have some new way of doing things.

Reality is the marekt is very simple, make money or not. Companies sell a product for a profit or they don’t. You can alter peoples perceptions of the companies profits by shoving money DOWN their throat, not charging them any tax, buying awful assets the banks were hoping to offload and creating paper profits to repair shattered balance sheets. But what happens when its all removed. US Fed or government will not remove it willingly. Not today not next week or even next year or by 2017. When its removed reality is seen.

Eventually the market is not driven by even a government. They loose total control of it. No amount of soft speaking will convince anyone of anything.

What devastates many at these times is not taking this into account. If the government was to charge the correct tax in the USA on both corporates and individuals EPS would fall 15% if not more. Tax take in the USA has fallen by 50% as a ratio to GDP post 2000. If these higher bond rates stay here, just here the 1.3% higher than 2011-12 levels, I suspect it will hit EPS by another 10%. If they go 1% higher long end as I suspect they, do EPS will go another 10% down.

All are artificial in nature. The US debt government side will explode prior to this. Maybe this is the US governments intention to create a sovereign debt crisis and inflation. Prior to that however, equity prices will be destroyed, bond markets destroyed and the currency. Sure there will be inflation, and asset price ultra deflation. The person on the street will suffer, the one that missed out on the assets doubling and the asset owners will also suffer. To make these prices rise, the US government has taken its debt from 55% of GDP to 110% in 2014 and by the time Obama leaves 130% of GDP.

I am unsure what the hell their goal is late 2013, other than the USA and the US fed is NOT bigger than the market and is on the cusp of loosing total and complete control as they did in 1930.

It is an illusion not backed by reality.

In uranium stocks in 2006-7 we had misguided CEO's talking uranium prospects up, the spot price would hit $200- , 500 new reactors built when at a spot price of $100- a lb the fuel actually was an issue …. new reactors that have been built and as I was watching them in 2007 were DOUBLE the price expected and not viable at $100- a LB uranium. Supply was not short longer term. There were 1,700- companies in the field of whom there were over 300 known and semi commercial deposits. This was outside some very large supply coming on via Kazakhstan in 2007-10. Was $135- a LB a reality, a fleeting peak or realistic ?

All was ignored, and stocks traded at levels they never will again. Hard to ignore the CEO of your company calling a rally when the stock is at $10-. Hard to ignore the siren song of the US fed and government at 1,810- in the S+P when its stated its intention is to keep rates at zero, ignore the fact its already overvalued and take actions to send it higher.

If the value is not there, its not there. If the value is being created by US corporates paying 11% tax vs 22% tax pre 2000, EPS are not what you think. If the US fed and its actions hands 50 billion in ultra low loans at 0.25% to banks are their EPS what you think ? How about if the number was 100 billion or 200 billion ? What about if this action changed the price of all credit in the USA despite the whole bubble of the governments 110% of GDP debt if the US Feds action lowered the cost of junk bonds to all time lows 2% lower than normal as though the GFC never happened ? What is this doing to corporate earnings ? I they are borrowing 12.5 trillion, its saving 250 billion in interest. All of it artificial. Add them up, I have, more tax 200 billion, 150 billion for financials via QE actions and radically altering their liquidity and cash flows, another 250 billion via margins. If the whole corporate market makes 2,250- billion pre tax what impact would an increase of 400-600 billion have on things ? But for now, US fed will jawbone us to death.

Australia can catch up as much as it likes.

Sadly the US fed just lost any credibility forever in my eyes. It is like the stupid FX rogue trader we had in Australia interviewed and he claimed he was a genius and all others were idiots. I was one of the idiots, I went gee what am I doing wrong ? Not a thing of course !! He eventually was charged and disgraced.

US fed having clearly lost all its capital, every single cent of it should be charged and Bernanke taken away. But no one will ask them. I have provided the US Feds own balance sheet, if it lost 120 billion for half the move, the other half has taken its capital below zero. Not a big deal but it eventually it will show a loss of 240 billion which is likely 50% more, the duration of the bonds is a factual number and when the US fed estimates it at a number 50% below reality, what is the truth ?

I sadly resign myself to shaking my head as I did late 2007, its all one can do. They have pre announced they will do even worse things that they did in 2008 and the end outcome this time, knowing this, knowing markets, will be for the record books. Like at rogue FX trader many years ago interviewed on TV telling all he was the greatest FX trader ever and all others were idiots. The jaw-boning aside it was not till 2012 that the idiot Fx trader was sentenced to jail in Australia. They chased him for 25 years. In the USA no one is charged. No one will be charged and as such I can only shake my head at the current stupidity.

The US fed turns 100, the US fed has not net assets. This one will not take 25 years to resolve, the market will deal with it all. I suspect the bond market for one has had enough. What do I know ? Not a thing other than lessons. Maybe Koval could go join the US fed when he is off his good behaviour bond. They chased him for 25 years and still no jail. Maybe I have it all wrong !! Crime pays :} It does not protect your money however on the other end of it.

Interesting point. But surely the way out is for corporates to be taxed at a better rate, tapering to cease, the war effort reduced more than it is now and finally debt to be targeted. Growth can occur but it doesn't have to be only major corporate growth. Maybe the share market will suffer however the economy may continue to pick up. I know this is unlikely in the present political situation.

Further, we don't really know what percentage of debt compared to GDP will create the collapse. It may go on a lot longer yet. If the world starts improving and GDP starts rising faster than debt, then maybe there is a way out.

One concern I have is the oil situation. I believe it may become a trigger. In my opinion we are at peak oil already but the new gas technologies in the USA and the slow world economy has masked this. What do you think?

good points.

One never can know with absolute certainty that one point is the high until time has passed. This is part and parcel of calling highs or lows.

Taxes, yes the USA could go and do something about tax. It has chosen not to.
When George W Bush came into power the debt to GDP was 55% for US federal debt. All other forms of debt much lower.

In 2009 it was 70% of GDP, in early 2014 it will hit 110% of GDP in 2014 for the US government.

This is a rise of 55% of GDP debt the US government has racked up. I believe it will hit 130% of GDP in 2017.

Only one credit rating agency has downgraded USA and only ONE notch. The bond market has staged a revolt and we have French bonds and cost of borrowing BELOW USA despite it being 2 levels below USA credit wise. the rest of the world appears to have had enough. My view anyhow and so too the bond markets yields reflect this view.

Cost of bonds is rising and USA has not issued any long term debt. It has, but the US fed has reversed the issues by buying them. Despite this yields are 1.3% higher late 2013.

Can the USA change its stance on tax ? Yes sure it can, it can also cut spending. Obama and his inept government just agreed on budgets for 2014 and 2015 with none of this. No tax hikes, no real spending cuts. the deficit for 2017 or my estimate is hard to be altered at this late stage.

Simply put, USA in terms of income and corporate tax is taking as a percentage of GDP a number 50% below what it was in 2000 as tax. It is taxing LESS, and the end result is the totally inexperienced US government is being bled dry. Of course they are experienced but this Obama government has the lowest ratio of any government of people with outside experience in it ever.

In short the finances are fried.

Tipping point ? Well yep , I don't know, but I waited and have been watching this issue for many years. I waited till the Bond market spat its dummy till I commented. US bond rates rose 1.3% for 10 years and 30 years. No announcement was made, this is NOT a positive for the market looking forward. Increased cost of borrowing for listed companies will place pressure on earnings. THIS will be partially reflected in the numbers out for last quarter 2013 released early 2014.

Peak oil. Again a pet topic.
I was a peak oil person but only in one sense. traditional oil.

USA declared the tar sands of Canada open for production in 2005. It declared 185 billion barrels of dirty tar sands that require around 30% energy to produce them as open for production. Basically opening the door for every and any other non traditional form of oil production. Tar sands produce an ultra heavy tar like substance after heated to 80 degrees C which is full of heavy metals. So if they were going to do that, my view changed in 2006 about peak oil.

Pre that point since about 2000 I had been noting a creeping up in demand, a fall in the capacity to over supply via OPEC which by 2003 I thought was dwindling and hence I was very bullish on oil then.

USA and their decision, all without debate, basically made CSG a clean alternative compared to tar sands, made fracking of shale oil and gas also clean.

It also meant Kyoto and climate change warnings were a waste of time in 2005. That is I do believe the science of burning fossil fuels is harmful, don't get me wrong there, but if your going to decide to produce the nastiest type of oil burning 30% of the energy to produce a single barrel, limits on burning of fuels will never stick and already China and India were going get lost and USA was not interested.

To make the climate change debate worse, the models WERE WRONG. Seen in 2012, yes the world is warming, it will have effects but estimates and timelines VERY wrong in estimated impacts timeline. yes they will happen I have no doubt, but allowing themselves to be open to this ridicule has left the climate change side looking like Y2K followers when i do believe its a real topic for our grand-kids. Sadly, it will be another 20 years till they recover.

Either way USA in 2005 declaring TAR sands open, it all went out the window then. China not playing ball or India, I actually saw our effort a small nation isolated as quite stupid personally. I say this not to annoy you, just the fact that if 90% of the world does nothing, it will fail. If we do it at great cost, its pointless.

As to peak oil. Peak traditional oil, drill a well get oil out YES I agree.
As non traditional oil is NOW open, for me it put MORE production coming via these avenues over time. CSG into LNG, Shale Gas , shale oil, tar sands. With Tar sands some very big deposits not yet in production Venezuela has large ones. its messy and slow but again takes pressure off traditional oil sources.

In terms of CSG, Shale oil and Gas to me they added another 20 years to peak oil, not by themselves but with Tar sands and something I thought maybe 2025, for me is way out 2040 or so if you take non traditional forms already on the table.

Even when we get there, I sadly know what will happen and that will be other nastier forms of non tradition oil. If TAR sands uses 30% of the energy produced to get a single barrel, worst of the worst is Coal to liquids. That takes 40% of energy to produce.

Any hydrocarbon can be turned into say petrol. It just takes more energy. Does this mean when the CSG which are deeper coal deposits are used up, they dig them actually up and turn them into fuel ? Possibly.

So for me if I look logically at the issue peak oil, using non traditional is NOT until 2100 or latter.

What is and did change in 2003 besides traditional oil and it hitting a peak, is CHEAP OIL, cheap energy is gone. Oil price broke up and I wrote many articles 2002-12 on this. These non traditional types take an oil price NOT at $20- a barrel or as I had an issue with Steve Forbes of Forbes magazine in 2005, oil CANNOT go back to $40-. it can, but no money will be spent on development of non traditional oil which is costly messy and slow.

During the GFC the oil price, we briefly visited $145- on the top, too far as it would have destroyed world economies, at $33- the other side, at that price no new much needed production would happen.

Bottom line there is a long term support for oil. At least for NOW.

I live in hope for a clean new type of energy sometime in my life, fusion ? Something not even thought about.

Other alternatives to fossil fuels and viable ones with some interesting work ALGAE and massive ponds both producing oxygen and being turned into a bio fuel may be viable commercially at some stage. Something that reverses CO2 and is clean.

All of these things other than some magical breakthrough are functions of price of energy. ALGAE I am sure they could produce a barrel of fuel for $500- vs the current spot around $100-. Its not a commercial option until it hits $100- without a lot of support. What I do think may be possible is that over time without support these alternatives MAY be able to be produced at $100- and below.

Anyhow just my view on this topic. Apologies if I have upset likely many with this view but I have written papers on most aspects of energy for many years from coal to shale to LNG and CSG and 10 forms of green energy from solar to wave and deep rock stuff oh and I have a comprehensive understanding of the Nuclear side.

I do no longer believe in peak oil as such. Or even peak energy. there will be bottlenecks and if the price falls it will cause disruptions in long term supply if it happens, but nope, Canada and the Tar sands put all debate out the window, or up the chimney for me in 2005.

take care

bit long, bit heavy ...

its part of the Christmas thing,

Starts .....


For a long time I have wondered how central banks could have missed the GFC and its lead-up. In late 2013 I am even more in amazement of the lack of understanding and common sense being displayed on all levels.

If you have ever seen the comic Rowan Atkinson, who plays Mr Bean I was wondering where he went ? Well Mr Bean, is visiting Australia and he is now the deputy head of the Bank Of England. Like my favourite episode of the Comedy where Mr Bean cooking the Christmas Turkey eventually gets it stuck on his head, I was amused to be able to recognise the deputy Bank Of England Chief immediately when his picture appeared in the paper today.

His quote : "Historians will judge Ben Bernanke as one of the Great Central bankers" was the give-away along with the roast turkey on Mr Beans head.

Here is the PDF ,,,Oh and yes the deputy head of the bank of England is someone who called Charles Bean


  • A Nation On Food Stamps.pdf
    126.9 KB · Views: 11
Whatever !!!

Whatever …. like a sullen teenager I say this.

Having spent the last 6 weeks looking over events 2002-2007 and now able to prove how CPI was understated at one stage by 5% pre GFC and unemployment, very tight PRE GFC at 4.3% low was altered from it being shown it was LIKELY under 3% AT some stage pre GFC … both which would have caused any other central banks to raise rates 3-4-5% above what they did. The US federal reserve and system just swept that event under the carpet and went and acted surprised when the GFC came along.

WHATEVER …. it has taken me 250 pages to provide links and to show how it was done, but who cares ? The people who owned indexed bonds to the USA CPI were ripped off 15% over 5 years 2003-2007 by this understating of CPI. People expecting pensions linked to CPI and indexed, also got ripped off.

In some ways needed to deaden the blow of what's coming but for those who retired in 1980 they had a fantastic Social Security income vs those coming post 2015.

Again its a WHATEVER. People do not care about past history, I do, but only to be able to see what is going on right NOW.

Chapter 6 or a whole new book needs a lot of work. Its sad and to know how they did it then, and then to what is going on now, the picture is grim.

I have actually read all my comments from 1999 and 2000 and 2007-2009, they make interesting reading ... but again WHATEVER.

Since I now read articles being cut and pasted and a classic in the FT about how junk bonds now do not relect risk ... its again whatever.

Meanwhile we hit new highs ... or the USA does. Australia still has that gap and 50% below USA and UK and German equities, maybe some of it closes .... a bit in 2014 but even this i find had.

I have sadly reached a conclusion.

last time it was a nuclear event I talked about the 40-65% correction. Things being bombed back to glass and how it got there.
having spent 24 months and a lot of time, money and effort on systems for myself ... and to make the next 30 years easier.

Rather than boor people with 270 pages of reasoning .... the ELE event ... the once in 100 year correction ... the 65-90% fall in equity prices .... ones that occur well but once normally in 150 years .... last one for the USA was 1929. NASDAQ and its 88% loss was on a specialty index. Oh and prior to you scoffing China had one post GFC .... its peak I laughed about the 6,000- and its low ? the Nikkei in 1990 ... well its low ... we all know was not a good one in 2009.

But I am proud to announce after having my own results audited ... twice ... the chances of a Massive correction in the ELE region is now over 61.4% . yawn .... its like that in a rising market. Everyone is a genius ... even the chimp smearing its poo on a stock chart for your selections is beating the market.

This ELE chance is normally under 5%, it rises , each year post 2014, by 5%. In very short when your declaring a budget deficit reducing at 100 billion and the contingent unfunded liabilities are rising at 5.2 trillion in 2014 or a rate 50 time that and the ACTUAL impact of these liabilities are HERE .... in 2014 ... baby boomers born in 1949 step on down as you turn 65 .... this rises 5% each year out to 2020.

By then its assured. Its basically assured now, Obama a great orator but hopeless at math. How can anoyone who is not an idiot look at the 2018 budget and the corporate tax extimate of income and not go, compared to 2014 thats 87% higher and 76% higher over infaltion ? Or do the same with income tax 30% over inflation ? Or go to the expnese side and question the actual numebrs let alone the totals of thos eover the age of 65. USA with the longests and biggest babay boom from 1948-64, in 2014 has the smalles timapct on budgets of any nation. the lowest percenateg of those over the age of 65 in any nation OECD developed ones that is in 2040 when in reality USA had the biggest baby boom of any nation both longer and stronger, yet the budgets have it all removed.

I go Whatever. Sadly whatever. Since like in 2007 the same players are either there or pulling the strings, I suggest that the likely stopping point eventually will be in the 80-90% loss of capital region. Hopefully it does not take like Japan 20 years to get there.

On another note. the US fed declared it will NOT mark to market its bonds. It has suspended its mark to market and since there are only two reasons for this, one is an illiquid market .... or the other .. an intention to hold bonds until maturity.

I am proud to announce the USA Federal reserve has frozen its capaitla levesl at 55 billion. It will not be decalring the 330-350 billion it lost on bonds in 2013 if they were marked to market. Since 2.3 trillion of these bonds have 30 years Maturity the USA federal reserve has announced to China it expects them to fund the USA federal resevres postiion which is in fact owned by the USA treasury and fund it at zero percent till 2044. China may be better just to hand over its 3.89 trillion in FX reserves right now in 2014 and save 30 years of being paid nothing for them.

All of this a whatever as the market rises to new highs.

It is frustration that massive moves to the goal posts such as the USA Federal reserve openly declaring war on everyone and its intention to fund the 4.3 trillion balance sheet at zero percent forever is going to occur.

Honestly if I was Chinese, I would buy other currencies, metals, even multinationals. Whilst overvalued at 200% of value, its much better than losing 75% by funding it for 30 years.

Must go actually confirm this, I noticed over the weekend despite one report during 2013 showing reserves had slipped to a mere 36 billion and that was prior to the awful bond yield rises late 2013, the USA federal reserve had adopted NO revaluation policy and there are only two reasons for that, one is an illiquid market ... which is not possible when the US fed itself is buying everything in sight ... or was ... or the unannounced intention to make lenders lend at zero percent for 30 years. So instead of mark to market its just amortized over the 30 years.

So the USA on top of its 17.3 trillion debt, the 11 trillion in agency debt it underwrites, its now added another 4.1 trillion of bond positions that went wrong to funding needs. I think I missed that memo !!

Market goes WHATEVER .... my RISK model goes #$^@#$^#$^ as does anyone else s .. Obama gives a good speech he practiced in the mirror for hours about changes which will never occur and the market ignores it all rises to a new high.

Is it a big think the USA just declared a need to fund another 4.2 trillion for 30 years or not ? the USA federal reserve has clearly suspended mark to market of Bonds and frozen its capital at 55 billion. If one takes the money being borrowed from social security and pensions and the debt at near 13 trillion adding another 4.3 trillion to be funded, at zero please ... for the next 30 years, is the bond market going to react well longer term or not to this ? Maybe they will not react. But by 2018 with another 6 trillion in debt will they react ? Or by 2020 with 8 trillion ?

Whatever is all i can say. Never seen anything like it even pre GFC. ELE ... NOT Nuclear this time ... not 40-65% falls this time this round ... the arrogance of this cabal of nitwits knows no bounds so its 65-90%.

Imagine sneaking in buried in the USA Federal reserves reports the fact we wish you ... the funders of our debt to accept zero percent for the next 30 years.

WHATEVER .... the market is going to the moon. I am a genius ... I made money when its going up. Catch you on the way back down, where it peaks ? I really dont know. this was a serious if not earth shattering in your face announcment and declaration by a borrower to go nope ... we intend NOT to issue long bonds to fund it, which even when the US treasury issued the US fed purchased more ... the USA Fed will borrow 4 trillion at zero for 30 years.

So maybe if the Chinese just hand over their FX reserves NOW it may delay the start of this correction till 2022. Thats how big the holes get, a hole in 2030 that is the actual size of all the Chinese FX reserves in 2014.

Market Yawns, goes WHATEVER ... and rises.

Me, I do so too. resigned to watch with a weird fascintaion. I did so early 2008 on the rally that all was safe. Some of my comments during that rise, I rode it up for a bit, Knowing if you make it illegal to short banks they will rally, but it doesn't change the fact as I said in January 2008 about Citibank by late 2008, Citi without a direct injection of 300 billion, without virtually unlimited funding it was broke vai any definition of the word pre GFC, and COO of that company in 2008, jack Lew is the USA treasury secretary in 2014 ? A man who openly admits not much knowledge about risk ?

WHATEVER .... I watch with that morbid knowledge of what is about to occur. Maybe delusional but in 2000, 2007,2008 even 2009 ... I wish i was wrong ... but since I just had a very good team of statisticians and actuaries go over my models to make sure ... I honestly do hope I am wrong.

I have no desire to see what is about to happen ... happen. but when a goverment and central bank doesn't mention the fact they intend to fund an extra 4 trillion on top of 28 trillion with 128 trillion in unfunded liabilities coming their way ... I just have to go


Bottom line the USA fed will NOT be declaring a loss. the bonds will be run till maturity thas 30 years for 2.3 trillion of them and China has said they are willing just to hand over their 3.89 trillion in FX reserves to help the US federal reserve fund this disaster ....

NOT true ... other than the US fed not revaluing or declaring any loss .... it intends to run these bonds till maturity !!

Did they include profits lost from sitting out the bull markets. Especially the fastest smoothest one since Eve went long forbidden apples?

I mean what is the point? Once a bear market starts its not like you wake up the next day and find 90% of all your companies market cap has disappeared and your bank has closed. What is the plan? Continually shorting a rising market? Nope! Stand aside and watch it rise? Nope thats more costly than taking a hit once it does turn.

I never try and estimate stupidity ... how far they will take things. Shorting is doing that.

Sitting out of a rising market ... well opportunity cost is at 3% now .... since I goth the others much closer ... 2007 and 2000 not too fussed either way.

Deciding when a market is going down always amusing. Like the broker who said never catch a falling knife ... even for a blue chip company. When did he decide it was going up ? he knew no concept of VALUE and as such like his mate recommending a stock from $10- to $1.16 ... same stock again no idea.

When FMG the stock in question in 2007 was over $10- I thought it had too much debt and was idiotically prices. when it fell below $2- I loved it.

this is the opposite .... when to exit. On the downside the broker eventually likely thought it was going up at $2.25 vs a low of $1.16. since things were madness at the time ... even lowered my safe zone and it spent 3 days in total BELOW the $1.50 mark. Back then I preferred buying at $1.38 average vs his entry of $2.25.

In 2014 as in 2007 the question was and is the top ....

being bullish when a market in the USA has tripled ? Just as bullish as you were at 666 in the S+P 500 vs 1,868- now ?

Having run a thread for 9 years real time I have had this discussion so many times its amazing but in 2004,5,6,7 corrections my pet stocks then WPL or BHP or CSL .... in an 8% correction they went down 23% normally.

When do you decide the market overall is going down ? or its a bigger long term correction. In 2000 the day the NASDAQ hit 5,000 was the day i exited US stocks ... the day the 2007 peak was hit ... same day I exited the stock. i am yes having issues with missing this one. Still whats lost the short term i really don't care.

If I was using say a trailing stop loss, where do i place it. if I have the correct stocks .... ones which advanced the most into the GFC peak ... in a small normal healthy correction of the overall market shedding 8% they shed 20% and BHP and WPL did it numerous times as did CSL or my pet JBH back then ... same story different times.

I prefer to sell into a rising market NOT wait till even blind Freddy knows its going down.

Conversely when everyone hates stocks ... knowing what I think is VALUE for the stocks ... I much prefer someone giving me FMG at sub $1.50 and not paying over 60% more when its safe to buy them.

I don't doubt Australia which needs to rise 50% to meet the same equity levels as the USA could rise a bit more and play catchup to where UK USA and Germany are possibly in 2014. I do however think its unlikely and my exit, right or wrong is on what the world index's follow and in 2007 I got the USA very close top exit and entry in 2009 .

Maybe you could tell me how you decide its a major correction or a bigger one and how you exit ? How do you get out ? By the time its 10% down the stocks usually the favorites I hold have been hit harder than the overall market. they also rise higher than the market hopefully in a climbing index.

I have tried various things and yep trailing stops but being able to see the roadblocks ... rightly or wrongly is what I prefer to use. Obviously you are a bull which is fine and it makes the marekt go round.

No problemo there you fell the Marekt is rising and hold your shares. I was wondering how or if you ever decide the marekt is going to have a correction ever. Say a 15% one which i find tends to wipe cloe to 30% off my idnividual share favs prices. Obvioulsy i feel we have a doosey coming .... a 50% plus correction coming.

We agree to disagree, but maybe you could share how you exit shares ? Or if you ever do ? Would love to hear the perspective from the other side. I find grating deep in the money options pretty worthless, I find usuing a trailing stop loss a bit worthless without a reference to the actual index. that is I have and run a stop loss on a share if it performs worse than the index than say 25% and tariling. So I buy it, it goes 10% higher than the index, if it trades 15% below the index in relative terms I go ... ok i am wrong and exit.

But what if ? Your a bull ... but one day decided like me to take risk off the table and exit. Do you wait till there is a clear trend going down and exit your shares at double the rate the index has shed ?

As to daily moves. Being an old fart ....I remember 1987 ... I was a trader at a bank then and it was OVERNIGHT .. it was out of the blue and it was one followed by the next and within just 3 weeks it was 36% off its highs and it lost 34% of them in 3 weeks.

I was around in 1982 .... still with banks but there were w hole series of brutal 10% moves ....

In 1990 the new breed of experts were in and that was fun ... 10% in 3 weeks.
then 17% in 6 weeks ... just over 20% in 9 weeks.

I could go on, but markets do sometimes go down. My preference to sell into extreme strength into roadblocks both fiscally, technically and mechanical ones but also VALUE based is my method. It works. Converse into extreme end of the day events.

so what is an exit strategy ? Or is there one ? Even if its not here ? Selling at 1550 in 2000 in the S+P 500 and buying it half that in 2002 and selling at 1,576 in 2007 and buying at 666 in 2009 and exiting here ... at yep wrong ... 1,810- I am not going to cry.

End result post 2000 ? is 5 times. I wait and I just miss the top, think it will bounce and hold too long. Eventually my stop loss kicks in and its not pretty when it occurs. So rather than endure pain I sometimes leave some on the table for others. opportunity cost.

Is there another method maybe you have ?
Oh ...

and since I know we are looking at things from opposite sides ...

PRE GFC. the high ...

Don't know or honeslty care if it was the high. Down under 5% invested. Up to 95% in cash. SMSF is 15% invested. Quite a change from the 122% for trading at 5,480 and 100% in the SMSF.

Cut and paste this, put it into Google and you may actually learn sometimes people tell the truth :} just the tow lines above. Sorry ... spelling is wonky was in a hurry back then.

But would appreciate a reply on a better way to exit ... I have tried and thought about this. When i feel we have a massive correction coming even deep in the money options totally fail .... If I waited post October 2007 ... did the early 2008 correction get me out ? It fell rapidly early Jan 2008 and bounced but never back to the highs did make it back to 1,440 when they banned short selling but ... well short of the 1,576 exit. even if I was lucky enough to get the exact high of the bounce it had visited 1,270- on the downside prior to this min bounce in May 2008. One was 19.4% off the highs ... if a managed to exit at 1,440 vs 1,576 ... better ... but unlikely only 9.44% off the high.

Unlikely one totally exited even there for the simple reason, that if you saw the VALUE and SAW the risks going off the scales and saw the exit correctly I am not sure you would have seen it at any other time on the way down ... to be able to sell on a bounce with a changed view when the bounce is still 9.44% below the previous high ? Unlikely.

Anyhow any ideas appreciated.
Anyhow any ideas appreciated.

Sorry mate with all due respect you haven't a clue how to manage risk. Its clear. You are painting a story like its impossible to profit in a rising market because you will lose it all on a turn. If that is the case then it is always been the case, markets always whip around. What are you saying? Don't get in ever because you may not win 100% of the time?

And of course you can say "yeah but now it has ran too far". Which it has, its a long way from where the bears expected it to be. In the meantime you have been advocating missing out on this.

I just don't see what you have offered as an answer other than fear and loss.
I find your writing style a little confusing and in this day and age - long-

are you saying you were long pre GFC and sold at the high and have since been uninvested ever since due to the fact you see another massive fall coming?
I find your writing style a little confusing and in this day and age - long-

are you saying you were long pre GFC and sold at the high and have since been uninvested ever since due to the fact you see another massive fall coming?

If that was the question to me, YES.

I sold in 2007 went long into late 2008 early 2009.

I sold the lot because yes I fear another correction.


I have no idea how to handle risk ? Reducing as a market goes up and hits all time highs ? then when no one likes it ... as in 2002-03 or late 2008-09 ... buying.

Risk I asked how you exit stocks ? or reduce risk or if you do ?

I didn't tell you you have no idea. If you sold at 1,550- and purchased at 666 prepared to reduce risk into all time highs and add at lows less than half of it, that is the essence of good risk management.

I am not suggesting you loose your shirt other than MAYBE this is a generational change in risk. I believe so and have shared why along with my view and factual backing for that conclusion.

Pre 2007 people believed PDN ... Palladin was worth over $10- I had the view fully valued long term it was worth $1-.

The market overall today in 2014 believes for the S+P 500 its worth the index 1,870- I believe on historic valuations its between 75% and 125% OVERVALUED. So does numerous other measures. Not just my own value index, TOBINs is showing 76% over valued a lot of the forward P?E methods at 110-125% ...

I was honestly wondering if you ever actually take it all off the table ? All risk. I tend to be more proactive than most, but this is, sadly for me the third time in 15 year I have removed all risk. I shared why in 2014, did so in 2007 and shared a way to read why then, I did so in 2000.

Do you have any way of managing RISK or assets
My perspective as both a value based investor but also a technical one and mixed with this a very good respect for risk I am wondering if you do anything when a share market rallies to levels it cannot sustain.

I shares what I did in 2007 and chose to exit it all, eventually entering and even leveraged in march 2009.

If there is a better way of managing risk ? I would serious love to hear it.

Obviously you believe the market goes up, and I am an idiot for selling out.

Its been said before. I notice you asked me or thought I had been short or out since 2009, since I was leveraged at the low, the answer is NO.

I am however here, late 2013 and early 2014 extremely concerned about the valuations on the UK USA and German markets.
As I had and have repeated Australia which valuation wise is needing to rise 50% just to catchup to advances post GFC 2009 lows to now ... Australia is well insulated for some of the fall as it was in 2000. If I am correct and we have a bigger fall we eventually will follow the USA correction.

What did you do during the GFC ? 57% wipe-out ? Australia is NOT back there and needs to actually rise 40% to catch up to that on an inflation wise basis.

Sorry was after another possible way ? If there is. Since I wrote most of the risk management systems for quite a few institutions I believe I have a handle on risk, but thanks. Will go read what you were doing in 2007.


Wow just looked for some 2007 record trembling hand. 7,000 post in a year. In 16 years, on every site I contribute to I have not posted that many times.

Yeah was waiting for this gem.....

Started to talk about the changing market here on November 16, 2007,

8 days after the high.

Then here I started to warn about using 5 year old strategies in a bull market that was finished. 5 days before the very last high that turns into a record breaking point and % loss and record number of consecutive down days,

Then the morning before the market opened to set the first lower high in 5 years I posted this,

"Its all over"

Then this,


Now back to you and your claim that you have to be out, much lower. Are you ever wrong? Because all the post above still go on about being out or else. meanwhile the market keeps going up. Why if you are such a smart cookie wouldn't one advise just to run an index filter and lose the fear.

Well done bravo.

Of course I am wrong. i am wrong now I exited USA at 1,810- and its 1,870.

Loose Fear ? Well I call it RISK and respect for risk. By an index filter you mean what ? I do always run a filter on any share if it performs vs the index too much below it I exit the stock.

thanks for sharing ... bravo ... different ways to bite the cherry. I suppose I look at things very different to you and very different I mean different planet. You in 2009 April said it all, that you MISSED the biggest bear rally in ages and are of the belief you will unlikely see another.

I would have agreed with you then, about seeing another. Here in 2014 I am back sadly to report I believe its happening again. I think you can read mine I saw it coming in 2007 even the why.
My perspective reading on even longer than yours, it hit the low in March 2009 i am talking about 4,975-5,000 as the next target, when it was 1,000- points below that, maybe arrogant of me, but its there.

If you have something that will or possibly I could add to my bag of tricks I am all ears. You saw a short term peak in 2007. I saw something I clearly described as a capital destruction event. Even took the time at 6,850 talking how we got to 4,000- it was the nuclear correction which is a 40-65% one.

Different ways to skin a fish, but if you have some policy on exiting other than chart wise ? I do use a mechanical monster and then a few other things, value, RISK and stupidity.

If you call my respect of risk, fear thats ok.

Opinions vary
Loose Fear ? Well I call it RISK and respect for risk. By an index filter you mean what ?
Err any of 101 ways that simple trade management dictates (certain number of periods below a MA, a lower higher then a lower low, etc ). All of which haven't been triggered since 2008.

My point always to the Bears, which you never get an answer to, is what if you are wrong? How do you manage the event of you standing aside and the market leaving you behind considering that it is yet to produce one long term sell signal in years. And when it does you can be out in a day/week/whatever. No real harm done.

Since mid 2009 we have had endless calls for test of the lows. All backed by convincing intellectual arguments as to the trouble we are in (funnily enough not from the countries that probably will cause the next meltdown). Yet up we go. How many have read the stuff like the above posts and have expected to wake up next week with the market cut in half over night? And so haven't done anything in a long time. When in fact intellectually thats a really dumb idea. Everyone has opportunity that is managed with a simple sell button...... again no harm done.
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